[BL douujin] [Fiction] A life controlled by the keyboard-10 chapters in total

[BL douujin] [Fiction] A life controlled by the keyboard-10 chapters in total

《被键盘控制的人生》 第1~10章 让让!让让!诶!!..... A sharp pain in the calf,Fell uncontrollably towards the road fangs,The object in your hand flies out,After get off work, the freshly squeezed juice bought downstairs from the company rolled on the ground for a while and spilled all over the floor.,Fortunately, there is a briefcase blocking it,Did not knock on the road teeth。 "I said you walk and watch,...

"A life controlled by the keyboard"

Chapter 1~10

Let let! Let let! Eh! !…..
A sharp pain in the calf,Fell uncontrollably towards the road fangs,The object in your hand flies out,After get off work, the freshly squeezed juice bought downstairs from the company rolled on the ground for a while and spilled all over the floor.,Fortunately, there is a briefcase blocking it,Did not knock on the road teeth。
"I said you walk and watch,Why don't you go to the middle of the main road? ! You shouldn't have touched porcelain! "I don't know who I should call uncle or grandpa,Bike on one foot,It's like drooling under the street lamp,Pointing to Wu Yang who is still lying on the ground,A few vague swear words pop out from time to time。
Wu Yang bought this suit,It's almost a year since graduation,He never thought that his life would be so fulfilling after he left university,Enriched to the point that he gave up a lot of things that he can't remember now。He patted his pants,I couldn't pat off the wheel marks on the calf after a few strokes,Sighed helplessly。
"I'm sorry..." I didn't forget to bend down slightly when I said it.,He doesn't have the energy to take care of these,It’s just a little distressed that there is only an empty glass of freshly squeezed juice on the ground,That’s to celebrate and reward myself for leaving get off work early today,Haven't had a few sips yet。There were some people who stopped,Seeing there seems to be no excitement to watch,And quietly return to the crowd。
Wu Yang rented an apartment outside the Fourth Ring Road,It takes three hours to drive to and from get off work every day,The only advantage is that I live close to my cousin Wu Yu University。
therefore,Wu Yang received a big gift not long ago,His cousin Wu Yu came to him for college,Wu Yu was spoiled by his parents since childhood,Very used to him,I'm afraid he can't live in the school dormitory,So I gave him to Wu Yang。It's annoying that Wu Yang's parents also like Wu Yu,Maybe he has a lively temper,The family always needs such a living treasure。This makes Wu Yang difficult,After a year of work, it’s hard to stabilize,Small apartment to rent,Another brother came in,After returning home, the last freedom is gone。
Cough! Out of the elevator,Attempting to turn on the voice control light failed again,Wu Yang can't remember how long this lamp has been broken,I just remember that I have searched for the property at least ten times。Still have time to turn on the phone's lighting in the future,He found his door was hidden,The living room light is still on,Could it be a thief? But Wu Yu is still at home。
Thinking of this, Wu Yang sprinted almost instantly,Open the door and look around inside the house,Very neat,No sign of being thief。
"Wu Yu! Are you at home? Wu Yu?" Wu Yang called twice,No one answered,I was so scared that Wu Yang didn't have time to take off his shoes,Just ran to Wu Yu's room,Door closed,Wu Yang has even made up for the bizarre picture of Wu Yang being held hostage.,But they all crumbled completely with the moment the door was opened。
A semi-naked man lying on the bed,Red basketball jersey,The shorts fell to the knee,I also wear a pair of black sneakers on my feet,The meat stick between the legs,But his face is covered by a towel,The chest keeps violent ups and downs,There is a constant murky gasp in the mouth。
Wu Yang was shocked and speechless,Froze there,The crotch raised his head dishonestly,This picture is only available when watching movies,He, this super deep cabinet, can't even believe that what is happening in front of him is the real thing!
"Wu Yu? Xiaoyu?" Wu Yang swallowed.,Approach carefully,He can even smell the sweat from the man on the bed,Suddenly Wu Yang's whole face became hot,Lifted off the towel covering the man's face,Below is a completely strange face,Looks very young,It's about the same age as Wu Yu,Short hair with a spirit,But the most chilling thing is,The eyes of this guy,Eyes open,His eyes seemed to pass through Wu Yang,Regarding Wu Yang as nothing,Wave in front of it,This guy is like a wax figure,If it weren’t for his intense breathing and flushing on that face, it would prove that he was a living person,The more I watched, the more panicked I put the towel back。
