[BL douujin] [Fiction] "Mature Man" Sports Student Rough Talking and Abuse Series-Completed

[BL douujin] [Fiction] "Mature Man" Sports Student Rough Talking and Abuse Series-Completed

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"Mature Man"

Remove the key,Push the car door,A long leg in dark blue trousers sticks out of the car door,The bright leather shoes refract conspicuous light in the setting sun;A tall figure got out of the car,The sound of "bang" followed,The door closes tightly,The car has been locked with a beep。
Complete each step with familiarity,As usual off work,Li Jianhao parked the car in the parking space on the left side of the Xiyuan restaurant,Randomly ordered a few dishes,Plus 2 bowls of rice as a treat after a hard day;After dinner, I walked straight to the fitness gym across the road。
The 32-year-old Li Jianhao has 8 years of fitness history,From a thin young man just out of school has become a strong mature man today,1M 85 height,90His weight in kilograms makes him look like his name,Full of masculinity;
Standing in front of the gym,He can't help feeling that time flies so fast,I entered the ranks of middle-aged men in a blink of an eye,I wanted to choose a high-end fitness club when I moved to work nearby a few years ago,Finally, I chose this gym with a little old infrastructure after comprehensive consideration.,Mainly it’s close to work,Easy to drive。
The store door is pushed open from the inside out,Revealing a bearded man's face,Eyes swept in front of you,Seeing Li Jianhao in a daze,The expressionless face can't help but smile:Jianhao,What are you doing,There will be no place to practice if you don't come in。
Li Jianhao's thoughts were interrupted before he knew he was distracted,Busy entering the door:Brother Yong,Your business is really good,So many people every day,I have to go home if I come here a while later!
The man called Brother Yong laughed:Brother,What are you talking about,I'll leave you a place even if you don't let others in!But honestly,I admire you for insisting on coming every week,It’s been a long time since our gym has met someone who can persist like you。
Li Jianhao laughed twice and didn't continue.,After thanking him, he went straight to the dressing room...
Seeing that the locker room by the door was open, I walked in and closed the door.,I hung the eco-friendly bag I carried on the hook next to it,Then the thick fingers skillfully unbutton one by one,Took off the suit,Although wearing a pure white shirt,But still can't stop that sturdy body,The shirt on the chest is straightened by two large pectoral muscles.,The buttons on the chest seem to be pulled off at any time;Is still proficient in taking off the shirt,Wearing a white vest inside,The two bulges on the chest are exposed to the air without being covered by the shirt,The hair extending from the chest also seems to be released, slightly revealing the neckline of the vest。
In order to allow customers to see their fitness results,The boss deliberately installed floor-to-ceiling glass more than one meter high in each dressing room,Li Jianhao stretched out the index fingers of his left and right hands and rubbed the two bumps on his chest a few times,Suddenly the bulge becomes more obvious;Li Jianhao couldn't help groaning slightly,It’s just that the voice is too small and no one can hear it。
Accompanied by the "click" sound,The lock on the belt was unlocked,Pull the belt out from the waist hole,Peel off the buttons of your trousers,Zip down the crotch,Suddenly the trousers fell off,Limp on the ground,Step on the right foot with left foot,Step on your left foot and take off your leather shoes,Bend down quickly and take off the stockings and calf,Put on a pair of clean white cotton socks and get up,The mirror showed a tall and strong man,Wearing a white vest,Wearing blue briefs,Top down,Li Jianhao looked at his body appreciatively:A pair of sword eyebrows,The eyes of a pair of not angry and prestige have straight nose bridges,A shaved beard on his thin lips,The chin with a slightly middle groove and the side faces on both sides are covered with dense stubble until it reaches the position of the Adam's apple.。Li Jianhao takes off his vest,Showing naked torso,Two huge pectoral muscles seem to have two one-yuan coins attached,Dark brown looks particularly conspicuous,There is a circle of dark and slightly curved hair around the nipple,The hair on the chest extends from top to bottom until the belly button gradually increases,Flows into the waistband of the briefs;Obvious contours of the eight pack abs,Muscle man,Full of thick belly hair,Denotes the integrity of the prime of life,The abundant masculinity leaked through the lower abdomen to moisturize the body hair,I bulged my right arm and touched the inch I had cut shortly ago,Inadvertently revealing dark underarms,The small dressing room seemed to be filled with a touch of sourness suddenly;Thick and dark armpit hair is a fatal attraction for both men and women。I didn't idle my left hand and rubbed the huge bag under the briefs,The crotch, which can only be held with a little effort by the broad palms, swayed as he moved back and forth.,Li Jianhao enjoys this feeling,The mass in the crotch seems to be a little bigger。
After taking another look at my body,Li Jianhao took out his sweatpants from the bag hung on the wall, slipped it into his large and thick soles and put them on his legs.,The big shorts cover the bag under the crotch tightly,But it can’t cover the two sturdy legs with dense body hair,Even a small piece of whiter thighs above the knees can be seen with thick leg hair,Then put on the vest that was taken off,Fold the changed suit after putting on the sneakers,Open the door and move the clothes to the locker、wallet、The phone is stuffed in。
There are indeed more people in the gym today,Maybe because tomorrow is saturday,Just two days off after exercise。
Walking to the treadmill, I saw several men and women already running, dripping with sweat,Others saw him come and glanced at them and continued with the unfinished movement,And the sweaty head on a treadmill near the wall is a 13 or 14-year-old boy,Looks weak and unhurried,Watching Li Jianhao come over,A pair of eyes never left him again。After a while, Li Jianhao noticed someone staring at him,Patrol,I saw the little boy over there looking at him without blinking,I can't help but smile at him, then stop paying attention,The little boy saw the strong man walking over and saw himself,Blushing swiftly,Very cute。
At this time, Li Jianhao couldn't help but feel a little complacent.,I've been working out for so long,I admire the envy of others when they see him,Among them are men, women and children,After all, there are not many handsome men with good figures,The mentality of long-term enjoyment also triggered a series of subsequent changes,It's just that he doesn't know...
Walking towards an empty treadmill,Press the switch,After setting the parameters, the treadmill slowly slides up,Li Jianhao walked up and walked up slowly,Warm-up exercises before fitness can not only protect joints from damage during fitness,It can also make people adjust their mentality,Li Jianhao turned off the power after running for 15 minutes,From the slowly slowing down speed belt,I pulled off the towel on the back of my neck and wiped my face and went straight to the barbell press area.,Take a pair of 30KG barbells from the barbell rack next to it,Lie on your back,Pick up the barbell on the ground and slowly lift it up、Lay flat,The little boy not far away could not help flushing with his dark armpit hair when he saw Li Jianhao lifting the barbell.,Li Jianhao lying on the tablet did not notice that someone was peeking at him,Still keep practicing,The cramped arms and chest muscles become more powerful,The big bag under the crotch that was protruding from lying on the back was also molested by many people's eyes.。
After 4 sets of exercises, my body is already feverish,The fine beads of sweat on the forehead were rudely dried by the towel,And body sweat can only be absorbed by the vest,The white vest on the chest has been wet with sweat,More masculine,Continue to practice the barbell push up、Butterfly clip chest、High tensioner、Pull-up improvement、Sit-ups... today I mainly practice chest、Back、Hand muscles,After an hour of practice, Li Jianhao feels refreshed all over,Humming a little song and walked into the bathroom,The bathroom is relatively simple,2The meter-high partition wall divides the whole room into small rooms,There is only a blue rain cloth at the entrance of each small room,It seems that men don’t need too much barriers,Take out the changed clothes from the locker and walk into the bathroom slowly,Randomly found an open door and walked in,After pulling down the rain cloth, he took off his clothes quickly,Turn on the nozzle,The rushing warm water went straight down,Sprinkled on all parts of the strong man。
The water flows down the hair to the face,Chest,abdomen,Part of the bifurcation flows along the legs to the floor,Partly falling from under the crotch,The hair below the chest is also smoothed by water and a pair of wide palms,The thick pubic hair on the lower body lay down obediently,Showing a soft male root,Dark green and light red blood vessels are faintly visible on the dark epidermis,Different thickness,A round head grows on the top of the epidermis,The reddish brown moment is lovable,A thin mouth in the middle of the head spouts light yellow urine,Slamming in this small room。
