[BL douujin] [Fiction] The straight man in deep suit crosses the next (1)-a total of 42 chapters in serial (chapters 1-15)

[BL douujin] [Fiction] The straight man in deep suit crosses the next (1)-a total of 42 chapters in serial (chapters 1-15)

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"Surrender to Straight Man's Crotch" 1

Chapter One: Classmate Cha Youth
Chapter 2 Jealousy
Chapter Three Lu Nong Flower Thin,Lightly sweaty and lightly clothed
Chapter Four·Dongkou Yangchun is shallow and deep
Chapter 5 Mo Jiao Pian,And flower and month,Big parents。
Chapter 6 Frost Leaf Red in February Flower
Chapter 7 Red Wetness,Fight,Who knows pity
Chapter 8 Who knows,Who knows,Full of love,Mr. Manto
Chapter Nine·Pi Li Yang Qi Xu,Smile with low eyebrows
Chapter 10: The Flower and the Shadow Move on the Wall,illusion,No trace
Chapter Eleven,Looking back at the fleeting drunk
Chapter Twelve,Ask the boy under the moon
Chapter Thirteen,Intoxicated
Chapter Fourteen,Blooming brocade
Chapter Fifteen,Tears

Chapter One: Classmate Cha Youth
"Go to my house to stay at night,My dad mailed me a new game cassette。"Leiming said to me as he packed his schoolbags。A pink envelope fell out of the desk drawer。
"A love letter again?" I cast a glance,Asked aloud。
"I did not see。"Lei Ming picked up the envelopes and threw them forward,The ball of paper flew across the classroom from the last row to the wastebasket at the door accurately。"Ya! Three minutes!"
"Damn! You waste!" Boss Zhao turned his head.,He lowered his voice and said, "I saw it at noon today,Danni Fang from class X put the girls in our class on your desk,The flower of class X! That ass! That tits! Damn it! "
"You like you。I'm a pure high school student,Focus on academics。"Thunder did not lift his head。
"I bother!"Boss Zhao turns the stool,Got together recently。The smell of smoke in my mouth made me frown。"Are you pure? Pull your dick down! I caught sight of you when you pee,Really big cock,Dick heads are black。Talk to brother,Have you opened buds for a few little girls? "
"Fuck! Peeking at someone's dick,You have this hobby。You haven't grown up。”
"Hey" Boss Zhao grinned,Showing yellow teeth stained with smoke, "I heard that you had a reputation when you were in junior high school.",They say that the girls waiting for you to fuck are all lined up。”
Although there are not many people in the classroom,But there are still girls who haven't left。"Ahem!" I coughed slightly。Thundering smiled and stretched out his hands to cover my ears,Said to Boss Zhao, "Don't squirt dung in front of my Ningning.。He is a pure and good baby。”
"Hey,That is。I still believe Zhou Ning is a youngster,Look at this small look,Like a handsome girl。”
"move,I won't catch the bus in a while。"I stand up,The face just touched by thunder is slightly hot。
Thunder's home is in the same community as mine,The two are very close。Thunder's father is the captain of an ocean liner,All year round。To take care of her sick grandmother, Lei Ming's mother often had to live in a neighboring city for a while。Sometimes I ask my mother to take care of the thunder,Mother is willing,She likes my handsome little friend very much。of course,It seems that every woman likes thunder。
"That Fang Dani—— don't you like it?" I looked at thunder,His naked upper body is glowing with honey。
"I heard it's pretty。”
"so so,I have seen。"Leiming suddenly leaned down and approached me,There is a narrow smile on his face。"Feng Xue is more flavorful than her。”
"Feng Xue? The student committee of our class?" I was a little surprised,Feng Xue is indeed beautiful,Recognized as the first girl among freshmen in this year's high school。Good family background,Learning,It is estimated that she must be the throne of the school flower。But since the beginning of school, I have been cold and frosty,A posture that looks indifferent to anyone。I never saw a boy she saw。
"Are you interested in her?" I glanced at Thunder,He is untying his belt。
"She is interesting to me!" Lei Ming kicked off his trousers,Only a pair of white briefs left,It’s a big bag.,There are fine black hairs extending from the edge of the underwear to under the belly button,Six pack abs are clearly visible。
"I'll take a shower first,Play for a while by yourself,Don't hold back for a while。"Thunder turned his head and walked towards the bathroom。Every time thundering father mails a new game cassette,Thunder will call me to live with him,Play games together。
I got up and hung the thundering pants and shirt on the hanger,Put away the socks one by one。I have known each other for three years and I am used to doing these things for him,He always joked,If I'm a girl, I must marry as a daughter-in-law。
"Dear,Bring me in a new bottle of shower gel,Right in my bedside table。"Thunder screamed。
I froze for a moment,I have never seen thunderous nudes,Sometimes I find it incredible,The greed in my heart wants to peep into his body countless times,I also have countless opportunities to fulfill my desires,But I actually held it back。I am shy,More scared! I am afraid that once I indulge my desire, I will go to the abyss of no return。
I quickly found the shower gel,Come to the bathroom door,Hesitated,Opened the door and went in。
Water vapor in the bathroom,Thundering stood there naked,The black giant in the crotch seems to be pulling my gaze,I try my best to control,But my eyes still swept over involuntarily,A dazzling sensation hits head on。That’s what Boss Zhao said, "A big dick whose head is black?"。I force my mind to put the shower gel on the cabinet,Turn around and want to leave。
"Hey,Rub my back。"Leiming suddenly made a request that I hadn't anticipated.。"Help me rub,I'll rub it for you later。
"Don't,I don't need your help。"I feel a little dry mouth。
"Help me rub,Playing ball these days,I can't rub myself clean。"Leiming said as he stretched out his hand to pull me",When I play games for a while, I let a few lives,Haha。”
I can not,I had to bite the bullet and come behind Thunder,He bent down and raised his back against the wall with both hands,I use a bath towel to rub on my back repeatedly,Excited hands keep shaking again。
"My brother,You rub well,Use both hands a little bit。"Thunderous and dissatisfied protest。
I increased my strength with both hands。
"More strength!You haven't eaten enough!”
