[BL douujin] [Fiction] The basketball captain and the football captain made an activity specimen-a total of 16 chapters is over

[BL douujin] [Fiction] The basketball captain and the football captain made an activity specimen-a total of 16 chapters is over

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"Basketball Captain and Football Captain Makes Activity Specimen"

Chapter One、Routine inspection
Chapter two、Number Male One
third chapter、Football youth
Chapter Four、Football youth
chapter Five、Zhang Jun's experience
Chapter Six、Zhang Jun's experience
Chapter VII、Professor arrives
chapter eight、Liu Hao's game on
Chapter nine、Liu Hao's game
chapter Ten、Liu Hao's game
Chapter Eleven、Lin Yu's Open Class (1)
Chapter Twelve、Lin Yu's Open Class (2)
Chapter Thirteen、Lin Yu's Open Class (3)
Chapter Fourteen、Lin Yu's Open Class (4)
Chapter Fifteen、The handsome guy solves po (1)
Chapter Sixteen、The handsome guy solves po (2)

Prelude to the game

"Pass the ball! Pass the ball to Lin Yu..."
"Watch him,Don't let him score anymore..."
"team leader,Come on! ! "
Basketball court,Cheering from supporters on both sides,Shout,Just call out one after another。Under the scorching sun of June,The two teams of college students are in full swing in a fierce confrontation。
And the most dazzling center in this,Lin Yu, the captain of the red team。at this time,Lin Yu is leading his teammates to gradually defeat the opponent's defense。Scorching sun,The scorching sun burned hot on him,And what’s hotter than this is Linyu’s heart。The game is almost over,In the process,His opponent, the blue team, once had the physical advantage of the players,Once overwhelmed the red team led by Linyu in the game,But the stronger the opponent, the higher the fighting spirit of Linyu。Average height of 1 meter 85 with each other,Each is a huge man with muscles like rocks,1The meter 80 is more like a dexterous swallow shuttled in the opponent's formation。He firmly believes,"World Martial Arts,Invincible,Not to break fast",Nen relying on how powerful you are,Under the dexterous skill and speed, they will also be defeated.。
And Linyu's body is just like his style,Although it does not have huge muscles, it is very strong,Very good at dodging and breaking out。Under his steady leadership,The red team gradually found its own rhythm,Actually moved the points back step by step。
The last 1 minute,Although the red team is slightly ahead by 2 points,But the giants of the blue team did not miss any chance to try to comeback.。The ball is in the hands of the blue team,They tried to organize the last onslaught,Even if you can't win,Also evened the score,This is not a loss of face。Linyu saw the opponent's attempt,He gestured,Organize teammates to conduct positive interceptions,Fighting with opponents who are staring at you。suddenly,He suddenly exerted force,Sturdy legs rushing,Throwing away the opponent staring at him。When I ran to the back of the player's side, I suddenly stopped,Silent。At this time, the blue team player with the ball is being dragged forward by the front red teammate,Didn't feel his coming。
Lin Yu suddenly turned a cat,Stole the opponent's ball from behind in a flash,Turn around and run,"Strike!" he shouted。All this happened in the electric light flint,So that when the players on both sides reacted,He has run under the blue team's basket and is ready to shoot,The only obstacle now,It’s the blue team’s defender who looks like a wall。At this time Linyu has leaped into the air,Slender and strong arms are ready to start shooting,The other side did not show weakness,Rushed over with a roar。The blue team members are very tall,This player is no exception,At this moment, he pounced on Linyu like a tiger out of the cage。Lin Yu smiled slightly,Suddenly bend and become short,Then he turned around and walked around behind the opponent。The whole fake action is totally natural,Without any blemishes,Just when the blue team members didn’t land,ball,Got in。
There was a loud cheering on the court,more importantly,The blue team’s psychological defense completely collapsed.,The players are exhausted and without fighting spirit,In such an atmosphere,The game is over。Lin Yu led the red team to victory by 5 points.。
"Congratulations,You guys played really well" the captain of the blue team,A big eyebrow,The bearded man did not forget the etiquette,Came over and stretched out his right hand。
Lin Yu was sweating profusely at this time,Both sword eyebrows are dripping with sweat,He grabbed a towel,I rubbed it on my face abruptly,I wiped my head and shook my head by the way。Then the guy looking at each other,Bright in the eyes。Reach out and shake hands with each other to show friendship。
"You guys are also very good,Made us so hard,It's a pity too。”
"What a pity?",The other side asked inexplicably。
A smile appeared on Linyu's bronzed face,Two straight, jet-black eyebrows raised,"unfortunately,Next time you guys fight with us,It won’t be so cheap just 5 points behind.”。
Next time? Will there be another time?

Come down,Lin Yu was surrounded by crowds,Have his teammates,And his various fans,"A Lin,Good fun,All the blue teams look like bears,Standing there makes people breathless,You guys really know how to fight..." "A Lin,In the evening, a few brothers went to have a drink and celebrate what happened..." "Brother Lin is awesome..."...Lin Yu is immersed in a sea of ​​all kinds of beautiful words.,Can't help but feel a little light。"alright,Nothing in this game,But the other party is a little stupid,We just seized the opportunity,It's not as powerful as you said。But if they dare to come next time,Still beat them up! "He said that,Everyone burst into laughter。
Take a break,Lin Yu grabbed the clothes,"Brothers, please celebrate slowly,I won't accompany you to toss with you if I have something tonight! "Ahhhhh...A Lin, you are the captain,Where are you going tonight,Don't celebrate anymore? "" It's not,It's so boring without you。"Linyu took a sip of water,The Adam's apple rises and falls with the action of drinking water,Quite chic,"by,Do you think I don't want to? Today, Professor Chen’s project has entered the final critical stage.,I'll go to the project in the evening,To be closed for more than half a month,You all can't see me anymore。It is said that this time is a big national project,Several national colleges and universities in the world are working together,See you then, but I won’t be what I am now! Maybe it's written in the annals of history accidentally。"He smiled mysteriously,And raised his eyebrows,A big boy alive。