The boy who couldn't help but touched his chest,The warm touch made Wu Yang's heart tight,Judging from the current situation,Doesn't this guy let himself be slaughtered? Wu Yang thought of this,Involuntarily looked down the boy's body,The towering meat stick is still jumping at this time,Horse eyes keep squeezing out mucus,The roots of the pubic hair are already wet。Wu Yang touched his hand uncontrollably,But it soon occurred to me that my cousin still didn’t know where he was going.,Suddenly wake up。
"wrong,Where's Xiaoyu? Wu Yu! Wu Yu! "Wu Yang yelled twice again,I scanned the room all over,The room is not big,After looking at the closet and the bottom of the bed,He confirmed that Wu Yu was not at home,But how does the person on this bed explain it? Thinking about Wu Yang's gaze was attracted by the laptop on the desk。
Computer is on,It took two steps closer to see that it was full of text,Wu Yang didn't want to see it,It seems better to call the police now,Thinking about it, I picked up my phone and dialed 110.,Pick up the phone and put it to your ear,The eyes still look at the content on the computer screen unconsciously,Just a few lines shocked Wu Yang,Quickly hang up the outgoing call!
【December 22,After today's game,Senior Feng Qi of the club will accept my invitation to be a guest at home,In my room he would follow me,He will be like a toy,No thoughts and no emotions,Until i send him away。Cousin tonight]
Wu Yang was confused by this text,But when I saw the state of the person in bed, I felt a little thoughtful and terrified,And the last obviously unfinished text is about yourself。Wu Yang's heartbeat speeds up,Flipped the document up quickly,Pieces of unreasonable content made Wu Yang frowned,The scariest thing is that after each paragraph, there will be "Cousin will work overtime until ten o'clock tonight to go home."。’
Wu Yang's brain buzzed,I was shocked to look again at the guy on the bed who kept breathing,Is it possible that there are really supernatural powers in this world?
Just then there was a voice outside,Wu Yang was relieved now,I quickly closed the door of my cousin's room,Stick it behind the door and listen to the movement outside,Sure enough, someone came back,That person's eight achievements is his cousin Wu Yu,Wu Yang can't help it,Never bump into it in this case,Quickly hid in the closet,Just a few seconds after closing the cabinet,The door was opened。
Wu Yang took out his phone in the dark,I quickly sent a text message to Wu Yu, "Xiaoyu,Brother may not go back tonight,Pay attention to your safety。’Actually, a freshman doesn’t need such care,It’s just that when Wu Yang saw the content on the computer just now,It's always hairy,So I sent a text message to take precautions。
The news just went out,I heard the phone ring outside the cabinet door,It seems that Wu Yu is not wrong。
"Damn! You really got Feng Qi done,What kind of medicine is so cruel! "A strange voice,There is a second person。
"Then you don't have to worry about it,It just so happened that my brother texted me that he won't be back tonight,You just sleep here。”
Wu Yang heard other people's voices,Can't help being curious,Quietly looking out from the gap in the closet,There is a tall boy standing beside Wu Yu,Very dark skin,Hair upside down,The body is very big and looks very angry,Rubbing the crotch through his shorts,Their uniforms are exactly the same as Feng Qi on the bed,Wu Yang just remembered that Wu Yu once wore this uniform and told himself that he had joined the basketball team.,Just now because of this jersey,I mistook Feng Qi on the bed for Wu Yu。
"Hey~ this relationship is good,We can be 3p till dawn tonight~" The black boy kicked off his sneakers and climbed onto the bed,Sitting on Feng Qi’s stomach, "I said where did you get the medicine?,Feng Qi usually has ADHD,Lying here now so behaved? "Speaking, he lifted the towel off Feng Qi's face, "Fuck.. trough?" ! "Presumably he was also frightened by Feng Qi's appearance.,Wu Yang still remembers the godless face in his heart at this time,The lower body is congested suddenly。
"How is it? Isn't it very sexual~" Wu Yu said and sat down at the desk,Fingers started tapping the keyboard,At the same time, he smiled intriguingly at the black-skinned boy who was surprised on the bed。
"I said it's like…"The black-skinned boy thought for a while." It's like losing his soul in an animation.,That's the feeling! Real TM stimulation。"Speaking excitedly, pinching Feng Qi's cheek,Swaying his head from side to side "too strong,How did this happen? "
"You want to know?"
"Then you might as well experience it first?"
"Wu Yu,What do you mean? "The black-skinned boy suddenly didn't smile at all,Watching Wu Yu cautiously。