I gritted my teeth and increased my strength。
"Uh-cool!" Thunder let out a satisfied exhale。
With my vigorous movement up and down,Thunder can't maintain a motionless posture anymore。The whole body swayed back and forth。The big cock under the crotch shook with the rhythm,The thick pubic hair is now wet with water and is lying around。Only the dark red cock keeps jumping in the eyes。The glans completely protrudes from the foreskin,Sure enough, it's the same as Boss Zhao said,The head of the dick is dark and shiny。
I can't move my eyes away from there anymore,I'm by that vulgar,dirty,magical,beautiful,Holy,The great dick is completely confused。My own cock is already erect,There is some pain in the top of the glans on the panties。A cloud of virtual fire rises from the lower abdomen straight up,Dry mouth and keep swallowing saliva。It’s also hot in my head,What do i need to quench my thirst,Otherwise, he will be burned by the fire of desire immediately。Correct! That's it! That swarthy big cock。Just let me take a bite,Can save me。I'm going to be intolerable,I'm going to kneel down and hold that big cock in my mouth。
"All right,Thank you。"Lei Ming straightened up,He smiled and said, "Looking at your skinny, you're pretty strong。
I hum,Turned and left the bathroom。
I sit on the sofa,Close your eyes,Try to think of something else,But the thick and dark cock in my mind still keeps showing up。
Thunder! Thunder! I hate you as much as I love you!
The first time I saw Thunder was in the summer of the second year。Although it's been so long,I still remember that afternoon clearly。Warm breeze,The classmates are a little drowsy。The teacher pushes the door to enter,The strong and tall figure behind me。Drew everyone's eyes away。
Thunder just stood on the podium like that,Smiling and accepting the gathered eyes。The tall figure is elegant and well-proportioned,Profound facial features are as delicate as sculptures。There is a smile on that perfect lip shape,As if you have the fragrance of sweet honey juice when you open your mouth。Wheat-colored skin is smooth and plump, shining in the afternoon sun。As if an alien god came to face from the murals of the ruins,At that moment,There seems to be an invisible hand gently plucking a heartstring deep in my soul。Old in this life,Mistakes at first sight。

Chapter 2 Jealousy

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What Thunder said is true,Not long after,Everyone in the class knows that Benhua Feng Xue is getting along with him。The beauty of the iceberg in the eyes of everyone has its own heart,This is so sorrowful,And look at Feng Xue's performance,Obviously, I still take the initiative。The eyes of all boys watching thunder are full of envy, jealousy and hatred。Among them, Boss Zhao is the most,Every time I see Feng Xue and Lei Ming together, I have to have a taste。Say some horrible things secretly,For example, "Feng Xue must have been budding by thunder", "Feng Xue's little tender cunt was pricked by thunderous big cock",It must be swollen like steamed buns" and so on,Every time, it will make a few inconsistent boys laugh lewdly。
I'm used to such things a long time ago,From the first day I met Thunder,There has never been a girl around him。Whether Feng Xue is obsessed with thunderous and handsome face,Still surrender to thunder's crotch as Boss Zhao said,In short, this iceberg beauty has turned into a stream of spring water in front of thunder。But because of my understanding of thunder,This situation won't last long,The time thunder stayed interested in a girl,Does not exceed his enthusiasm for a new game。
but,At the moment the two indeed seem to be a close young couple。At least it looks like this to outsiders,They would get together in between classes to talk and laugh together,I'll walk some distance together after school。On the weekend,Will go out on a date。Many students saw them holding hands on a tree-lined road with few pedestrians,There are also a few people who have seen them hugging and cuddling behind the school rockery。
Lei Ming's intimate and affectionate activities with girls I have seen a lot,Pull hands,Kiss little mouth,Make a little girl blushing,Spring is blooming。This Merry Seed is born a rotten peach blossom,I always thought it was nothing more than that between him and Feng Xue,But the subsequent discovery was far beyond my expectation。
The last self-study class every Friday afternoon is free time,Most students will go home early from school,The remaining sports-loving boys gather together to play basketball and football,There are basically no people in the classroom except for a few schoolmasters。Thunder likes to play basketball,I usually catch up in the classroom,He will wake me up after playing and go home together。
This friday,Things are different。Thunder did not pack his schoolbag after class,I thought he was going to play again today。But when the people in the classroom are almost gone, he is still sitting still,I was going to ask him,But saw Feng Xue walking towards the last row。Thunder winked at me-oh,I understand,This is an appointment between the two。
"I'm going back。"I feel a little unhappy,Why didn't you talk about it earlier?。I got up and started packing my schoolbag。
"do not,You go to sleep for a while,Don't you usually have to get a sleep at this point?。"Leiming took my schoolbag belt and said, "I'll walk together later,My mom went to my grandma's house again today,Play games with me tonight。”
I'm a bit noncommittal。
"Just for a while" Leiming glanced at Feng Xue who came by。Patted my arm,Whispered "good"。
I put my school bag back in the drawer,Go to Boss Zhao’s seat and lie down on the table, covering the English book on his face。Boss Zhao’s seat is across the aisle to the left of Thunder。When Feng Xue saw me leaving, she naturally sat on my seat。Lei Ming leaned over and didn't know what she said in her ear,Feng Xue laughed。I'm too lazy to take care of them counting sheep with eyes closed。
The two started talking and laughing,Then it became a whisper。I do not know how long it has been,I woke up in a daze,Looking over the gap between the book and the tabletop————Lei Ming and Feng Xue both climbed on the table,Head to head motionless,Thunder's right arm rests on Feng Xue's back,Seems to be asleep too。
suddenly,Feng Xue's body shook sharply,Make a low muffled snort。Then there was a faint, depressed groan,The sound seemed to exist for a few minutes,Gradually turned into a low sob,The rapid and intermittent exhalation sounds seem to be interrupted suddenly。suddenly,Feng Xue made a sharp hum again,The sound stopped abruptly,Then it became a big gasp,Feng Xue trembled like a swing with the sound of gasping,Both hands suddenly grabbed Thunder's left arm。I just found out at this moment,Thunder's left forearm is completely hidden in Feng Xue's skirt,The left hand is stretched between the legs。Feng Xue kept clamping her legs at this moment,But because of thunderous wrists, they can’t be brought together completely。
After a while,Feng Xue calmed down。
"Take it out..." Feng Xue whispered。
"You clamped too tightly,Baby" thunderous smile,Feng Xue flushed and spread her legs。