The next room is a little boy who just ran,Also taking a shower,It doesn’t sound like the sound of water that you know someone is peeing in the bathroom,After murmured in my heart, I didn’t have any quality, and then I continued to take a bath.,When I turned around, I found the nail holes on the wall that were previously left because the nails have been loose for a long time, and the light can be seen faintly.,The little boy felt tight,A pair of small eyes followed the hole,The man who saw the isolation in one eye was actually the strong man he saw when he was running.,The two fingers of the strong man's left hand are dragging something unique to that man,The top is draining like a faucet,Strong and powerful urinary column hits the floor,This gave the little boy a great shock! Worried about being peeked by this strong man but can't control the mood of wanting to watch,So the little boy adjusted the amount of water to the maximum to hide that he was taking a bath,Then he tiptoedly leaned against the wall,The right eye peeped through the small hole at the strong man on the opposite side,Since then, I can't move away anymore,It seems to open a brand new door。
Li Jianhao didn't know that the male body that he showed only in front of his wife was peeked,Still rubbing the body,Squeeze a little shower gel on the penis and pubic hair,Rubbed hard a few times,A lot of foam covers the pubic hair tightly,The shotgun under the crotch is too long and only has a small amount of foam,Squeeze a little more shower gel on the glans and rub it gently,I don’t know if it’s due to the increased male hormones after exercise or the reason why I’ve been busy at work and haven’t had sex with my wife.,JB got an erection slowly,The thick and long penis becomes even bigger after being stiff,With a little curvature like a banana,The top glans actually exceeds the belly button,It's about 18cm by visual inspection,The thickness is similar to that of commercially available glass soy milk bottles,It's really talented,Far beyond ordinary people,The round and curved blood vessels on the reddish-brown stem are biting this fleshy intestine like an attached earthworm,The urethral tube at the bottom highlights its presence,It’s as if a hose is inserted in a bulging bag and it disappears between the two sacs.,Li Jianhao uses his index finger to gently slide the man’s long tube for excretion and copulation from the position of the glans to back and forth.,He breathed heavily in his mouth from time to time but did not dare to scream,Frustrated,I don’t know that there is a little boy next door who is old enough to be his son, watching this mature man who has become a father playing with his genitals.。

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The purple-red glans at the top becomes plump and swollen due to stimulation,Like a huge plum,You can squeeze out the gravy with a slight pinch,The slightly open mouth on the top of the glans also leaked a viscous liquid,Then it was wiped off by a thick finger and merged into the foam,Li Jianhao feels that this moment is really refreshing,The right hand was held into a tube and slipped into the glans,Holding tightly to the roots of the man who gave birth to his own children, twitching up and down,Male roots are getting bigger and bigger,The blood vessels on the surface seem to burst open at any time,Hold the pouch hanging under JB with a light fist with your left hand,Sometimes clinging,Kneading occasionally,Sometimes,The two eggs in the sac are grabbed by people like fitness balls and rubbed back and forth。One eye in the nail hole is fascinating,This is also the first time a little boy has seen an adult man play with his genitals,Unexpectedly, I met such a strong man,I don’t know if he is lucky or bad,And Li Jianhao's unintentional act also took root in the little boy's heart.,The sexual orientation that I didn’t understand before suddenly became clear。
This strong man continues to play with his JB and male egg,The horse’s eyes are dripping with the fluid secreted by the prostate.,And he doesn't seem to be satisfied with it,After touching the penis and the male egg, the two big hands moved up to the chest muscles like bread,Ecstatic touch、Kneading two balls of meat,Rubbing the raised nipples gently with your fingertips,The two nipples are firmer after this caressing,Like two peanuts on the bread cube,The reason why Li Jianhao's nipples have become so big,Mainly his wife likes to play with his pectoral muscles and nipples,If there is nothing to do, he puts his two little hands into his shirt and pinches these two little things.,Then slide down into the crotch and knead the rolling pin and two eggs,I really love it,It makes Li Jianhao often have sex with his wife in the bright living room,Every time he cried his wife with so much joy。
The two bumps on the chest follow the long strokes,Li Jianhao's throat rolls up and down,I'm already happy,The lonely rolling pin under the crotch is firmer even though it can't be caressed,It’s almost close to the abdomen full of body hair。The little boy next door watching the show for free only felt a slight heat in his lower body,I looked down but I ejaculated first,The thick white liquid flows slowly down the white abdomen into the sparse hair,I just feel slimy but don't want to move half a minute。
The performance of the strong man continues,Li Jianhao suddenly thought that this is a public place,There are many people bathing in the whole bathroom at the same time,And I actually masturbate in this big public,Instead of being afraid, he felt more exciting,JB is even better,The horse's eyes keep flowing out of gurgling water,Finally after playing for ten minutes,Male roots rose to the maximum,Like a fully cooked rolling pin,Whole body black and red,The green ribs on the surface are curved and exposed,Two eggs shrink upward,The horse's eyes sprayed out one after another light yellow thick semen,After shooting more than a dozen strands, it slowly weakened and flowed out of the horse’s eyes.,A fishy smell in the small bathroom rises to the sky,At this time, Li Jianhao's JB is still holding up,It's not like ejaculated at all,Just from the full face and breasts、Only the thick sperm in the lower abdomen and the two slightly contracted eggs can be seen。
The little boy next door looked dumbfounded,Watched a wonderful show of mature male ejaculation,I am very envious and admired at the same time:The JB of an adult man can shoot so many sperm,Was he also the sperm that came out of his father's JB's eyes at that time? The little boy thought every man could shoot so much,But I don’t know that it’s because of Li Jianhao’s good physique and abstinence that broke out together for more than a week before shooting so many,But from the two bulging eggs, it can be seen that there is still a large amount of stock in the testicles of this strong man.,Waiting for the day to be taken dry...
After the ejaculation, Li Jianhao couldn't help frowning,Squeeze a lot of shower gel and apply it on the body and start taking a bath,It is said that the man after the shower is the most handsome,This strong man is not so,Rejuvenated after the shower,Full of the unique charm of mature men,Plus a pair of army green pattern shorts that you can wear at will、a pair of flip flops、A black camisole with a handsome face、The stout and sturdy figure actually looks like a soldier,I didn’t know how many admiring eyes I received when I walked out of the bathroom and walked out of the gym for a while。

The little boy who was still taking a bath in the bathroom heard Li Jianhao’s footsteps and walked out after getting dressed,A clean face is as round and smooth as carved by jade,I saw that the curtains in other bathrooms were all pulled down,The little boy dared to venture into the bathroom where Li Jianhao had just taken a shower,Stand quietly after pulling down the curtain,There is also a slight smell of urine and a strong smell of sperm in this small space,After the little boy took a deep breath,I like the smell that I should hate;Continue to go a step forward to find out what was stepped on,So scared that he wanted to exit the bathroom later,Looking down, it turned out to be a pair of blue briefs,The little boy is a treasure,Although the panties are soaked, the white lump marks on them have not disappeared,Pick it up close to your nose and smell it,The smell of an adult man's crotch can not help but make the little boy a little dazzling,There is still a squiggly hair on the underwear,The little boy pinched two fingers with the hair underneath himself and muttered:What a long pubic hair,Not only longer than mine, but also thicker than mine、black,Saw no other items in the room,The little boy took a deep breath of air before exiting the bathroom,Put the underwear of the strong man between the clothes he changed,As for Li Jianhao’s pubic hair, he carefully put it into a small plastic bag in his pocket.。Li Jianhao ignored the admiring eyes cast from around,Go straight to the service desk。Today is an 18-year-old girl named Xiao Yu,Because I just graduated from high school,Entrust your parents to the gym to come to Taiwan for summer work,Make some pocket money by the way。The little girl didn't notice Li Jianhao at first,I just feel like a figure is coming here,I ignored the staff record who continued to look down at the gym,Until there is a voice full of magnetism and strong male bass:Little girl,Please help me get my membership card! The third grid from the left hand in the second row。
Xiaoxue raised her head to see the man in front of him when he heard the sound,I couldn't help but lose my god in a moment,Wait until Li Jianhao yelled again:Help me get my membership card;The little girl was relieved now,Blushing and saying embarrassed,Asked carefully again:What is your name, please?
"Li Jianhao"
"OK,I'll find it"
"Keep the change, please,In the third grid from the left in the second row"
"Oh oh,Ok,please wait"
Take out a card from the drawer,Three powerful words are written on the back of the card[Li Jianhao],After checking the membership card number, he turned around and handed it to Li Jianhao, "This is your membership card,Please take it,Thank you,Welcome to visit next time! "
Then he no longer dared to look at Li Jianhao,Continue to blush and pretend to flip through the records,Li Jianhao couldn't help thinking that this little girl was very interesting,So I asked by the way:I don't seem to see you in the future,Are you new here? What is your name?