Linyu's university is a national key medical college,Lin Yu is also a medical student,When he was young, he was inspired to be a rescuer and heal the wounded,The doctor who hangs the pot,Saving thousands of lives was his childhood dream。Think about,When people gratefully thank him for his reinvention,What a psychological satisfaction。This feeling,It’s just like I completely shattered my strong opponent’s resistance,Surrender at your feet has the same pleasure。Holding this mentality,Linyu actively participates in scientific research activities of various medical schools to improve his knowledge and experience,One of them is the "Human Body Database Project" initiated by Professor Chen two years ago。
Lin Yu has a perfect body of a few catties:1.80Meter height,Shapely,muscular,No family history or genetic history,A few weeks of observations,Linyu's Cardiopulmonary System,Digestive system,The muscular system and even the reproductive system are outstanding in their peers。Lin Yu is both a participant,Also a researcher。Participate in this plan,Linyu feels not only the joy of learning new knowledge,More of infinite psychological satisfaction:If selected as the final data sample,Then his physical data will be the standard for young men throughout the country in the future,From height,Heart and lung function,Reflective ability,These standard data for muscle development,Even sperm quality,Private data such as fertility will be measured by him as a "high-quality" standard,His data is national data,And as a data standard for the "excellent" level。
Linyu is very happy today,It was not only an exceptionally exciting game that defeated the opponent with his outstanding skills and leadership。and,The "Human Body Database Project" he participated in will also enter a critical stage starting this evening.,Milestone-like achievements will begin tonight。Thought of here,He speeds up,Hurry to the small garden next to the advanced laboratory building of the medical school,Before this,He has another date。
Halfway running,He stopped suddenly,A pretty girl standing on the road beside the road,Looks like he's been waiting for his appointment。This girl is called Xu Li,Lin Yu's Girlfriend。Participated in the "Human Body Database Project" for nearly two years,The leader of the project, Professor Chen, deliberately repeatedly emphasized that men participating in the project must be virgins.,In fact, whether a virgin or not has little impact on the data of the project,But for the pursuit of perfection to the point where Professor Chen is a bit perverted,This is an intolerable flaw。In view of the stealing behavior of the people he and the people involved in the project before, it can be discovered by Professor Chen in the data,Then kick out the project,Linyu dare not neglect this matter,That he hasn't found a girlfriend for a long time。Until a certain day,He found Xu Li in the "ocean" of his suitor。The two fell in love at first sight,Then quickly establish a relationship,Of course it’s just emotionally established。
Xu Li saw Linyu,A blush flashed on the pink face。"Have you waited for me for a long time?" Linyu's face naturally brought out a bright smile.,Where is there..." Xu Li responded with a smile,"Are you hungry? I think you will have no time to eat after the game.,I brought you something to pad here。Come,Sit down and eat first..." She pointed to the park bench behind her and motioned for Linyu to sit down.。"Ugh,it is good! "Linyu readily agreed,Smiled and took the lunch box that Xu Li handed over,Sat down on the bench and ate。
The rice in the lunch box is actually very common fish-flavored shredded pork,Canteen dishes such as sweet and sour pork ribs,Linyu eats with relish,It seems that he is really hungry。Xu Li sitting aside quietly enjoying this scene,"What day will I give to meet again next time?" Watching him eat for a while,She asked softly。"Huh?" Lin Yu's face stuck in the lunch box and didn't lift it up,Just lift the lunch box,Looking at his girlfriend,Quite funny。"Longer this time,Not show up for at least a week,Two weeks is possible。You know that Professor Chen’s project has reached a critical moment,He dare not neglect。"A disappointed expression flashed across the girl's face,"Oh。。"For a moment。Linyu sees Xu Li's emotional changes,Suddenly put down the lunch box,Gave the girl a kiss on the face,The oil on the mouth directly imprinted a lip mark on the girl's face。Xu Li is not angry,Just wiped it with my hand,"Just wipe your mouth and kiss again..." she smiled。
Linyu feels like what he eats at this time,Watching the girl wipe her face,Ruddy face,He can't help feeling that the little friend in his underwear is getting wet,Then show up,Hardened... he hugged Xu Li,Whispered to her softly, "Wait for me to come back,By the time the project is over,I will give you "what you want"! "。Are all medical students,Naturally, both of you know what "what you want" is,Xu Li's face is even redder。But she did not artificially reply to Linyu,Just say "I'll wait for you...Wait for the project to be completed,Next time I see you。”
Lin Yu looked at Xu Li happily,Looked at the table again,"Huh,Hurry up...or run out of time",Suddenly he grabbed the girl's chest abruptly,Then he leaned his face over and said "Wow,So soft",A ghost laugh,And then ran away in a hurry,Only Xu Li, who was flushed and flushed, and half a box of rice on the bench。
Lin Yu was very proud after he successfully ran off the chest,The penis in the crotch is even harder,He even feels that his dick has started to harden,erection,Trembling slightly in the underwear。Linyu subconsciously helped through his pants,Thought "wait to finish this,Must fuck her well,Fuck me,Haha must be awesome,Better than flying! "。
This is destined to be an unattainable wish...

Chapter One、Routine inspection

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