Lei Ming took his hand out of Feng Xue's skirt,Looked in front of me,Smell again。I clearly see,The fingers are shiny with mucus。Feng Xue was blushing and got up to leave。Thunder grabbed her,Pointing to his raised crotch, "You haven't fulfilled your obligations yet。”
"It's too late today,Will it work next time? "Feng Xue shrugged away the thunderous hand cowardly,Whispered。
"Don't。"Lei Ming expressed dissatisfaction。
"It's too late,Your... it will take a long time。My mother should call me...。"Feng Xue looked embarrassed。
"Then you scream nicely。I'll let you go。"Thunder Ming gave a narrow smile。
"Ok。"Feng Xue was embarrassed,Possessed close to thunderous ears "Big Cock Husband"。”
Thunderous laughed out loud,I grabbed Feng Xue's butt forcefully。
After Feng Xue walks out of the classroom,Thunder pushed me,I pretend I just woke up。Look around,It turns out that only two of me are left in the classroom。
After that day,I began to pay special attention to the exchanges between Lei Ming and Feng Xue。Maybe out of curiosity about men and women,It may also be simply caring about thunder。But after two months in a row,Did not find anything unusual。Probably because I haven't dated a girl,So you are not sensitive to the activities between men and women。at this time,What is needed most is a "prostitious talent" like Boss Zhao,The reason why this Boss Zhao is called Boss Zhao,Because he also has a twin brother named Zhao Lao Er,The two brothers studied for six years from the first grade of junior high school to the first grade of senior high school.,In the words of Boss Zhao,The reason for repeating the grade for two years,To open more buds。I haven't done any harm to the little girl in recent years,Junior high school has the nickname "Da Sao" and "Er Sao"。A middle school boy with them also circulated this kind of limericks "Dasao Cock is Rough,Two Sao Cock Long。Big glans iron lazy,The screaming chick yells"
I have always avoided Boss Zhao,People like him make me sick。But now this situation,I have to find some clues from him。So whenever Boss Zhao talks to others,,I changed my old attitude,Started to leaned forward to listen。
School public toilet entrance
"Fuck! Do you know that!?" Boss Zhao's typical opening remarks,Usually not boasting of one's sexual abilities,Just talk about love affairs。"Look at what Feng Xue pretends every day,I hit a thunderous big cock,Immediately collapsed into water。How to show up, how to show up。”
"Don't talk,As if you saw it。"A boy expressed dissatisfaction。
"Fuck! When did I say nothing。"Boss Zhao looked around,Seeing that there are no people around, "The Biaozi from Class 7,It's my iron buddy。I told me that I saw Thunder and Feng Xue in People’s Park that day。The two of them are hiding behind the tree..." Boss Zhao stopped suddenly and said nothing.。
"What's wrong? You say it! Fuck!" The boys booed.。
"Hehe" Boss Zhao smiled wickedly, "Feng Xue is wrapping thunder's cock over there! Fuck!,Two big tits are exposed outside,White flowery。”
"Fuck! Really or not,Don't fool around with your dick。”
"Children! Who are they talking nonsense, who grandson。"Boss Zhao made a promise。"Biaozi can see clearly,Thunder sitting against the tree,Feng Xue knelt and wrapped his dick,Big ass poked old tall,Thunder keeps rubbing her big tits。”
"Fuck! Feng Xue is so sassy! Bai Blind Lao Tzu is infatuated with her。"A boy expressed dissatisfaction。
"You pull it down,Still infatuated,Feng Xue's cock doesn't cock you。Do you think about other people fucking cock?,Haha" The boys started teasing each other。
"Boss,What else do you know,Tell me more。You said Feng Xue's cunt hasn't been fucked by thunder。”
"Yup,Boss,Don't carry,What's more。My dick is hard。Haha"
"Have you ever fucked? Feng Xue's tenderness puts you in front of you,You are not fucked! Thundering that big cock,Fuck! I guess it's harder than you slap longer。Insert Feng Xue's tenderness,Why don't you pee Feng Xue?。"Boss Zhao said, "Women,As long as it gets fucked by a big dick,Let's wave whatever you want。Just talk about the one I did before..."
Hearing Boss Zhao changed the subject,I quietly withdrew from the conversation circle。Ups and downs in the heart-People's Park。I secretly planned a plan。

Chapter Three Lu Nong Flower Thin,Lightly sweaty and lightly clothed
Tracking thunder-this plan is not difficult to achieve,In fact, thundering spends most of the day with me,And I know the limited time that thunder is out of my field of vision。Just pay attention,Thunder cannot escape my surveillance。
Thunder will go to exercise for a while after dinner every day,Usually go to play basketball,Occasionally jogging。Because I know I don’t like strenuous exercise,Thunder rarely asks me to go together。This period of time is the only window period in the day。Just lock this time,Everything is much simpler。
Plan everything and then move,Naturally nothing is impossible。Smoother than expected,Friday night after three days,Opportunity has come。I stand in front of the bay window in the bedroom,The vision is facing the entrance and exit of the corridor of Leiming's house。Thunder appeared,Time is slightly earlier than usual,A black and red Nike basketball uniform。I also wear light basketball shoes on my feet。From here I can see the thunderous jet-black fine hair is wet at the moment,The whole body is full of moisture and refreshing。Obviously just took a shower,This is not a usual habit,And... he didn't get the basketball。
I made up a random reason to my parents,Hurried downstairs。I just saw Thunder get into a taxi at the gate of the community。I hurriedly stopped a taxi and got in。
"Where to go" the driver master asked。
"Um..." I hesitated for a moment,Boss Zhao's words come to my ears。"Go to People's Park"
Me in a taxi,Excited and nervous,There is still a trace of confusion。I asked myself,What's wrong with me? What do i want to do? Is it curious? But where is the point of curiosity? I want to witness thunder's eager desire to have a good time with girls,Or pure voyeuristic desire for male and female fornication。What do i want? I think only when I see what I want to see,My heart will be clear。
quickly,The taxi arrived at People's Park。This is an old park,Big and dilapidated。Because the hills and woods are ups and downs,Can't plant a field or build a building,The original planners of the city simply built a fence outside it.。Let’s talk about being a place to go out and look for the willows。now,It has become a base for a group of aunts who dance square dances around。
Wait for a thousand years
Wait a minute
Wait for a thousand years
I have no regrets
Who is in the ear
Love me forever
Just for this sentence
Aha, I have no complaints
Rain heartbreak
Dream lingering
West Lake Water
My tears I would rather turn into a flame with you
Sunset,The sky is a bit dim。A group of aunts dressed in red and green,In the soft melody of the legend of the new white lady,A fat body dancing with emotionlessness。That aura is so powerful,It is estimated that the snake, insect, rat and ant hiding in the surrounding lush jungle、Monsters and ghosts are going to retreat。