The little girl lowered her head and thought that Li Jianhao had left,Unexpectedly, I heard the magnetic male voice again,My head is blank,Hesitating answer:Yep,I... just call me Xiaoxue,I came here for work the first day today,Came here for summer job。I blush even harder after talking.。
After Li Jianhao chanted Xiaoxue softly,Seeing the embarrassing look of the little girl, he turned it off and continued to tease her.,Turned and walked out。
Xiaoxue dared to lift up only after hearing the sound of footsteps away.,I just saw Li Jianhao disappearing behind the gym entrance,The majestic back that can't be covered by a black vest,Inverted triangle-like figure,Although I can't see my waist,But it’s not hard to think of it as a standard male dog waist。Think of the three words "male dog waist",Xiaoxue couldn't help but think of Li Jianhao's waist doing intercourse movements.。Thinking of this, I pinched my thigh fiercely,Angrily scolded myself how could this be,But a pair of eyes never left the door without a figure。
Li Jianhao who walked out the door took a deep breath of fresh air,People are also a little more energetic,Walk across the road to your car,Pinch the key from the buckle on the waist,With a beep, he opened the door and sat in.,Start the engine、In gear、Loose handbrake、Loose clutch、Forklift,The old driver completed a series of actions like smooth flow,The car started moving slowly,After driving out of this road, I entered the city road,The building is also isolated on both sides by trees on both sides,There are few passing vehicles on roads that are not too bright,There are only occasional hurried pedestrians passing by on the crosswalks on both sides,Humans are still full of vigilance in places where there is no light,But for some people, it’s the excitement。
Li Jianhao is bored,After turning on the low beam, I lit a cigarette and inhaled hard.,The car shook when passing through the speed bump,The soot shook down to the crotch,Li Jianhao hurriedly flicked with his left hand,The glans that just bounced inside through the shorts,He didn't have the habit of wearing underwear after taking a shower,It directly caused the glans and a small stem to slip out of the right trouser tube.,Hanging there softly,Li Jianhao is full of excitement,I remembered the story that happened in the bathroom just now,The male roots slowly stiffened again,Looked around and no one,Simply pulled the whole JB including two eggs out of the pants on the right,After this grasp,The moment JB drew it, he pointed to the sky,A drop of jade dew leaked from the horse's eye,Li Jianhao couldn't help but smile,Why is libido so high recently,Left hand holding the steering wheel,Eyes straight ahead,But my head is occupied by desire,The index finger of the right hand gently wiped the drop of lewd dew,And then actually put it beside your mouth,Stick out the tip of your tongue and dip it a bit and taste it,There is no smell at the entrance,I only feel a faint salty taste,Just wipe it directly on the paper towel,The right hand continued to twitch the behemoth,Although I didn’t look at my own thing,But from the grip of the hand, you can know that the blood vessels on the surface of JB are twisted.,The blood is flowing faster,The cavernous body is also full of blood,Keep this penis persistently hard,The hand was held in a columnar shape and stroked up and down a few times,I just feel that the foreskin covers half of the glans,I was immediately pulled down mercilessly,Until the glans frenulum collapses straight,I believe every man has experienced this feeling,Li Jianhao is no exception,Shuang's eyes are a little blurred,However, the pulling action did not stop,Continue to pull the glans lace,The small mouth on the top of the glans was also pulled into a slit,Reluctantly spit a few drops of saliva to show resistance,Down to the limit,The small fleshy skin connecting the foreskin and the glans was a little bit painful before Li Jianhao released his right hand.,He also knows that if he continues to exert force,Foreskin and glans may be separated;After letting go of the hand, the male roots tremble one after another,More licentious dew came out of the horse's eyes。
The two big male eggs hanging outside can't escape the fate of being toyed with,The thumb and index finger of a pair of big hands form a ring and pinch tightly from the top of the scrotum,The huge penis is also pulled vertically,The remaining three fingers clasped the two sperm-producing spheres and squeezed,The squirming trajectory of the egg itself seems to be interrupted.,Spread your body and let this big hand knead arbitrarily,Then the thumb followed the index finger and pinched the male root and the male egg together and flicked back and forth,The lewd water from the horse's eyes was also shaken everywhere in the car,At this time, Li Jianhao has forgotten about it,Whether or not the car is dirty,Make yourself comfortable first。
The cigarette clamped in the left hand holding the steering wheel has almost burned to the end,The arm stretched out the window and flicked the soot,The reddish tip of the remaining small piece of cigarettes emits wisps of smoke,The penis that seems to be ejaculating,Li Jianhao didn't know how to suddenly connect these two unrelated things together,Looked at the cigarette butt briefly,The thoughts in my head flashed and there was a more exciting idea,However, he dared not do it。It wasn't until the cigarette burned to the end that there was still a little red light left before I made up my mind.,No matter if you put the cigarette butt on the glans,Suddenly the body is strong,An electric current flows from the crotch to the whole body in an instant,The root of the man who was pulled down instantly straightened,The purple-red glans swelled to the extreme,Streams of fresh white liquid spurted out of the horse's eyes.,Make Li Jianhao's face,Thick semen is everywhere in the crotch of the clothes,Even on the steering wheel,Especially the chin,The thick stubble is covered with liquid and is falling faintly。Look down,The cigarette butt has fallen into the car,There are still some black soot signs in the horse's eyes,It turned out that Li Jianhao tried a smoked glans,It’s just the first time he tried to be impartial and just put the cigarette butt into the horse’s eye,The burning sensation of the bright red tender meat at the mouth of the urethra immediately opened up Li Jianhao's Jingguan as soon as it came into contact with the burning ash.,The male juice can't stop erupting,It looks really exciting,If it weren't for the obscene water in the horse's eyes to extinguish the cigarette butts,It is estimated that a big blister will grow in Li Jianhao's eyes,At least in the last few days, excretion has been a little uncomfortable。
After confession, the male roots showed signs of softness,Li Jianhao drew a few tissues and wiped his face,I looked in the rearview mirror to make sure that I wiped it clean before wiping the liquid on the clothes and the steering wheel,Throwing the dried tissue into a plastic bag in the car and drove out,The whole process takes only seven or eight minutes,No one would have thought that this strong man actually directed and acted a wonderful masturbation film in the car。The penis and two large eggs were forced into the crotch by a big hand,Pose and start the car,I can see my community from far away,Li Jianhao feels very comfortable,There is a wife and daughter waiting for him to return home,harmonious family,Because his big guy always treats his wife comfortably,So his wife usually smiles,Radiant,As the saying goes:Only the dead cattle,There is no damaged field,But not in Li Jianhao's house,Wife is petite and lovely,Every time before sex, I have to personally apply a lot of lubricating oil to Li Jianhao’s big guy,Prevent the big guy from tearing his lower body painful,I dare not let Li Jianhao lie down in the usual sex position,Sit up by yourself,I feel that big thing can penetrate her body,Thinking of this, Li Jianhao drove a little faster,Some are eager to see his wife and daughter than usual,But I don’t know that the underside without underwear is slightly raised by the top of the penis,The remaining liquid in the urethra that has just been ejaculated has also slowly flowed out and moistened the horse’s eye and its tightly attached thin cloth.。
There are seven or eight traffic bureau branches in Mingyang City,It just so happens that there is a place not far from the residential area where Li Jianhao is located.,Other colleagues are off work,Only Xiao Wang, who was slightly delayed due to a traffic accident, is still sorting out his file bag,Get up after packing up and prepare to close the door for get off work,When passing by the monitoring screen, I glanced at it and found nothing unusual,But think again,The focus instantly freezes on the A3 monitor screen,I saw a man sitting in the car,Holding the steering wheel in the left hand,The other hand was placed underneath and kept moving up and down,Rely on experience,Xiao Wang is sensitively aware that this man should be masturbating in the car,Silently muttered:What a lascivious guy! The pace of getting ready to move on stopped,Standing motionless and staring at the video,I saw a man holding a cigarette butt down,Scolded a damn! It wasn't until the man reached down to wipe it with a tissue that he was completely affirmed of the man's behavior just now.,When the car finally drove into the underground garage,Xiao Wang found out that the man lives nearby,So I retrieved the previous video,Finally learned that the man came out of the fitness gym。
Xiao Wang himself is tall and thin,So I have a soft spot for strong men,In the video, this man is quite sturdy,I moved my brain in an instant,I intercepted the video and copied it to my mobile phone,Followed the license plate number and found the man’s information,Still talking:Li Jianhao,What a nice name,I don't know what kind of person it is,Really look forward to it! Then there was an unnatural smile on his face,As for what he is going to do next, no one knows,And the protagonist in the video has already opened the door at this time,I saw my wife and daughter sitting on the sofa watching TV,Can't help showing a charming smile。
Wife heard the door opening,Busy getting up and seeing that familiar and handsome face,Also showed a knowing smile,I just stopped looking down when I looked down,There is also a slight redness on the little face,Then I walked to the man who thought about it day and night,Still yelling:Xiaoying,Went back to the room to sleep,It's almost 9 o'clock,Go to school tomorrow!
Seeing her daughter's reluctant expression dragging her steps towards the bedroom,His wife dared to put a hand on Li Jianhao's shoulder at this time,The nose was close to the man's chest and took a deep breath,A strong man's breath went down the nose into his wife's gas,Make her body tremble slightly,The other catkin, who was about to put it on his shoulder, grabbed the bulge under the crotch... the moment he was caught,Li Jianhao's body shocked,I lowered my head and saw that a small bag that bulged under my crotch at some point has been half-grabbed by a slender jade hand,The palm of the small hand is still rotating while pressing it in,Li Jianhao's face flushed red,He has only shot twice a while ago, he is a little tired,Planning to go home and fall asleep,And being fiddled with by his wife,Crotch
'S shotgun slowly raised his head,I saw my wife pursing her lips,Li Jianhao scratched his head with his right hand,A bit at a loss,Still in the living room after all,It's easy to be heard by my daughter if I make a little noise,So he tilted his head and put his mouth close to his wife’s ear and said softly, "Go to the room.,The daughter hasn't slept yet"
But the desire of a woman suppressed for more than a week is so easy to eliminate,Still holding on to that big guy reluctantly,And secretly worked hard,The little hand only feels that the big stick is slowly getting bigger from the hand,Harden,Where is the wife who doesn’t know her man is already excited at this moment,Then lift up the man's vest,It doesn't matter now,I saw a big red glans and a stalk on the waistband,Like a big mushroom growing from the ground,The wife stretched out her index finger and gently touched the small mouth on the top of the glans.,Just feel a smooth and greasy touch,Then the back of the finger actually started to slowly slide around along the horse's eye,Circle after circle,The cool Li Jianhao's Adam's apple can't stop scrolling up and down,Wife narrowed her eyes when she saw her husband,Constantly growl in the mouth,I also raised my interest,A piece of red clouds on two little faces,I didn't idle my left hand and continued to lift up the vest,Revealing those two big breast muscles that you can't put it down,The tip of the left index finger lightly touched the bump on the left,Then I applied the mucus-stained right finger to the small granule on the right,Li Jianhao feels a bit cool on the right nipple,But the nipple on the left has become a little hot after being gently touched,The two nipples instantly swelled and hardened,Makes the wife who is stroking slightly surprised,The two slender hands are completely placed on the two large pectoral muscles,Stroking back and forth、gentle、Grasp,Press the two small grapes on the chest muscle with the palm from time to time,It seems that I still refuse to let Li Jianhao's two little guys go,The pectoral muscles have been touched a bit hard,The hair around the nipples also seems to stand up slightly,It seems that he touched the sensitive part of this man。The left hand slides down,Feel the obvious abdominal muscle lines,Slide the finger back and forth from the line,The hair on the abdomen makes the wife's mouth dry,Still feeling:Thank God for giving me such a strong and perfect man。
I looked up and saw that the man was still intoxicated,And the left hand has already felt that the body hair near the belly button has been completely drenched by the man’s body fluids,Horse eyes continuously secrete transparent liquid,My wife is curious,Squat down,I stare at this refreshing thing with my eyes completely close,I saw that the back of this big guy was completely protruded by the round urethral tube,Women understand that men’s usual urine and semen are sprayed out of this tube,Observe it more closely,Long tube round and bulging,There are densely interlaced capillaries on it,Press and slide your fingertips along this tube from bottom to top,After reaching the top, the little mouth at the top unexpectedly spit out a few drops of jade dew,Then it was evenly spread on the big mushroom head,The man's breathing is getting heavier,The woman simply untied the knot of the trousers,I pulled down the big shorts that got in the way,Two plump male eggs appeared without warning,The smell of just ejaculation mixed with the peculiar smell of a man's crotch and drifted into a woman's nostril,The peach blossom hole below the woman also has a slight dampness,But at the moment, I didn’t pay attention to it.,Stare intently at what's in front of you,At this moment, the two eggs are hanging from the male root and swaying slightly,The capsular bag is also creeping slowly in order to dissipate heat,Always keep providing high-quality male breeds for women who need to become pregnant,It is conceivable that if the sperm in this big bag is distributed to women in the world,I don’t know how many people will be pregnant with him,And Li Jianhao was not interrupted by his wife's actions,But the waist is slightly forward,Head back,Back with hands,Pass the big meat under the crotch to his wife,As if to show her:I'm very comfortable,You can play it whatever you want!