"no other meanings,Just let you experience the feeling of being a toy~" Wu Yu’s tone is very relaxed,It's like joking,Still tapping the keyboard lightly while speaking。
“…,I'm not interested,old…”
The black boy kneeling on the bed suddenly stiffened,Fall forward,The body hit Feng Qi's body heavily,The two are hugging together,It's just that the room is unexpectedly quiet,Quiet and terrible。
Sure enough, there is a problem with those words,Wu Yang yelled in his heart after he was convinced of the previous guess,Can't hold back a beating heart,At the same time, there was a sense of anger,I didn't expect that I worked overtime every day because of Wu Yu, this stinky kid! If it weren't for it, it's not suitable for showing up now,I rushed out and beat Wu Yu violently。etc! What did Wu Yang suddenly think of,If I can only stay in this closet tonight,Don't you want to see a live broadcast of Erotica….
Wu Yang just thought of this,Wu Yu got up from the seat,Also climbed onto the bed,Three boys in ball jerseys squeeze into the small bed at the moment,Physical friction happens all the time。
Wu Yu turned over the black boy who was lying on Feng Qi,In the process of turning over,Wu Yang saw the familiar one through the crack of the door,Hollow,Godless eyes,Wu Yang, who was flipped and looked like a puppet, completely lifted his lower body。
The black boys' shorts were also dropped to the knees by Wu Yu,A big brown hanger popped up,Hit him directly on the abdomen,Make a snap。
"This kid is actually gay too,Still more promising than me! "Wu Yang is a little jealous at this time,My cousin is four or five years younger than him,You can already hug the left and hug the right! He is still a baby! I can only hide in the closet secretly watching my brother cheerfully,I don’t even dare to hit the hard ones below。
Wu Yu on the bed at this time has already taken off his clothes,The figure of a standard basketball boy showing a little muscle,Break his butt,Come to Feng Qi,I aimed at his erect cock and sat down。
"Hiss~" Slowly sit down with Wu Yu,Suck in his mouth,The look seems painful and intoxicated,Sat down completely soon。
'Depend on,My brother is actually a zero! ’Wu Yang almost roared in his heart,Wu Yu usually looks very stiff,Also very grumpy,But who wants to be a zero。
"Feng Qi,Now start to support,One time report。"As soon as the words come out,Feng Qi, who hadn't moved for a long time, suddenly stiffened,Then fell heavily on the bed again。
"One.." There is not much emotion in the flat report from Feng Qi's mouth.,The next second his waist straightened up again "two…three….four…Fives…"Feng Qi is like the same machine,Keep repeating the action of standing up,The number of reports mechanically in the mouth。
"Uh... woo…Oh shit…Cool…"Wu Yu put his hands behind him,His body was shaken on Feng Qi's body more than "Damn…If you look good enough to make a fuss at the girl every day...grass! "Wu Yu clamped Feng Qi's head with a pair of her socks,Rough feet are rubbed on Feng Qi's face,Makes the sound of its counts blurred。
"Fuck...! Give me... hurry up..." Wu Yu slapped Feng Qi several times with his big feet,despite being insulted,Feng Qi's body still fluctuated violently like a motor, "Ow, ooh.…what…"Wu Yu's voice became louder and louder.,even a little harsh,I guess the neighbors heard it.。
Wu Yang was huddled in the closet at this time.,It's all numb,I'm trying to change my posture quietly,But the pile of clothes slipped under my feet,Immediately loses body balance,fell out of the closet。
Wu Yu, who was moaning wildly on Feng Qi, was frightened by this movement.,sit up straight,Looking at Wu Yang in surprise。
Looking at Wu Yang in surprise…Looking at Wu Yang in surprise,Looking at Wu Yang in surprise,Looking at Wu Yang in surprise。
Looking at Wu Yang in surprise,Looking at Wu Yang in surprise,Looking at Wu Yang in surprise。
Looking at Wu Yang in surprise,It's all your fault! "As he said that, he threw himself on the bed.,A look that wants to beat Wu Yu。
"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…bro, listen to me…"Wu Yu was embarrassed。
"Explain the shit,These two in your bed,those things written on your computer,Makes me work overtime every day,Just for you to do this at home! "While talking, Wu Yang is really getting angry.。
"elder brother,If you dare to beat me,I'll tell your parents! Just wait to be scolded! "Wu Yu got hard on the contrary.。
"Don't think I dare not,You won't explain this to me today,i will beat you。"Wu Yang released Wu Yu,Stood up,Eyes fixed on this dishonest brother。
"Eh,Just... just... I don't know what's going on,I think there are too many ads in WPS.,I went to the Internet and downloaded a cracked version.. Who knew this thing was very weird,write what comes true,no matter how outrageous。”