It must be there! definitely is! When Boss Zhao mentioned People’s Park,I thought of that place。On the west side of the park is a high hill,There are two old pavilions on it。Elderly people who climb high will go there for morning exercises。Below the pavilion is a steep slope,The forest is very prosperous。Halfway up the mountain,A square piece of flat land is hidden in it。Lei Ming and I accidentally discovered this place during a mountain climbing,The level ground is obviously artificially built,Two wooden stakes stand on it,A sandbag filled with cotton wool is tied to it。It should be specially developed to practice martial arts。If you want a tryst,That's definitely a great place。
I bypassed the aunt's phalanx,Go straight to the destination。Because I haven't been there for a long time,The forest here is very lush,So some turn for a while,I'm afraid that the action will be too big,Can only be patient and cautiously search a little bit。Suddenly there was a "sucking" sound in my ear,A man’s voice sounded "A little deeper..." The voice was not far from my left。
It's thunder! My whole body froze,Slowly turn your body while squatting down,Gently push the bushes in front of you with both hands。what! My heart touched my throat all at once。Just less than five meters away from me,Thunder is naked,There is only a pair of Nike sneakers under my feet,Stand with strong thighs apart,Put your hands around your chest,Looking down at Feng Xue who is staring in front of him。
Feng Xue knelt on the thundering shirt,Just under the thunderous crotch,Holding thunderous thighs in both hands,I'm trying hard to include the thunderous black and thick cock more in the import,But the thundering cock is too big,No matter how Feng Xue adjusts the angle,More than half of her cock is always left outside of her cherry nipples,The white cheeks are bulging,The upper jaw and chin are also extended to the limit。The situation seems to be the ancient "plug torture"-the seven orifices were blocked by a thick plug。But at this time, thunderous cock used to sentence Feng Xue。
"Deeper,Going further..." Lei Ming is obviously still dissatisfied with the level of this punishment.。"Woo..." What could answer him was the humming sound from Feng Xue's nose,Saliva constantly overflows from the corners of the mouth,Flowing down the white and straight neck to the exposed white breasts。Lei Ming sees Feng Xue has done her best,I close my separated legs,Lift the waist and withdraw the cock from Feng Xue's mouth,Slippery mucus drips from the glans the size of an egg,Pull out a long crystal silk thread。I don’t know if it’s Feng Xue’s saliva.。
"Licking dick head。"Leiming pushed the big dick to Feng Xue's eyes,Feng Xue obediently lifted her head up and stretched out her fragrant tongue and gently licked on the thundering glans。Make a sucking sound。The same sound as I just heard,It seems that before I found this place,Feng Xue has tried this kind of training several times。
"The eye in front of。"Thunder gave another order。Feng Xue puffed up her pink mouth and kissed the horse's eyes with lustful water in front of the glans,Willow frown,Eyes closed,The intoxicating affection seems to be kissing the red lips of the lover。
Thunder suddenly took a small step back,Feng Xue, who suddenly lost the touch of her big dick, knelt forward like a reflex,The lips are close to the glans again,Thunder has taken a half step back。Feng Xue knelt forward again,Still leaning towards the thunderous big cock。But thunder slid to the left mischievously,Feng Xue took a breather,Elbows on the ground,White and tender ass puckered high,Exposed from the pink skirt,I didn't wear underwear。Feng Xue opened his eyes,Shouted angrily, "Um... you are bad! You are bad! Ignore you again,Humph! "
I was hiding behind the bushes as if I was splashed with a bowl of cold water,Slammed a joke,just! Just when Feng Xue was licking the thunderous big cock,I actually fell into a daze,It seems that the person who knelt down under the thundering crotch is not Feng Xue but me,I can smell that male,That hot sweat is mixed with wild body odor。The smell of the dick seems to flow between my tongue and teeth,The sweetness of the kinky water flowing from the dick and the smell of urine remaining on the glans。I have a voice in my heart yelling,Howling,I need to! I need to! What do I want?!What do i want? ! Is it that centimeter-long big cock like a murder weapon? Or the heavy egg bag full of male semen? ! Do not,This is not enough! Is it that sturdy and well-proportioned body like a Greek sculpture? Or that handsome and beautiful face like a foreign god? Do not,These are not enough。
"What do you want? Say it" Thunder's words once again attracted my attention,He patted Feng Xuerue's beautiful buttocks, "What do you want me to do to forgive me?,My dear little baby"
"Don't,Nothing!"Feng Xue twisted Bai Nen's big butt" "Who let you bully others?",Why don't people do it。”
"Really don't? Don't do it?" Leiming showed a wicked smile,Intentionally aggravated the tone of "doing",Bend down suddenly,Fisted one hand forward along Feng Xuebai’s buttocks。In Feng Xue's exclamation, the whole thunderous arm passed through Feng Xue's crotch and reached his chest.,Thundering one-arm competition,It's like fishing for something,Fished Feng Xue from the ground。The other hand held Feng Xue's milky tits and pulled inward,Feng Xue was picked up and put her back on Thunder's chest,But my legs are indeed riding on thunderous arms。
"Ah...please...boring" Feng Xue twisted her body。But the irritation from under her crotch made her numb for a while。
"Don't want it,It’s flooding down below" Thunder said happily, "Baby,Did you pee?。”
"I'm not there!" Feng Xue's face burned like fire。
"No urine,Just let my husband piss for you! "Leiming slightly raised Feng Xue's crotch arm up,The arm has been stretched out quickly。After Feng Xue exclaimed,Has become like a child peeing,The two thighs are placed on the thunderous thick arms and are stretched to the sides to the maximum,The body clings to the thunderous chest muscles,The skirt has been faded to the waist and hip。
Thunder raised his torso slightly,Feng Xue's big ass was lifted up,The most mysterious organ between the legs is exposed naked in the summer evening breeze.,The pink cunt has opened her mouth。Because of pulling,The fleshy labia majora separates to the sides,Reveal the more delicate meat inside,If you look closely,Even the pink clitoris and protruding urethral opening are clearly visible,Streams of crystal clear water flowed out of the mysterious flower room,Flow down the perineum until it is full of wonderful wrinkles,Evening breeze,A little coolness makes the delicate chrysanthemum shrink one by one,The kinky water dripped and dripped,It's dripping on the big black dick standing upright underneath。
"Uee,baby! "Thundering smiled triumphantly。
"Um... don't,People don't want。"Feng Xue twisted her body
"Quickly pee!" Thunder aggravated his tone,At the same time, move your arm and flick Feng Xue's pink labia majora with your fingers.。
Feng Xue trembled all over,He whispered, "Can't they pee..."