Wife understands,More active,I held up the two large eggs with my left hand,Even if someone got it,The two male eggs are still moving without knowing it,I was covered by the other hand right away,Two small hands slightly squeeze the pouch hanging from the man’s roots up and down,Rub it back and forth while pressing,Two large eggs wrapped in the scrotum are compressed flat,The hair on the capsular bag also swayed from side to side through the gap between the fingertips,Immediately afterwards, a slender thumb and index finger formed a ring,Caught the oval sphere in one of the pouches,Pull down,The male egg in the sac was instantly squeezed out of its original shape,I saw that the extruded part of the pouch was evenly distributed with small bumps one after another.,Two to three body hairs grow on each bump,Looking at the children and grandchildren from a distance, the bag is like a fluffy water bag filled with water,Only then did the wife realize that the pubic hair on the man’s testicles grew out of it,However, the little hand still clasped one of the big eggs tightly,Don't let it slip away,The bright red mouth leaned forward,Stick out the tip of your tongue and slowly lick the bump on the scrotum,Wait until the saliva completely wets the entire epidermis,Tongue slightly rolled,Deep throat,Actually sucked that big egg into his mouth,Li Jianhao, who was still intoxicated, only felt that one of his big eggs instantly became warm and slippery.,I glanced down at my wife’s bulging cheeks,Immediately understand what happened,See another egg hanging lonely outside,I wanted my wife to swallow the rest,It just dismissed the idea,He understood that it was not easy to swallow one of those two egg-sized pouches,Can't swallow another,So I started to enjoy this feeling slowly。
By the way, women can't talk anymore,An egg swallowed has occupied all of her mouth,Only the tongue can move a little at this moment,So a clever tongue is pushed up against the pouch,I swallowed my throat as if I wanted to swallow this baby,Two rows of shell teeth are lightly joined,Scrape on the cyst skin,Li Jianhao suddenly feels a bit painful,Wife's teeth accidentally scratched the egg,It's just that there are many nerves on the surface of the scrotum,This actually stimulated the man,Makes the woman under her feel that the meat ball in her mouth has increased by a point,I had to spit it out along the little mouth unwillingly,A drop of woman's saliva remained on the top of the released pouch,Sliding down slowly,Formed a moment of drawing in the air,Suddenly it looks good,And the surface of the spit that was spit out was moistened with saliva,So that all the pubic hair sticks to the surface,Showing black and red skin,Looks vicissitudes of life。
The wife served another male egg in the same way,Intend to suck two eggs into the mouth together,Just looking at the two eggs the size of an egg, I instantly lost my mind,Had to give up;But Li Jianhao can't control himself at this time,Stretch out two thick hairy arms,Two big hands holding his wife's head,Put the big stick that collapsed to the extreme under the crotch into the woman's mouth,The woman under her hasn't been relieved yet,I only feel that something hard and hard pressed against the two rows of shell teeth and entered the mouth,Instinctively bite,Li Jianhao yelled "Oh",The wife thought it hurt the man,Hurried back and vomited what was in his mouth,Glancing at Li Jianhao,Seeing the man now stretches his brows,A confused expression,Not to be outdone, the woman snorted and wrapped the bright glans,As for the stem body, I can only eat a little bit and can't eat it anymore.,Even so, his wife is flushed,The look of breathlessness,Only the tongue is constantly licking back and forth on the surface of the glans,The bottom row of shell teeth just stuck in the position of the glans lace,Moving in tandem,This time Li Jian rolled his bold eyes blankly,Hold his wife's head firmly with both hands,Big JB pushes it in,The woman who was already breathless suddenly had her face as gorgeous as blood,Hands hurriedly pulled the man's big hand away and spit out what was in his mouth,Keep retching on the sidelines,Suddenly remembered something and suddenly stopped,Li Jianhao looked at the woman below him apologetically,I scratched my head and said, "It's so comfortable..." Then I didn't know what to say.,Looking at his wife with embarrassment,But my wife couldn't help but laugh out loud,Look at each other,Tenderness。
It’s just that the couple’s movements are too big,The daughter who had just fallen asleep was woken up by this movement,Rubbed his confused eyes,Slowly got up and got out of the bed....
Li Jianhao and his wife are college classmates,The wife was pregnant when the two graduated,So after graduation, I got married.,Soon after, my daughter Xiaoying was born,But I was so happy for the new parents,Forget it, my daughter is about 8 years old this year,I don’t have much idea about men’s and women’s affairs,I thought my parents were arguing at first,So I crept to the door,Slightly turned the handle,A pair of small eyes looked like a living room through the crack of the door,The first goal is the leakage of dad's whole body,Mother was sitting on the ground with her left hand covering her mouth, not knowing if she was crying or what she was doing,The little girl turned her gaze to Li Jianhao again,I saw my father scratching his head with his right hand,Black underarms,The breasts and stomach are all hairy,And there is a long stick growing under father's belly,The bottom of the stick still grows a lot of hair,Even the legs are hairy,Dad had never seen so much hair before when he was wearing clothes,My daughter is not sure if my father and mother quarreled,Until his wife covered her mouth and retched twice,The daughter decisively thought that father must have annoyed her mother,It’s just that I didn’t think much about why the two quarreled in my little head,Dad is going to take off all his clothes,So angrily, he opened the door and walked towards the two of them。
The two people who were looking at each other suddenly heard the door ring,I looked at the door of my daughter's room in an instant,I saw that little figure walked towards the two angrily,Then two chubby little hands hugged his wife from behind,I cried immediately "Mom and Dad,Don't quarrel,I'm so scared! "Woo woo woo... Dad,You bad dad,Don't bully mom"
The couple was shocked by this scene,The two were dumbfounded,Especially Li Jianhao actually forgot that the first reaction was to turn around and put on his clothes immediately.,It's just too late when I think of it now,The daughter stopped sobbing and rubbed her crying red eyes,Pointing to Li Jianhao with his right finger, he said fiercely:You bad dad,Why bully mother! It made Li Jianhao take the hand that was about to take the underwear as a stop,I don’t care about wearing pants,Bent over and touched her daughter's head:Good baby,How could father bully mother?
'Humph,I do not believe,I clearly saw my mother crying just now’
"Mom is happy"
It’s just that my daughter obviously doesn’t believe it.,Still questioning unwillingly
This makes the young couple anxious,Li Jianhao had to say, "Dad and mom are giving birth to a little brother.",If you don’t believe me, ask mom’
The daughter held his wife tighter,The little mouth leaned in front of his wife and asked "Mom,Is what Dad said true? "
His wife was dumbfounded by Li Jianhao's excuse,Had to make do with "yes,Mom and Dad are preparing to give you a baby brother."
My daughter just gave up,The couple breathed a sigh of relief at the same time,Let the daughter go back to sleep。
The moment my daughter turned and walked,The couple sighed,The originally enthusiastic atmosphere was destroyed by this little guy,Really hit or not,Not scolding,And obviously the two of them bothered their daughter,Thinking of here, his wife flew Li Jianhao and rolled his eyes,The man smiled awkwardly,
It’s just that something unexpected happened to the couple,The daughter just took two steps and suddenly turned around and said to the couple:I also want to see mom and dad give birth to a little brother!
