[BL douujin] [Fiction] "Junior Basketball Team" has eleven chapters-finished

[BL douujin] [Fiction] "Junior Basketball Team" has eleven chapters-finished

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"Junior Basketball Team"

Chapter One

I'm a coach of an elementary school basketball team。

The little ghosts I brought,It's a group of fresh meat,

I haven’t had any problems with shooting or having sex since the summer vacation,

Although I always laughed at me,

But because our school is a school with more aboriginal students,

These children are mature,

Don't say the height of 170,There are also a few that are close to 180,

And they often go hunting in the mountains with their father,

Every time the jersey is taken off,

Perfect pectoral muscle glands and six distinct abdominal muscles,

It’s hard to imagine that they are students in the sixth grade of elementary school,

because of this,I always can't look away from their bodies。

This day is the time after practice,

Most of the team’s students go home,

Because the school I teach is relatively remote,

In order to cope with the early practice,

Most of the students will go home to take a shower and eat and then come back to the dormitory to do their homework、sleep,

But there are one or two special students,

Because my parents don’t work in my hometown,

So taking care of their daily life has become my responsibility,

It also includes the captain I love the most on our team。

Every time you finish,

The jersey shorts that everyone changes will always stay in the shower room of the dormitory,

Every day there will be team members taking turns to clean,

but,Because it’s the cleaning team’s turn to go home and rest today because of physical discomfort,

So in order for everyone to have clean jerseys and shorts to wear tomorrow,

I just want to help everyone clean up first。


? ???

So I came out of the teacher’s lounge,Walking on the way to the shower,

As soon as I walked to the shower room, I heard the sound of someone in the shower,

Maybe the students who stayed are still washing!!(I think so)

I packed up the jersey shorts scattered around the laundry basket,

While asking,Who is still washing,The coach is going to wash the jersey shorts,

The student who was still washing replied,The coach wait for me,

Then he took out his own jersey shorts from the shower door and gave it to me,

I have a look,Isn't this the captain of our family?!?

After telling him to take a quick wash,

I took everyone’s jerseys and shorts and walked to the stream behind the school,

Because everyone has practiced for a day,

The jersey shorts exudes a strong smell of sweat and a fishy smell under the crotch,

I suddenly caught a glimpse of the shorts that the captain gave me,

Found a milky white liquid on it,

Thought:by,This kid really developed so well。

While thinking,The behemoth I stepped on began to move around,

Fortunately, no one is by the stream now,

Otherwise, through the sports shorts,Obviously you can see my big cock。

By the way, I have come back to this school to lead the basketball team since I finished being a soldier,

I usually rely on my own hands to solve the needs,

Smelling the captain’s jersey pants made me feel sexual,

I sit by the stream,Start pistoling,

Pick up the captain's shorts,Smell and smell,

Rubbing one hand on my dick,

After a while, a cloud of white semen was sprayed on the captain’s shorts,

I also specially wiped the remaining semen on my cock on his jersey。

only,I didn't think of it at this time,

The captain who was in the shower just followed me secretly,Recorded all the pictures。

After dinner,Everyone is coming back to school one after another,The class started to become lively,

Writing homework,Reading book,

When it's time to go to bed,The captain asked everyone to go to the dormitory to prepare to rest after washing。

At this time, I am in the teacher’s lounge to change everyone’s homework,

The captain knocked on the rest door and shouted to report,

I invite him in,I didn't look up at him at first,

When I finished my homework and looked up, I found out,He kept staring at my shorts as soon as he came in,

And I also found that his shorts have a slight bulge,

I asked him,What's the matter??

He says,coach,I want to ask you,Is handjob good for the body???

I said,It's normal to treat it as a proper vent。

He says,Does the coach usually play pistols???

I said,If I need it, I will also hit a pistol!!

He says,Can the coach call me??I want to know how I am different from the coach。

I froze for a moment,Thought,Why suddenly,But I want to say that young boys are curious about sex, of course,So he stood up without thinking and locked the door first,Then I turned around and told him,OK then!!Look at it!!

Because the weather is very hot,In the teacher’s lounge, I only focus on shorts and don’t wear panties.,The upper body is also naked,

I started to touch the nipples with one hand and started to touch down,

The captain ran to me and sat down,

I stepped down and started to bulge slightly after I stimulated,

The captain suddenly put his right hand under my crotch,

I shrink back reflexively,You have to do it!?

He says,I want to know if the coach is big,Everyone usually talks about the coach’s looks like a big one。

As he spoke, he put his hand through the leg of the shorts,

My dick is getting bigger and bigger,

Adhesive,As soon as he grasped my dick,coach,Yours is really big!!

The eyes glowed with envy,He took off his own shorts with the other hand,

Because everyone in the team meets frankly,So he only wears shorts,

His cock bounced out of his shorts,It should be 15cm in my eyes!!

For a child of this age,Not too small。

So I held his cock with my right hand and said,Your dick is actually not too small,

When did it start to develop??

He said shyly,Is this summer vacation。Finished,He started rubbing my dick with both hands,

Because my dick is 18cm,He needs his hands to hold my hot cock firmly,

Next,Something outrageous happened,He actually squatted under me and swallowed my cock in his mouth,

Although my sanity tells me,No way!!!

But he licked my horse's eye with his tongue,A glove,Softly hold my testicles with one hand。

dry!!It's been a long time since it was so cool。

Under him blowing and playing tricks like this,Although I just shot this afternoon,

But after a while,I start to have the desire to shoot again,

I try to restrain myself,No way!!

Can't ejaculate in front of students,Not to mention shooting in his mouth,

But the captain still uses the skill of using the tongue proficiently for some reason,

The numb feeling spread through my body like an electric shock,

what!!!No more。

I pushed his head away,But it's too late,A few drops of semen have been sprayed on his face,

I panic,While panting, pick up the toilet paper to wipe off the semen from the captain’s face,

But he wiped off the semen with his hand with a composure expression,The coach is really tough!!

Shot to the door,I can't help it。

I wonder,What are you talking about。

After I wipe the semen from my body,The captain suddenly threw himself into my arms,coach,Can you fight for me??

I wonder,Forget it,Since it's all here。


I hug him,Touch his nipples with one hand,Started rubbing his cute cock with one hand,

His dick is getting bigger and bigger,The horse's eyes are also slowly flowing out of juice,

Only then did I look at his body carefully,

Clear chest line,The two pectoral muscles are due to normal exercises,The thickness is very obvious,

There are six-pack abdominal muscles with well-defined barriers on the stomach,Because the thighs often have to practice running,So very strong,

Have a thin beard on the face,There is a little bit of Adam's apple on the neck that has started to develop,

in fact,Our captain is also very handsome,

Thinking about,I started to grow restlessly below me。

Captain may feel it,coach,You are really good,I can get an erection just after the ejaculation。

Chapter two

Me and him panting,The sweat has dripped drop by drop on the floor of the teachers' lounge,

I can feel his dick slowly getting bigger

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