Thunder pushes the big cock under his hips upwards,Rub between the two labia majora with a thick black penis,From time to time, the big glans tops the clitoris at the top of the genitals。Feng Xue let out short groans。More kinky water gushes out,Follow the thick black cock to wet thunderous thick pubic hair,It hits thunderous thighs。
"Urine! If you don't pee, I won't fuck you today!" Lei Ming suddenly removed the big dick from Feng Xue's cunt。
"Ah..." Feng Xue couldn't help but yelled,Throwing your ass back and forth, as if looking for the comfort of a big dick,Begged thunder in an almost crying tone, "I beg you,I really can't pee,I beg you……"
"Please what?" Lei Ming asked lustfully。
"I want...I want..." Feng Xue gasped non-stop。
"Say!What do you want? According to what I taught you! ! "Lei Ming put the dark-skinned red glans on Feng Xue's vaginal opening,The huge glans has been embedded in half of the vulva,The tender meat around the vagina is squeezed in,You can't even get slutty water out of it。
"I...I want...I want my husband's big cock to fuck me...Big cock...Big dick to fuck my little cunt。”
Flop! Big cock is almost completely inserted。
"Ah----" Feng Xue let out a long cry。And the me at the moment,There was also a howl deep in my heart! I know what I want! I want that majestic cock to penetrate my body,Open all my desires。I want that male's power to trample me under my feet,Completely conquer my will。I want that man's semen to be injected into my body,Baptism my dry soul! ! Thunder!It is the envoy sent by the gods to save me! He is a great messenger,Immortal god。Oh my God! Please use your spear-pierce me!
At this moment, Feng Xue has been nailed to the gallows of desire by thunderous meat spear。She is constantly being lifted up and down,The tender pink meat of the vagina is squeezed in by a big dick and brought out,A stream of lewd water keeps pouring out。The thunderous big cock is like a tireless pile driver, mining like crazy。It didn't take long for the transparent kinky water to be thrust into white thick foam。
"Fuck! Little girl,Husband fucks you upset,You are so upset that the big cock thunders and throbs the big cock quickly,The answer to him was Feng Xue's sobbing moan。The thumping thumping sound and the popping sound of physical collision。
And my mind is blank at the moment,My ears keep echoing。
"Wait for a thousand years
Wait a minute,Wait for a thousand years
I have no regrets,
Who is in the ear
Love me forever,Just for this sentence
Aha, heartbroken without complaint..."
"Ah...ah..." Feng Xue suddenly let out a hurried cry,The thunderous and accelerated speed of thrusting。After Feng Xue wailed as if he had been shot, it was a climax。The whole body trembled violently,Sobbing,The calf cramped and tightened the toes。The vagina and anus are contracting rhythmically together with the uterus。Thunder stop thrusting,Slowly withdraw the penis from the vagina。With the glans pulled out,Make a pop,A squirt of lewd water。In the afterglow of the setting sun, a small colorful waterfall formed for a moment。
I also reached a climax at the same time,Only relying on the friction between the dick and the thigh has reached an unprecedented climax,Uncontrolled gushing of semen,Strands soaked the panties and wet the big pants。I'm almost limp。
Lei Ming put Feng Xue on the basketball shirt on the ground,Feng Xue sat limply,It took a long time to get over,Groping to get the clothes stacked aside。Thunder grabbed her。He complained like a child and said, "I'm still stubborn!"
"What to do then..." Feng Xue looked at the thunderous big cock covered with her lewd water,Pointing at her like a dagger。"Below me must be swollen again。You do it again,I won't be able to go to school next Monday。”
Of course Lei Ming knows what Feng Xue said is the truth,Even if Feng Xue asks for leave next week,,But if I let myself go on,Feng Xue couldn't go upstairs and go home by herself today。

Chapter Four·Dongkou Yangchun is shallow and deep
"Then you tell me what to do,I'm going to blow up。"Thunder takes a step forward,The wet big cock dangled in front of Feng Xue。Feng Xue turned his head,Take out the facial tissues from the handbag on the side,Gently covers the large penis,Wipe carefully,When I think of the white and viscous liquid on my dick, it is crazily squeezed out of my delicate body.,Can't help but get confused,The delicate pussy that had just been devastated became damp and hot again。
Thunder sees Feng Xue's face flushed,Unconsciously clamping the legs,Know she's emotional again,So he reached out into Feng Xue's crotch,Separate the labia with two fingers and insert it along the slippery vagina。The tingling sensation from the tender meat on the inner wall of the vagina shocked Feng Xue,Quickly pushed away the thunderous hand,Step back and stand up。
"Humph!" Thunder snorted dissatisfiedly。Feng Xue came closer,Put your hands around the thunderous back,A pair of white and tender tits clinging to Thunder's body。Tilt your toes and whisper softly beside Thundering ears。
"Next month is your birthday,By the time,I..." Feng Xue's face was pressed against Thunder's shoulder,The voice gets lower and lower,Can't hear what was said。
"Really?" Thundering raised his eyebrows,There is a little surprise and expectation in the tone。"Don't regret it when you come,Otherwise," Lei Ming thrust his cock and poke Feng Xue hard on Feng Xue's abdomen。
Feng Xue gave a shy cry。
"Husband,You've been stubborn,Will it be suffocated? "Feng Xue blinked her watery eyes and looked at this big dick that made her love and fear.。
"no solution anymore,I can only go home and fly by myself。"Lei Ming stretched out his hand and squeezed Feng Xue's delicate buttocks. "Who makes my daughter-in-law's tenderness unbearable?"。”
"Um... you are bad! Don't think of others when you are flying!" Lei Ming's foul language did not make Feng Xue a little disgusted.。
The two laughed for a while,After putting on the clothes and tidying up, they left together along a path。I hide behind the tree,Wait for them to go away,Just got up。As soon as I stood up, I felt my legs were numb.。
The sky is getting dark,Several dilapidated landscape lights remaining on the park square have been lit,The dancing aunts are very enthusiastic,Under the dim light and shadow, it transforms into a group of strange colors and patterns,It's like a huge beast that came from a foreign land。
The evening breeze,Cool in the crotch。The lewd water and semen from the dick just soaked a large area of ​​the big pants。I pulled the T-shirt down hard,Blocked the vital part,Hurriedly left the park。
Once at home,Went into the bathroom,After taking a shower, the semen-filled clothes are quietly stuffed into the washing machine。Changed into a clean suit,I chose a loose and soft big trousers for the lower body,No underwear。
"Why did you change a suit?" Hearing my return,Mother came out of the bedroom。
"Accidentally soiled,I put it in the washing machine。"I turned and walked towards the gate。
"Why are you going so late?"