This time the husband and wife are completely dumbfounded... Daughter's words are like a thunderbolt in the ears of the husband and wife,The two people's faces flushed instantly,A bit at a loss,Especially my wife was so shocked,Li Jianhao broke the embarrassing atmosphere first。
"Good girl,This is a private matter between mom and dad,Children can't watch,Be careful of acne in your eyes"
"Do not,I do not believe,Dad, you must be lying to me"
"How could dad lie to you?,good,obedient,Went back to sleep,Mom and Dad will take you to grandpa and grandma’s house tomorrow."
Li Jianhao's prevarication excuse thought he could coax his daughter to sleep,Who thinks but self-defeating,Gave her a proper reason to fight back。
"Humph,Bad father is bullying mother,Don't let me see,I will tell my grandpa and grandma tomorrow that my father is bullying mother naked,She also bullied her and cried! "
Li Jianhao can't hold it anymore now,Yelled at her daughter, "Go back to sleep!"
The daughter was taken aback by the sudden roar,I've never seen my father be so aggressive with her before,Eye flower,Then I started crying slowly,Wow wow cries sharp and harsh,It made Li Jianhao look like a frustrated ball,I don't dare to get angry at my daughter,When my wife saw Li Jianhao scared her daughter to cry,Glared at him hurriedly,Got up and hugged her daughter in her arms,Shaking gently,Stroking her daughter's hair,It took a long time to stop crying,It's just that my daughter is also stubborn,With big red and tearful eyes, he said loudly to his mother, "I just want to see my father and mother give birth to a baby brother!"
His wife looks embarrassed,Suddenly I don't know what to say,I had to turn my eyes to Li Jianhao for help,Unfortunately, I found that the big gun that had been drooping under my man's crotch raised his head untimely,And the daughter stared at the big guy without blinking,Seems to have discovered something new。
The wife hurriedly drank "Li Jianhao,what are you doing? Look at your ugly thing! "
Heard the wife's voice,Li Jianhao only reacted,It’s just that my daughter kept saying what she wanted to see having a baby brother,The sudden thought in his head that he wanted to let his daughter watch her parents make love can't get rid of it.,JB is rising,Bend over and picked up the underwear and put them on in a hurry,It’s just that these low-waisted briefs can’t cover this stick,The glans and a section of the stem show up playfully again,Li Jianhao hurriedly pressed down the male root with his right hand awkwardly and placed it diagonally above the right.,But the unsatisfactory glans came out from the edge of the panties on the right,A drop of liquid from the top is crystal clear,The lush body hair could not stop leaking from the edges of the underwear,At this time under the light,Looks shiny,The two large egg bags hanging underneath are also squeezed out from each side by the small panties.,It's like being tied up with a rope in the middle and left open,The wife I'm watching now is also wicked,This scene of men's nipples is full of temptation,Autumn Waves Circulate,Looking straight at the meat bun,A pair of catkins involuntarily grabbed the two eggs that were half exposed,Gently pull the little hand outward,The two big eggs seem to have been released,Slipped out from the bottom of the underwear,Hanging in the air and swaying slightly,The hair on the capsular bag also stretched straight out,Like two unpeeled chestnuts hanging under a man's crotch。”
Li Jianhao is getting more and more unable to control the obscene thoughts in his heart,Squat down and put his mouth close to his wife's ear,Let out a sigh of heat,Made my wife a little upset,Then quietly said "Wife,Or let the kids watch it once,It just so happened to spread her knowledge of physiology.",My wife wanted to oppose,After all, what a shame it is for two people to show their genitals in front of a child,It's just that the words turn into groans as soon as they reach their lips,My daughter saw her father and mother whispering,And dad’s big hand reached into mom’s skirt and kept moving...
This can stimulate women,Just feel a finger gently touching a small piece of meat on the edge of the hole that turned out slightly,The woman's body is straight at once,My finger keeps sliding,Slowly move down along the small pieces of meat,Keep sliding the soft flesh around the vagina,Suddenly a thick finger slowly penetrated the Taoyuan cave,Slide forward against the flesh wall,What's more outrageous is still stirring inside,Rotate and slide the fingertips against the flesh wall,Go further,It didn't stop until one finger hit the bottom,The wife seems to be able to feel the fine lines and thick joints on that finger at this time,The smooth jade surface is bright red like blood,A gurgling stream flows from the entrance of Taoyuan Cave,With a blank head in his head, he replied, "My husband,All right! "
Got the wife's permission,Li Jianhao tore off his wife's skirt without thinking,Revealing the black lace panties inside,It's just that the panties are already soaked by kinky water,A pinch of wet black hair emerged from the gap in the lace,The glans on the side of Li Jianhao's pants are more swollen,Suddenly it occurred to me that my daughter was still there,And said to her daughter:
"Baby,Do you really want to see mom and dad give birth to a baby brother? "
Li Jianhao knowingly ask at this moment,Sure enough, my daughter nodded vigorously,Say "I want to watch!"
The man is reluctant to think about Shu but pretends to be reluctant to answer:"okay then,But only this time,Let’s not take this as an example.",The daughter naturally agreed。
Li Jianhao played with his body and said to his wife:"Wife,Let's get started! "
The wife didn't dare to look at her daughter directly,He turned his back to the daughter and nodded,Li Jianhao's lewd sex,Seeing my daughter next to them, looking at them without blinking,He actually stood up to the root of JB and introduced it to his daughter:"Xiaoying,You should learn this knowledge in physiology class in the future,Dad will tell you in advance about the genital structure of men and women,So you don’t want to ask again,He pointed to his giant stick and said:"This is a man's penis,It’s mainly a urethral tube and cavernous body." It doesn’t matter if the daughter can understand these words,Still said to himself:"A man’s penis needs to be inserted into a woman’s vagina to ejaculate sperm in the testicles,Sperm flows into the uterus and the woman's egg is fertilized to form a fertilized egg before the woman becomes pregnant,Only then can we give birth to a little brother! "Speaking of vagina,Take off his wife's underwear and point to the hole in the middle of the two pieces of slightly black meat,The daughter looked curiously,Wife blushes,I covered my face with two thin hands,Made her shy,Then Li Jianhao put his two big meat balls on his palms and introduced his daughter to:"This is the man's testicles,Mainly the part where sperm and androgen are produced",My daughter is full of curiosity about these two big meaty eggs,After all, this is the first time I saw a man,Is still his father's big guy,Staring at the thing in your hand is still squirming slowly,Can't help but stretch out a pair of chubby little hands from scratching,Where did Li Jianhao want his daughter to touch it by himself?,I just feel that the folds on the surface of the meat ball are grabbed by a pair of tender skin,Then the little hand followed the egg skin and touched the two male eggs inside,It’s just that the meatball is too big for her to catch,The two male eggs slipped away from the bottom of their hands slippery,The daughter grabbed nothing,Can't help but feel a little childish,Both hands took the bag of meat from the wide palm,Li Jianhao is lustful,Where would I stop my daughter?,Let her two big male eggs be picked up by her daughter,The two eggs inside fell into the chubby little palms as expected,Now I can call my daughter happily:"Caught,I caught dad's bastard! "The little hand gripped half of the two eggs inside.,Keep tugging,At this time, Li Jianhao was caught by his daughter because of his egg, which greatly triggered the pleasure in his heart.,JB is even stronger,Moved up and down against my belly a few times,Gu Gu's introduction to her daughter was also swallowed raw,The daughter saw the big sticks on the two eggs pointing straight at the ceiling,And immediately became interested in Dad’s JB again,Put two small hands,The meat bun under the crotch lost its foil and hung under the male root.,The little hand gently placed on the big stick,Totally unfit,The curious daughter saw the curvy blood vessels on this stick. The red, green, and red moments are interesting.,Can’t help but stretch out two fingers to pinch one of the thick blood vessels,Pinched slowly,I can't lift it up after a little pinch,Just hurriedly sent it away,The blood vessels bounce back gently to the penis again,It doesn't matter now,I saw a drop of saliva in my little mouth at the top of my dad’s stick,The little index finger quickly touched,I took a look before my eyes,Prostatic fluid like water drops refracts light,Looks crystal clear,Then he wiped his finger with kinky fluid on the little purple head under his father,Moved the fingertips to the eye of the horse and slid it thinly.,Little hands hard,A finger actually pressed into that little mouth,I just feel my fingers go into a warm little pit,Slippery,But the little hand wants to press harder but can't hold it down anymore,As if this little mouth doesn't look too deep,It's a pity that my daughter is too young to understand the structure of men's genitals,Just move your fingers down a little bit vertically,Then it can be inserted into the thick and warm tube at the bottom of Dad’s stick,It is estimated that Li Jianhao will be stimulated by such a stimulus to spray the thick sperm from the testicles along the fingers of his daughter on the spot.,It's just that,It's enough to make him growl in his cool mouth,Waist slightly forward,Outsiders can see the beauty of a tall and sturdy hairy man,Waist up,The seductive penis points straight to the sky,A chubby white finger was placed in the eye of the horse at the top of the penis,And the owner of the finger is actually a naive girl,It's really a scene of fornication,The wife heard her husband growl constantly,I can't help but spread my fingers a little,I caught this scene from my fingers,Hurriedly stretched out his hand and squeezed the man's thigh vigorously,Only then did Li Jianhao wake up,Then took a step back,Out of her daughter's clutches。
Li Jianhao immediately returned to normal,Then point to his wife’s Taoyuan hole to introduce her clitoris to her daughter、vaginal、Uterus、Ovaries, etc. and how men and women mate,Don’t forget to rub his wife’s crisp breast and the two small cherries on the breast,Shuang's wife keeps humming,The water at the entrance of the cave is almost converging into a stream,See the time is right,Li Jianhao said to his daughter in a special way:"Below Dad and Mom are about to give birth to a little brother,That is, the man’s penis erected and inserted into the woman’s vagina to ejaculate.,You are only allowed to see,Not allowed to touch,do you know! "My daughter pouted and agreed.。