"I understand this,But why is this thing cheap for you? Say! Did someone take it on the road? "Wu Yang was dubious.。
"Ouch,really true,How do you want me to explain! "
"Tell you,I have to find a balance when you make me work overtime every day! give me your computer,Let me also realize the following wishes。"Wu Yang sat in front of the computer and was about to type.。
"Hey! bro, wait... don't scribble,This really can come true。"Wu Yu is a little nervous,He swallowed a little uncomfortable。
"rest assured,I'm your brother, can't I be as careless as you are?。”
"No, I watched you write。”
"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write。
【December 22,"No, I watched you write
"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write。"No, I watched you write。
"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write。”
"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write,"No, I watched you write
【December 22,From today onwards, Wu Yu will follow Wu Yangyan's advice]
"Brother! What are you doing!" Wu Yu saw that his name was added,tingling scalp,He knew something was wrong,Going to grab the laptop,But Wu Yang's voice immediately rang in his ears。
"You must not bang this computer from today。”
Wu Yu's body staggered.,Reluctantly stand on the table,I want to steal the computer,But whenever I think of it,It's like losing control of your hands。
"Wu Yang,You are too much! you remember me! "
"Xiaoyu,I haven't done anything yet,These two on the bed you continue,I lost my computer。"Wu Yang said,Gently flicked Wu Yu's already weak cock,After that, he picked up the computer and walked out of the room.。
"Wu Yang!!!" Wu Yuqi's face was flushed, "Feng Qi and Hu Zhifeng,Put him down for me! "
When Wu Yang heard this, his heart tightened.,He almost forgot that the two people on the bed were controlled by Wu Yu,I saw the two people on the bed sitting up blankly,The pants are still hanging on the knees,Get out of bed directly and approach Wu Yang。
"Xiaoyu,you are too naive。"Wu Yang quickly hid in his room with the computer in his arms.,Selected everything except what I wrote,delete。
Feng Qi and Hu Zhifeng, who just got up from the bed, shuddered.,Then shook his head,The two look at each other at the same time,full of doubts,Looking back, I saw Wu Yu naked,The two frowned,seems to remember something。
"Wu Yu,what the fuck did you do to me。"Hu Zhifeng rushed out first.,but tripped over the shorts that he took off his knees,fall directly to the ground。
fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground。
fall directly to the ground,fall directly to the ground,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.。
In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.
In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.。
In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,In the next second, Hu Zhifeng grabbed his neck.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.。
You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.….You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken..
"how…hiss…You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.…You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,You are so tight! "Wu Yu's mouth was broken.,Holding the wall "Wu Yu.."
“…Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu.."。
"Wu Yu…Holding the wall "Wu Yu.."…Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu.."
Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Holding the wall "Wu Yu..",Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass。
Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass
Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass。Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass,Slapped on Hu Zhifeng's ass。
There is a sound of gasping from the next door,There is a sound of gasping from the next door,There is a sound of gasping from the next door。
There is a sound of gasping from the next door

Chapter two

There is a sound of gasping from the next door,There is a sound of gasping from the next door,There is a sound of gasping from the next door,There is a sound of gasping from the next door,Stretch and sit up,Stretch and sit up,Stretch and sit up。
Stretch and sit up,The door opened。
Stretch and sit up。Stretch and sit up,Stretch and sit up,Stretch and sit up。”
Stretch and sit up。”
"You should be petting a puppy!" Wu Yu shook Wu Yang's hand away,"You should be petting a puppy!" Wu Yu shook Wu Yang's hand away。
"You should be petting a puppy!" Wu Yu shook Wu Yang's hand away,"You should be petting a puppy!" Wu Yu shook Wu Yang's hand away

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