"Go to Thunder's house。”
"Don't always play games,Tired eyes。Come back early。
I opened the door with a "um" and walked out,I'm not going to play games,The reason why I want to go to Leiming’s house is because Leiming said, "I can only go home and fly by myself.。"Experienced the unprecedented orgasm and ejaculation just now,My mood at the moment is unusually calm,Counting from the first day of knowing thunder,I'm always torturing myself,I indulge my desire,While suppressing my desires。Nowadays,When the thunderous erect dick throbbed in front of my eyes,I finally let go of my barrier。I need to! I want to satisfy my desire。
Dingdong, I rang the doorbell。
"Who?" After a while,The sound of thunder came from the room。
"I—Zhou Ning"
"Damn!" Thunder opened the door,Wearing a white bathrobe,With a clean and strong chest exposed。"What are you doing?"
"Miss you。"I walked into the house with my shoes,Looked back at thunder,Eyes swept from under the thunderous crotch,The cock under the white bathrobe turned out to be slightly erect。"Why did you open the door for a long time?,What shameful things are you doing?。The little girl is hidden in the house? "I jokingly said。
Thunder is slightly taken aback,I rarely make such jokes with him。"Yup,Hidden! It's not a little girl who is hiding,It's Flower Girl。"Leiming walked into the bedroom while laughing,Turn back and call me "Come in,Brother opened your eyes today。”
I walked into the bedroom to take a look,Thunder is playing with the DVD。
"What movie?" I asked。
"Good film,I just watched the beginning。You knock on the door and bluff me,I thought my mother came back early。"Thunder said while talking,While reconnecting the connection。
"Mao?" I was a little surprised。
"You still know this!" Leiming seemed even more surprised。
"Yep,I heard Boss Zhao mentioned it。"Boss Zhao has a relative who rents a disc,There are many such discs on hand。From time to time, he will show up in the boys circle about how knowledgeable he is。
"Damn! You don't have to deal with Boss Zhao,He is a lewd stick。"Thunder said disdainfully。
I pursed my mouth and smiled,I always thought Thunder was just like hooking up with beautiful girls,It's just a young man who is not in vain。But just now,In that grove。Thunder uses his practical actions,With his big cock full of lewd water,Proved to me,He is indeed a wicked bastard。
"You still laugh and wait for someone to show you to the crooked road, you should cry,By then, my godmother will know that your kid doesn’t learn well,A meal of whip dipped in water" The thundering godmother is my real mother。
"Then you still show me。”
Hehe,I'm giving you some enlightenment class。Talk to brother,Have you ever flew a plane by yourself。”
"Flying a plane? And driving a tank? What do you think?,It's too late for you to enlighten。”
"Hey,I'm a refresher class,Mainly to learn technology。”
"Why don't you say it is to cultivate sentiment?。"I make thunderous words make me laugh。
"Haha,Tell you the truth,I haven't seen this thing a few times。I am the real gunner。"Lei Ming realized that he had missed his mouth.,Immediately transferred the conversation, "This disc was borrowed from me by Mr. Zhao.,He said that the shot is stimulating。Don't you dare to watch it-kid。”
"Cut! You are young!" I said disdainfully。
"Yeah! Then I'll have to see how "big" you are." The thunderous teasing made my mind move.,I feel that the dick under my crotch is a little bit ready to move。Hurriedly said "Don't talk nonsense,Hurry up,My mom told me to go home early。”
Little Japan film,To be a bitch and set an example of an archway。The actress's private parts were marked with a thin code,But the lustful posture and the screaming and screaming are enough to make any dissatisfied high school boy excited.。
The naked actress is crawling on top of the actor,Fat white buttocks towards the head,Fat and tender cunts and mouth and nose facing the actor,Bury your head under the male crotch,Stick out your fragrant tongue and lick the actor from head to toe,The male cock is licked by the actress,The drool mixed with the big cock of the male actor keeps dripping from the corner of the female actor's mouth。
I sneaked over,The shape of the thunderous big cock has been highlighted on the bathrobe。Stout legs up and down from time to time,The breathing began to thicken gradually,Obviously in heat。
The lens gave a close-up,Actress swallows big black cock whole in mouth,The nose is buried in the male pubic hair,Drool and lewd water constantly flow from the seam between the dick and the lips。The male star is constantly pushing his butt in excitement,Push the actress's little mouth as fast as a cunt,The actress rolls her eyes like a nausea when she gets fucked。
"Fuck!" Leiming cursed in a low voice,He just tried to get Feng Xue to swallow his big dick in the People’s Park,It's a pity that his cock is too big,Feng Xue's cock is also lacking,Tried a few times but failed。Seeing this shot at this time is obviously irritated,The thunderous legs parted and the ass jerked,The big dick came out of the bathrobe。I don’t know if it’s because I’m too involved or don’t care,The thunder doesn't seem to block。
My gaze was attracted instantly,So close,The thunderous crotch artifact is clearly exposed in front of my eyes,What kind of cock is that?。Dark-skinned bright penis standing upright and majestic,The thick stems are exposed with blue veins。The huge glans head is purple and shiny, which is bigger than a hard-boiled egg,The fleshy ribs on the edge of the glans are turned over,The whole dick is like a fierce beast radiating heat。
Thunderous big cock shakes,As if calling me,I can't look away,The cock in the crotch hurts hard。at this time,Thunder suddenly turned his head,The eyes are meeting my eyes。what! I am embarrassed and don't know what to do。Thunder was slightly stunned,Immediately touched his big dick with his hand,said laughingly。
"Is brother's cock big?"