Li Jianhao laid his wife flat on the sofa,The woman spread her hands to see her baby daughter, who actually squatted by the sofa and stared at them,I quickly covered my face again,I really don't want to face my daughter,But the lust in my body is too much,I have to rely on my husband’s big JB to relieve the fire,In the end, lust triumphed over reason,Lying obediently on the sofa,Li Jianhao watched the woman below him no resistance,I didn't act immediately,Just quietly glanced at this warm jade body like suet,Long black and shiny hair scattered on the sofa,There are still a few strokes of green silk on the forehead,The big big hand gently inserted through the hair,Fingers close,Feel the silky hair flowing through your fingers,I can't see my face covered by my hands,But you can still see the outline of that melon seed face,The red ear roots caused Li Jian to stick out his tongue and lick it with pride.,At the same time, I deeply sniffed the fragrance of soft hair,The woman under her body was licked by this,Two balls of crisp breasts constantly undulate violently,Like two big meat buns just out of the oven,The carrot pieces in the middle of the buns are greeted by the man's eyes one by one,I saw a pair of big hands grabbed two fresh meat buns,Put your mouth together,Gently biting both nipples,The tip of the tongue keeps testing these two protrusions,Deep throat suck,The two nipples were sucked out a touch of juice,The daughter squatted aside and stared at her father while eating her mother's grandma,Blurt out:"Daddy is so shameless,Actually drank mother's grandma",What Li Jianhao heard,My mouth is harder,I just feel that the two meat buns in my hands become slightly hard,Especially the two nipples at the top are red and purple,Continuously flowing out the milk for raising children,Li Jianhao's big mouth licked it all without pity,I also put it in my mouth and smashed it and chewed it.,Makes his wife's ears more red,Through his fingers, he saw the man on his body sucking his nipples constantly,The gurgling spring water came out again below,Li Jianhao continued to suck his wife's nipples left and right with a big mouth,The two big hands under him unfaithfully peeked down to the spring of his wife,The fingers of the left hand gently stroke the soaked pubic hair,The right middle finger gently rubbed the upper clitoral lace,Slowly moved up and found the plump meat,Can't help but add gravity to press and knead it,The woman under her body trembled violently in an instant,A gurgling water sprayed out from the mysterious hole in the lower body that was wrapped by two labia,All sprayed to Li Jianhao's meat stick、The capsular bag and abdomen are on,The unadhered sap from the wet pubic hair dripped down the pubic hair to the smooth lower abdomen of the wife,The wife actually ushered in the first climax under Li Jianhao's caress,Look at the hole gleaming under the light,Very interesting,At this time Li Jianhao also started to move,Hold the sofa with both hands,The hair on the armpits unknowingly stretched out,It stretches out from the armpits carelessly,I don't know when,The daughter squatting next to him took a small stool and sat quietly watching her parents unabashedly performing sex in front of her daughter.,Dad is holding the sofa in his hands,The two bulging muscles where the back connects to the arms are also highlighted,But there is a deep ditch in the middle。Li Jianhao propped the sofa with his left hand,I held my penis with my right hand and broke it down slightly,The huge glans is placed on the vaginal opening and rubs the wife's labia and clitoris back and forth,Sometimes moved to the clitoris frenulum and rubbed back and forth with your glans,The woman underneath Shuang's body keeps trembling,Moaning softly,Seeing that Li Jianhao never put the coveted clone in it,Can't help but yell in shame:"Big JB husband,Itchy underneath,Itchy,Ah... Ah..." Li Jianhao heard his wife's obscene words,Can't help but smile,The big stick under the crotch is not inserted at all,But put the scrotum swaying constantly at the mouth of the hole,Holding his pouch with his right hand,Squeeze,The egg on the right was held by two fingers,As if I could see the bloodshot inside through the thin skin of the scrotum、Whole gray male egg,I saw Li Jianhao force the squeezed out male egg into his wife’s hole,I only feel that the egg that goes in is wrapped in a mass of warm and moist tender meat,Can't help taking a heavy breath,And the wife felt that something round was suddenly inserted into the hole in her lower body,Still wriggling inside,The hair on the surface of the sac also follows the squirming of the egg and scrapes the fleshy wall inside the woman back and forth.,Li Jianhao was completely lying on his wife,The two major pectoralis muscles are also in contact with the two soft flesh of the wife,The daughter sitting next to only saw that the mother's two crisp breasts were deformed by the two big breasts of the father.,And dad's two big hands held under him and kept fiddling with,It’s not very clear because the two people are close to each other,The daughter had to move the stool to the side of the sofa,Look directly at the sexual behavior of your parents from the side,Sure enough, you can see clearly after moving the position,Dad is holding his leftover meat bag in one hand,Two fingers squeezed out the big egg in the same way,I squeezed it into the hole under my mother,At this time, the daughter can only see the father lying on the mother,Two big hairy legs split apart,There are also fine hairs on the two stubborn buttocks.,The deep groove in the middle of the butt cock reveals a small hole full of hair,The two eggs that could be seen under the small hole are only a thin black-red skin that is pulled at this time,And mother's hole is bulging,Like a hen who only needs to lay eggs,The daughter murmured suspiciously:Why did mom swallow dad's eggs in?
By the way, Li Jianhao has already stuffed his two giant eggs into his wife’s vagina at this time.,The narrow vagina kept squeezing these two uninvited guests,Desperately trying to squeeze out this lump of things,My wife was stuffed in the hole,Without the sense of emptiness before,I can't help but yell even harder,There is no such thing as a motherly image,Revealing the ugliness of a slut that is only shown in front of his own man,The man heard this sound like taking an aphrodisiac,Can't help but sit up,Two big feet propped on the sofa,And then sat down slowly,So that the big mouth under the woman can taste these two big eggs more thoroughly,I just feel that the meat wall in the cave is more crowded,There is also a group of warm water that is pressed by two large eggs and cannot flow out.,Li Jianhao freed his hands at this time,One hand squeezed the sac that was pulled straight,Raised the two eggs a little bit,Then he stretched out his finger and pressed it down,Just like this back and forth,The woman underneath has been tortured and shot everywhere,The gap between the vagina and the egg squirming leaked out,Seeing this, Li Jianhao suddenly accelerated the speed of withdrawal and pressing,After a short period of time, I only felt that two meat eggs were hit by a strong current,Rushed out of the body,Li Jianhao's face, which was sprayed instantly by the lewd water, was looking down at the face,Flowed down the stubble chin,The wife's second orgasm came out without warning。
The big gun under Li Jianhao's crotch was neglected just now,The egg impacted by his wife's orgasm at this time greatly stimulated him,Then he immediately pressed on his wife,The big JB with his right hand was slowly inserted into the vagina,Waist up and down,Doing the same mechanically,The clone under the crotch is rubbing against the soft flesh of the inner wall of the vagina,The innermost big tortoise head is scratched and licked back and forth by many tentacles,The blood in the penis accelerates,The cavernous body inside is fully filled with blood,The wife just felt that the big stick in the hole suddenly rose up and stiffened.,The uneven blood vessels on the surface of the big stick are rubbing its own flesh back and forth.,More saliva was spit out from the big mouth of the lower body to moisturize this treasure,The man's glans pressed hard against it,The daughter who was watching next saw the big guy from Dad desperately pouring in,It’s like squeezing the two hanging bags with eggs in it,My daughter looked surprised,Mom's petite body can withstand the in-depth and simple explanation of the big stick of Dad。over time,More lewd water from women,And the two big eggs that weren’t dry were slapping the woman’s lower body with the man’s uplifting motion.,Meat and meat clash with each other and make a constant popping noise,The juice flowing out was also sprayed by the splash of this powerful impact,I happened to confuse my daughter's face,Little girl can't sit still,Rubbed his eyes,Got up and walked towards the mating couple,Waiting for the moment when father's two eggs are shot flying,Two little hands grabbed this harmful guy,Li Jianhao tried hard,I just feel that the foreskin strap has been pulled to the limit,Shuang's eyes rolled white,Turn around,My two big eggs were actually caught by my daughter,Li Jianhao didn't care about teaching his daughter,Because just now it feels so cool,So continue to fuck hard,Every time I push it in,The egg that was dragged by the daughter is pulling on the foreskin,Let the foreskin strap be pulled straight,If you put a camera in the woman's hole,You can clearly see the originally purplish red glans lace,Advance with the man's waist,I was pulled straight and white in an instant,Even the small area of ​​the glans that was connected to the glans was a momentary whiteness due to the extreme pulling of the blood, which caused the blood to be stagnant.,The daughter didn't blame herself when she saw her father,At the same time, there is no more water splashing on myself,So just like this, I continued to hold my father’s two round and big hairy eggs,It’s just that Dad’s strength is so strong,My daughter has been pulled and leaned forward several times,I almost fell on the spot where my father and mother met。
After my daughter stood up, she could see more clearly,I saw two bodies surging on the sofa,Dad is yellow and black,Looks healthy,And mother is all pink and white,One black and one white cloud and rain,In perfect harmony。The place where the two meet,Dad’s stick came in and out of mother’s hole with the movement of his waist,The thick black hairs around the stick are all wetted by water,The big stick is full of water,When it was pulled out, a thick tube was shiny,Served with that red stick in the black,What an ink landscape painting,My daughter can't help but see God...