I swallowed saliva。Replied in a low voice "Is it okay",Immediately turn away his eyes from his big cock。
"Fuck!" Lei Ming was dissatisfied with my evaluation,Suddenly leaped over and reached out and grabbed my crotch。Just grabbed my erect penis。
"Um..." I snorted,The body and the cock tremble at the same time。Instinctively want to stop,But when I reached out and touched the thundering hand, I lost my strength。
"Yeah! It's not small!" Leiming shook it hard.。"Compare with me,Who's big? "Lei Ming retracted his hand to untie the bathrobe,Stand in front of me。The big cock jumps in front of me。
I was confided by the unexpected situation,I don't know what to do if I stay still。
"Bibi,Are you scared or shy,Haha" Thunder laughed and pulled me up。Reach out to pull my big pants。I am confused,I didn't react until the toe of the pants slipped to the ankle。
"I didn't wear any underwear.,Mensao。"Lei Ming saw my dick pop out of my pants,Also dumbfounded,"Come,To compare"。Thunder step forward,Use your hands to press the dick close to the lower abdomen to a level,Spread the slightly bent legs and leaned towards my crotch. I just came back to my senses now,Watching the hot big dick approaching me little by little,The whole body froze。"Put the dick flat。"Thunder instructs me。I press my cock mechanically,I feel like my dick is going to burst。It feels hard to describe,I'm shorter than thunder,Put your legs together and stand still。And Thunder spreads his legs slightly and pushes his cock towards me。My whole body suddenly got a high fever,Seems to be cheering for the good luck of thundering big cock。
at last,The thunderous cock touched my body,The hot glans is at the root of my dick,The thick black stems are close to my white and tender cock。"Hey,Okay。"Leiming is very satisfied with the result of the comparison。He won! My cock is not short,After erection, it is about 17 cm long,I can't hold the cage with one hand。But with thunderous cock,Completely compared。I'm a white and tender meat stick,The thundering is the black and shiny iron pestle。Like a strong man and a delicate girl。
Thunder let go of his hand on his dick,Big cock bounces fiercely,The thick glans hit the belly button with a crisp sound。Irritated me,The dick jerked vigorously,A puddle of transparent water gushes from the horse's eyes,Drip down from the glans,Pull out a long crystal silk thread。I can't cover,I've seen all thunder in my eyes。"It's dripping。"Leiming smiled,Reached out and patted my penis。
A tingling sensation irritated the whole body from the dick,I can't help but groan,The whole body trembled。
"Fuck! You are so sensitive。"Thunder is a little surprised,Then he turned his head and looked at the porn on the TV,I held my penis in one hand and moved "Ah... I can't hold it anymore,You too。"On TV,Actress lying on the ground,Pushing up like a bitch in heat, the big white ass is constantly shaking。The male actor straddles the female actor's big ass,Lean forward with both hands holding the actress's pair of big tits,The thick cock is tightly connected to the actress's vagina。Close-up,Big cock fast in
In and out,The turbid lewd fluid is sticky into a piece。Actress cries,The sound of water stains from cock thrusting and the slap of a pair of big testicles on the fat pussy。
Thunder staring at the screen,And I stared at him。Thunder held his big cock with both hands together,Move up and down quickly,The swollen glans has been moistened by the outflowing kinky water,Shiny purple black oily luster。Breathing becomes faster and deeper,The whole body muscles are already tense。
I know,Lei Ming has imagined himself as the knight straddling the actress,Could the screaming plaything in his mind be a girl who was conquered by him with a big dick?,Maybe it is Feng Xue! That person is a pure and clean girl,He is ravaged by him like a bitch in heat,He used a powerful cock to thrust her tender cunt,Stir her vagina。Finally, the hot glans was pushed into the woman's palace to shoot hot semen,Let her conceive in the wailing and trembling of orgasm。
No! I am pained by my imagination,I was eaten by jealousy。Should be me,It should be me under the thundering crotch! That creeps on the ground,It should be me who is pouting and waiting to be copulated by a male! For this naked mating! I am willing to dedicate everything,I am willing to abandon everything,I just want a thunderous big cock,Use it to conquer me,Insult me,Flog me。I need to! I want a thunderous big cock to fuck me!
"I fuck!! Fucking! Fucking you! Fucking!" Leiming suddenly yelled swearing in a low voice.,Both hands swiftly move the cock up and down,With a short hum in his breath。"Fuck you! Big cock fucks you! Fuck you cunt!Fuck! "Thunder roared at the swear word I had never said from his mouth.,suddenly,There was a low roar in the throat,The crazy rhythm of the hands that move the cock comes to an abrupt end,moment,A thick white semen squirted out of the horse's eye,Soaring high and drew a perfect arc in the air。Then bursts of semen kept gushing out,Full of spray,Thunder has his own cloudy semen from his neck to the chest and abdomen。
"Cool!" Leiming took a long breath,I turned my head and saw that I was looking at him,A little embarrassed smiled "Ha,scared you? It's still tough,You haven't hit a cock before, have you? "Thundering eyes fell on my still erect penis,"Do you want my brother to help you?" Leiming smiled and stretched out his hand soaked in his semen to my penis。
The moment his hand touched my dick,I shot it! Uncontrolled semen gushes from the glans,Strand after strand,The extreme numbness makes it difficult for me to stand up straight,Arched his body while ejaculating,Semen changes direction,Spray forward,The thunder was too late to dodge and was splashed a bit。Ejaculation is over,I'm gasping,Almost collapsed。
"It seems that you scared me..." Lei Ming said helplessly, looking at his semen.。Turned around and wanted to clean up。
"I'm going to get the tissues" I walked quickly to the bathroom first。
I cleaned myself up briefly,Draw a few tissues and return to the bedroom。Thunder is waiting with his legs crossed,Seeing me come and reach out to pick up the tissue in my hand。
"Let me do it。"I lower my head,Don't let thunder to pay attention to my panic eyes,Wipe it directly on Thunder's body with a tissue。Lei Ming was stunned for a moment,Then accepted it calmly。
From neck to chest,Then the lower abdomen,The thunderous body exudes a strong smell,Indescribable but fascinating。Then there is the big cock with semen。I tried to wipe the glans gently。Excited。
"Two hands,Exert some strength。"Thunder said。
I bent down and stretched out my hand to hold the thunderous egg bag and cock,The egg bag and cock that have just been ejaculated are still heavy hands。Slightly increased the strength with the other hand to quickly wipe off the semen on it,I'm afraid I can't control the tremor if I hesitate to move。Just when I was about to withdraw my hand holding my dick,Thunder suddenly reached out and grabbed his dick,Move the foreskin and glans back with two fingers,A small stream of semen remaining in the urethra gushes out。My hands trembled slightly,Quickly wiped off the gushing semen。Then withdraw your hand。
"I haven't wiped this。"Did not wait for me to straighten up,Thunder raised one leg and stepped on the chair,Point your finger to the perineum at the base of the thigh。
I hesitate,Squatted down immediately,Look up,Sure enough, there is cloudy and thick semen flowing from the groin to the perineum,Some have flowed to the fluffy backyard covered by thunder。I leaned over and wiped it with one hand。A little far away,I have to move closer,As a result, the thunderous big cock and the black big egg bag hung above my head。I'm so excited,I can feel the heat from the big dick that just finished launching。
"Wipe clean。"The voice came from above,I can't hear any emotions in a flat tone。Thunder slightly opened his buttocks and thigh muscles to one side with his hands。So that I can wipe off the semen flowing to the anus。
I carefully wiped from the perineum to the thunderous anus with a tissue。In order to see as clearly as possible,I stick my head in again,So close,I can see under the fluff,A small amount of cloudy semen is hanging on the folds of the anus。I put my finger out there,At this moment---porphy! A loud and short sound。Thunder let out a loud fart! I was stunned! The semen from the anal mouth splashed onto my face。
After a moment of silence--
"Did you finish?"