And the wife under him has been served by Li Jianhao for so long,Two pieces of labia majora are turned out coolly,The edge of the labia is purple and coquettish,The tender meat turned out is tender and attractive,When Li Jianhao once again pushed the penis into it thoroughly,Wife finally couldn't help it,Yelled with a refreshing "Ah,what,No more",Then the inner wall shrank hard,A strong stream of lewd water rushed out of it,And at this time, the big stick that has just reached the extreme is naturally not immune,I just feel that the inner wall shrinks suddenly,The force of squeezing friction is doubled in an instant,I feel that the urinary tube on my cow seems to be squeezed flat,Especially the huge scarlet plum bears the brunt,Was continuously impacted by the sudden strong jet of water,The water keeps beating the head of the glans,Partially rushed into the urinary tube along the horse's eye,Mixed with the semen inside,Li Jianhao let out a deep growl, "Oh...oh...ah" The daughter who was holding the father's two eggs only felt her hands shrink.,The two big eggs actually contracted like a bone shrinking technique and slipped away from the hand,I saw the surface of the egg skin folds tightened,A pack of dark brown meatballs is lifted up vigorously,Clinging to dad's stick,And dad is lying tightly on mom,Lips intersect,Tongue keeps mixing together,Sucking each other's saliva,As delicious as the world,Two big hands kneaded the two soft meats vigorously,But the male root under the crotch is stuck in the vagina, and a large amount of semen is ejected from the horse's eyes.,Enough foreplay this time,Plus the excitement of having a daughter watching by the side,Li Jianhao was greatly released,After 20 full shots, the cock has become a little softer,This time the amount of ejaculation is estimated to be more than the previous two combined.。
Keep it like this for a few minutes,Li Jianhao took out the completely softened penis,It's covered with my own semen and wife's lewd water,And as Li Jianhao pulled out the penis,A cloud of milky white liquid slowly flowed out from under the wife,Mix the juice of the two people's orgasm,The spacious living room was suddenly filled with the smell of refined water,Daughter frowned,I accidentally pinched my nose with my little hand。
The couple glanced at each other,A satisfied smile appeared on his face at the same time,It’s just that part of the thick essence left in the vagina has flowed out,But the remaining part is enough to make a woman pregnant,They were still shocked when they saw their daughter,Busy urging to go to bed "Mom and Dad have given birth to a little brother,Baby,Hurry to sleep,Look, it's almost 12 o'clock now",The daughter jumped into the room with joy,And the father’s sturdy body is imprinted in the small heart,I turn a blind eye to other men when I grow up,This is what the young couple didn't expect,I knew it,I'll be holding my daughter to sleep tonight anyway,It’s just that the things that have happened in this world are there no regrets to buy。
Of course, neither Li Jianhao nor his wife could predict what happened next.,After the daughter entered the room and closed the door, walked into the bathroom together,Began to wash away the filth,The two wash each other's body,The wife looked at the black and red meat stick that was completely dangling and couldn't help but lift up her hands and gently rubbed it to take a bath.,Li Jianhao also touched his wife’s two breasts,Wash and wash,In the whole building in the middle of the night, only this small bathroom is full of spring.,The two couldn't hold it and fell asleep in the bathtub when the spring breeze fell.,Experienced two vigorous physical exercises,Soon fell asleep,The last light in the area also goes out,Trapped in serenity and tranquility... Several long-year-old sycamore trees in the community released the chirping birds.,Woke up a resident by the window in one of the units,Rubbed his slightly opened eyes,The light greeted the man's eyes through the floor-to-ceiling windows,I reached out and touched the side and found that my wife was gone,The man stretched his waist and continued to lie down,The whole big bed shook slightly,I want to continue to sleep in bed,The desperate fight with his lover last night almost exhausted most of his energy,Thinking of sleeping more will make it up,It's a pity that things are not as good as people want,The swollen bladder swollen with urine reminded him that it was time to excrete,So I had to get up,The flip-flops on the edge of the bed were put on indiscriminately.,I rushed to the bathroom regardless of whether I was wearing the right clothes,After closing the door, he peeed,It’s just that the physiological phenomenon peculiar to men in the morning is in trouble at this time,The male root held between the thumb and index finger of his left hand is stiff,The originally thick urine column has now become slender,Man frowned,Only a small half of the urine will not relieve the pressure on the bladder,Therefore, I had to force the urine out by relying on the sphincter muscle.,The slender column of urine hits the toilet,Light yellow water stains are scattered on and around the splashed toilet lid,At the end, I peeed a few drops on the toilet eaves,The whole bathroom is full of urine,Lightly after urinating,Throwing away the big bird of Microsoft,The few drops of urine remaining in the foreskin were thrown out and the big bird was stuffed into the crotch,After washing up, I walked out comfortably。
Anyway, let my daughter show everything last night,Li Jianhao doesn't have much scruples right now,Wearing a pair of white low-rise briefs, he stabs into the restaurant,Seeing my daughter and wife eating breakfast,He smiled at the two and walked straight to sit down,Stretched again,The hair on the armpits came out again inadvertently,It’s just that my wife and daughter are eating breakfast with their heads down,I missed this alluring picture。
Because I only exercised yesterday,So Li Jianhao does not plan to go to the gym today,Went out for a meal with his wife and daughter,I bought some clothes for my daughter and went home,After dinner, the family watched the movie happily,The little boy and traffic policeman Xiao Wang who had been waiting in the gym were disappointed.,The two are pregnant with ghosts,Wait until 7 or 8 o'clock to see that the target has not appeared disappointed,the following few days,Xiao Wang used the reason to get a fitness card and went to the gym whenever he was free.,It’s just that the number of times is too high that even people around can see that his behavior is a little abnormal,In order to prevent being seen through,Xiao Wang had no choice but to apply for a monthly card,The boss was so indifferent to him when handling it,Let this little traffic police blame Li Jianhao in his heart,It’s just two men who think about it day and night since they answered a phone call on Saturday night,Throwing aside the rest time on Sunday and rushed to other places for business trips without stopping.,Won't be back until next Saturday,This made the two who had waited for nearly a week resented and disappointed,Poor Li Jianhao did nothing but was hated for nothing。
On a flight to this city on Saturday afternoon,Li Jianhao is leaning on the seat, squinting and dozing off,Half asleep,Recalling the situation of negotiating with the client, I squeezed a cold sweat,The opposing team's strong team made him a headache when he played lightly,Once thought that their company didn't take this business seriously,It was very unpleasant to meet on the first day,This makes Li Jianhao very angry,The other party didn’t even mean to meet on the second day and the third day,I'm in a hurry now,If this business fails,Not only will he be fired immediately,Even several other startup projects of the company will be affected to varying degrees,It's a pity that this strong man has no good way to change his mind。
There is no way out of doubt,Liu An Hua Ming You Yi Village;Just when Li Jianhao was helpless,Chance came quietly,Recall the plot behind,The strong man sitting in the first class furrowed his brows slightly,The legs are inadvertently put aside,Leaked out a large bag of bumps under the crotch wrapped in silver-gray trousers,Attracted the stewardess next to him frequently。
Scorching sun on Thursday afternoon,The scene that was supposed to be booming was turned a blind eye to Li Jianhao,And it’s already the fifth day of coming out,The client will fly to India on Saturday morning to meet foreign clients,He was upset and had to call the customer again,It's still extremely cold and unanswered,The man is completely wilted like a frosted eggplant,I was thinking about what happened after I was fired,It’s just that I’ve been working in this company for several years,A reputation built hard、Rights and connections are not ruined,Thinking about these things at this time made his head a mess,I had to walk out of the room to the elevator door,Pressed the button on the third floor,With the sound of "drops" the elevator door slowly opened,Suddenly the noisy DJ sound was forced into Li Jianhao's ears,Make him frown,But I couldn't help but walked to the bar,Ordered a beer from a young bartender,Finally, I put a few ice cubes in it,Watching the gurgling bubbles keep popping up,Li Jianhao picked up the glass and drank the beer with his head up,The liquid mixed with a lot of carbon dioxide just flows in from the mouth of the strong man,The sleek and raised apple knot is also rolling up and down with the swallowing action of the owner.,There are some sparse hairs on the Adam's apple and it is obscurely decorated with this giant jujube nucleus。
Three cups in a row,The man let out a long breath,The cold face has not changed,The cheekbones are quietly slightly red,Let outsiders look like this cruel man is a little cute,At this moment, an exposed young woman walked towards Li Jianhao slowly,In fact, when Li Jianhao came in and walked towards the bar, the woman stared at him,After all in a shirt,It is rare for a handsome man in a tie to go to the bar alone to have fun.,Plus this man has a good figure,The shirt on my chest collapses straight,The shirt on the chest is slightly raised by the meat inside,When I walk up, the bag under my crotch seems to be shaking with it,Let this woman who read countless people shine in front of her,This is the meaning of hooking up。
"handsome guy,Drinking alone!,Don't mind if I buy you a drink."
"Yo,I ask you to drink it without saving face,How about this,How about the three cups you just drank as mine? I rarely take the initiative to invite people to drink."
At this time, this woman is indeed a little stunned,This is just a generous time,If the other men had already been drained,,It’s just that the less you can get, the more you want,Li Jianhao's calm behavior made her even more interested。
"It's hard to get rid of worries by your own consideration,Why don't we both drink and talk"
"waiter,Ten more beers"
At this point Li Jianhao finally spoke,Make the woman who sits next to gently rotating the seat smile a smile, "It's a good drinker",When the waiter put ten glasses of beer neatly on the counter,Small hand push,Five cups slipped to Li Jianhao,Five cups belong to her,So the two really chatted without a word,The woman also learned from the man something that bothered him so much,It's just that she's interested in the man opposite,He is a little absent-minded about his so-called thoughts,And the two of them had finished drinking before they knew it.,Li Jianhao's head is slightly dizzy at this time,Eyes half-squinted,The woman opposite sees this,Two small hands actually slipped slowly across the man's waist,Buckled up on the back waist,Then moved up to touch the strong back of the strong man,Although there is a layer of clothes,Can still clearly feel the broad and powerful latissimus dorsi,Full of male taste,Thinking of the man using this solid back to dominate those strong arms and press her to the ground, and humiliate her severely.,The woman's breathing is already somewhat disordered,A pair of red lips inadvertently reached the man's earlobe,Let out a sigh of heat,Let men have a trace of sexual desire in their hearts,Red lips move down,Slowly approaching the man's sexy lips,Looking forward to the next physical journey...
Li Jianhao watched as those red lips stretched out towards him slowly,And the button on the chest was also opened by a small hand,It is reasonable to ask for it,After a fierce battle with this wandering happy woman, lift her pants and leave,Just looking at the red that is getting closer and closer,For some reason, the man suddenly thought of the inferior lipstick after kissing the woman, small pieces sticking to his lips,Can't help but feel sick,The two big hands instantly grabbed the small hand that had only half-unbuttoned,Then he threw it away fiercely,Scolded:"Bitch!"
Wait for the woman to react,Seeing that the man who succeeded immediately has strode into the bathroom,And there are a few red bills on the table,Can't help but scold a stinky man secretly,You ungrateful animal,It’s just that I can’t figure out why the development is going well.,I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t think of it.,Simply shook his head,Then he beckoned not far away,Immediately walked over two wearing sunglasses,Man in black suit all over,The woman quietly said something to the two,After a short while, the two men also walked towards the men’s bathroom。
At this moment Li Jianhao has entered the bathroom,The bladder is filled with fluid after drinking too much,He was a little uncomfortable before he came to solve it,It's just that the urinal is already full of people who are peeing,He had to find a half-hidden door casually and pushed aside and walked in,Zip down,I took the big guy out of my crotch and peeed,Enjoying the pleasure of emptying the bladder,But I heard a thumping sound from the wooden partition next door,Li Jianhao didn't care at first,I thought it was the sound made by someone accidentally bumping into it,Continue to excrete with peace of mind,Immediately there was a thumping tapping sound again,This is definitely not an accidental move,I wanted to tentatively ask if the other party did not bring a tissue,It’s just that the eyes suddenly found a hole in the wall on the left.,Just at the waist,There is a finger that is not too thick,White and pure,And there is an extra round wood of the same texture on the ground,There are faint traces of white latex around the wood,It seems that someone got stuck before,It’s just now being pushed away by the finger next door,I saw my finger hooked at him,Made a seduce move,It’s just that Li Jianhao has never seen such a scene,So I don’t quite understand what the other party means,Instead, he reached out and took a pack of tissues from his pocket and passed it through the hole,Immediately there was a sound from the opposite side:"I go,WTF! "The second monk Li Jianhao couldn't figure it out,And at this time something that made him even more unthinkable happened,There is a columnar rubber material sticking out of the hole on the opposite side.,After he saw it clearly, he found that the thing was clearly a man’s penis,It turned out to be a silicone male root,And the finger next door hooked at Li Jianhao again,Now even a fool understands the other party's intentions,It's a pity that this strong man has never heard of the word bird hole,This led to the misunderstanding of the other party’s meaning for the first time。
He should have no interest in men,I happened to drink a little drunk at the moment,Plus a stranger is seduce him to reveal his proud male root,The enjoyment that has been envied for a long time makes him a little eager to expose his sturdy lower body for admiration,Driven by this kind of thought, the male root has gradually strengthened.,The man next door just saw this scene from the hole,A finger is more diligent without hooking,Actually, the stranger has been squatting next door for a while,It's just that the man who comes to the toilet or he doesn't like it,Either others say bad things to him,Finally met this man who promised to meet the conditions,Naturally refuses to let it go。
Li Jianhao's cheeks are reddish,Turned around slowly,Listen to the surrounding movement,Except for the music from outside,Did not hear the sound of urination,Only then did I relax my mind and slowly stretched my fully erect lower body from the hole,Sure enough, some hands began to touch his big glans,Made Li Jianhao's body tremble slightly,JB who stretched over is even stronger,The stranger who was only separated by a wall saw this big guy even more powerful than the one just turned up,Can't help but smile,Looks like I can feast my eyes again today,In such an unfamiliar environment, Li Jianhao gave his lower body to a stranger to appreciate and play,This situation and this scene stimulated him a little in a trance,I just want to quickly let a strange man play with his penis,Take a shot comfortably,Thinking of this, the whole body is lying tightly on the partition,A meat stick is also fully stretched over,Let the strange man see the whole picture of this thing,Thick and strong,Hideous,The glans is slightly bigger than the stem,Separated by the coronal sulcus,Looks so perfect and alluring,A drop of crystal clear dew has appeared in the horse's eyes at the top,So I stuck out my tongue and licked it lightly,Slightly curled tongue,Melted that delicious drop of dew in your mouth,He who is used to masturbating and having sex with his wife,The glans was licked by a complete stranger,Moaning inadvertently,Let the strange man want to take care of this big guy who can't put it down,I saw the man's right index finger and middle finger stretched straight into the hole,My fingertips touched a soft mass,Slide two fingers from straight to hook to both sides of the bottom,A fierce hook actually hooked Li Jianhao's two eggs from the hole,Yo ha,Two big eggs are like two billiard balls from the bottom of the hole on the clapboard,Still wriggling,The egg bag is covered with scattered pubic hair,"So two big hair balls,There must be a lot of essence in it! "The strange man saw Li Jianhao's two big eggs,Can't help but admire,Let Li Jianhao's hips, who is lying tightly on the partition, move vigorously,So that the stranger on the other side can see his genitals more clearly。
When the strange man saw the man's penis stretched out, he was still pushing here vigorously.,I also understand a little bit that the big JB man opposite has been completely aroused by himself.,I want to play with his big thing,It's simply something you can't ask for,The white left hand rested on the bar with veined veins,Then he held it in a ring and grabbed the big guy,Feel the hot temperature and uneven touch,The strange man held Li Jianhao's male roots' hand and began to move quickly,So thoroughly every time,I saw the foreskin covered half of the glans in an instant,Then he was dragged down by the hand immediately,Tighten the foreskin strap and completely let the glans lose the cover of the foreskin and expose them to the air.,Whispering and spinning slightly,I just feel that the blue ribs on the JB pole have been screwed together,Looks like root algae attached to it,There is more lewd water in the horse's eyes,Flowing down from the huge purple-red glans,However, his other hand immediately rubbed the entire glans.,At this time under the light,The glans smeared with obscene fluid looks shiny and shiny,It's like touching lubricant,And the hand of the strange man doesn't seem to want to let go of this weather-beaten purple glans,Sometimes I hold my glans tightly and shake my heart back and forth,Sometimes the palms spread out and press the top of the glans to move back and forth,Move the stem with two hands,A rubbing glans horse eye,Li Jianhao's genitals have never been so stimulated,Sex with wife is just a few simple ways,At this moment, his throat rolls straight,There was a continuous low growl in his mouth,People who are urinating outside at this time think that someone is masturbating,But I didn’t think that in one of the small rooms in the men’s bathroom, a strong man was giving his big bird to an unrelated stranger to play with.,I don't know why it's so cool。
The strange man sees that the big JB on his hand leaks more liquid,Drop by drop came out of my little mouth vigorously,Some are left to the stem along the front of the glans,Some follow the foreskin belt and flow through the urinary tube at the bottom of the stem to the two hair bulbs below.,Made his hands slippery,Watching two big hair balls sit alone on the partition is really affectionate,So I freed my right hand to pinch the thin skin that was hanging the egg and leaned forward slightly,Then the whole palm supported the two fur balls,What a big cock,The strange man sighed with emotion,The right hand tightly held the mass of meat in his hand,And secretly worked hard,Otherwise, I can’t hold this bulging bag at all,I felt my grandchildren's bag was held tightly in my hands,Makes Li Jianhao a little bit painful,After all, the most painful thing in a man’s body is probably these two babies,Then the two eggs in the sac are rolled back and forth by the palm and fingers,There is almost a feeling of two balls being squeezed together into one,In this way, Li Jianhao's whole set of genitals completely fell into the hands of strangers,This man's hands are really good at playing,Soft and flexible,Soon after rubbing the two big eggs of Li Jianhao, they became red and swollen.,The egg skin is fully stretched out,Even the signs of creeping are looming,The small protrusions all over the epidermis also seem to disappear because of full extension,Looks very smooth,Li Jianhao certainly didn't know that his children and grandchildren's bags were almost doubled,I just feel that the two eggs are filled with water,Heavily rising, uncomfortable but extremely stimulating,Made him suddenly think

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