The sound of thunder came from the beginning again,I look up,I found thunder and looked down at me,I can’t see the thunderous expression because of the barrier between the big dick and the thick pubic hair。The thunderous big dick seemed to tremble,I don’t know if it’s my illusion。
After cleaning the semen on the ground,,I said goodbye and left。Ever since thunderous crotch stood up, I haven’t dared to look directly at his face,I only found the courage to look at each other when I knew I was leaving。The thunderous expression is like a smile but not a smile,There is a hint of playfulness in the corners of the mouth。
I am a little guilty,The thunder I saw today,And the thunder that I am familiar with,He is no longer the sunny and handsome young man,What I saw was a wild and evil man,He fucks the beautiful girl with the big cock under his crotch,Forcing girls to pee in front of him,He showed a lewd expression that I have never seen before,Said the foul language I never heard him say。I have a trace of horror in my heart,And this fear is like a spark,I ignited my hidden desire more violently。
I found out after walking out of the corridor,The night is already dark。Starry sky,For a time like a dream。
in the distance,
Have your stars shine。
My solemn,
Walk towards your hill

Chapter 5 Mo Jiao Pian,And flower and month,Big parents。
Early Monday morning

"Have you had breakfast?" Mom stood in front of the balcony window,Say hello to thunder standing downstairs。
"Ate。"Leiming raised his head with a smile,Dressed neatly,White slim body shirt with knee-length white shorts。Among the men I have met,It is the thunder that can bring a plain back to the wind, dance and snow.。Under the morning light,Feng Shen Xiuyu is getting taller and handsomer。
"move,Thunder is waiting for you downstairs。"Mom turned around and urged me。
I lifted my schoolbag and went downstairs。Since the last time I watched the porn masturbation together,This is the first time meeting。I have inexplicable anxiety in my heart。What should I say in the first sentence of the meeting? Do you say "good" or "hello" or "morning" or "good morning" or just say "good morning!"-this is too silly。
"I have my birthday next month,What gift are you going to give me? "Thunder broke the silence first。
I really haven't considered this issue。
"Spalding's basketball,The leather I’m playing with is now slippery。"Thunder made the decision for me。
"Ok,I will apply for this money from your godmother。"I nodded in agreement。
"Hey,Good brother。"Leiming smiled and stretched out his hand to cover my shoulder。
My heart is bright,What happened that night was nothing to thunderous。It seems that I'm the only one who thinks。I smiled and I was worried and puzzled for the past two days,Stride towards the morning light。
suddenly,I thought of one thing。birthday? gift? The evening three days ago,In the small woods in People's Park,The naked Feng Xue whispered in Lei Ming's ear, "On your birthday..."。What did she say? Is it a gift to Thunder? I still remember clearly,After Lei Ming listened to Feng Xue's whisper,,The big dick towering under the crotch twitched twice involuntarily。That must be a promise to make thunderous desires incandescent,Can let thunder suppress the vigorous sexual desire at that time。Faced with hot, wet and soft beauty pussy,Can hold a big hard as iron cock and go home to masturbate and vent。That "birthday gift" is for Thunder,Must be more lewd than the violent abuse that day。
Thought of this,I can't help but peek at the thunder,Handsome face with a gentle and elegant smile,Who can think of,Just such a sunny boy who looks so perfect,In a hidden dark place, it will transform into a licentious beast。Whispering foul language、Violent fucking hard cock。Who would believe,Such a beautiful boy who looks like an angel can do all kinds of lewd and lewd behaviors。
What is Thunder thinking in his mind at the moment? I can't help but wonder。I'm not thinking about Spalding's basketball, right?,What will he think? Feng Xue's "birthday gift"? Will definitely think about it,But what kind of obscene picture would it be? Is it like the actress in that day's porn?,Feng Xue separates the snow-white legs to the utmost extent,Reveal the most secret private parts,Use your fingers to vigorously open the congested labia,Let thunder be able to appreciate the lewd structure inside the girl's body,See how the lewd water gushes from the depths of the cunt。Or creeping like a bitch swaying the white, tender, plump, round scorpion,Push up high and present the delicate and fresh cunt in front of thunder's eyes together。
Think of these,The cock under my crotch can't help but feel a little eager,Can't help but aim at the thunderous crotch。Thundering knee-length shorts,Cut very close to the body,The giant between the crotch is ironing and staying in the underpants wrapper,I can't see anything unusual at all。It's me,Because I'm worried that I will lose my ugliness,I deliberately wore a tight-fitting briefs today,The dick is a bit swelling and painful right now。
"What's wrong with you?" Thunder seems to be aware of something,Turned around and asked me。
"Ah... it's okay。"I replied with a guilty conscience, "On my birthday,Can your mother come back? "
"Ok,Can't come back。I want to stay at my grandma's house until the end of next month。”
"Then come to my house on your birthday,I will ask your godmother to cook for you。”

no need。"Leiming gave a smug smile" I planned the show that day,You have to participate too。”
I faintly think this matter will be related to the "birthday gift" mentioned earlier。But I think even if I ask now,Thunder won't say it。So he nodded,Expressed willingness to obey organizational arrangements。
School is still the same,Nagging teacher,Playful classmates。The summer afternoon sun,Lazily photos into the classroom,That oblique angle,as always。Thundering at the desk in the morning to sleep,Hot flashes of breath gushing on my arm。For a moment,I think all this may become eternal,Eternal years,Eternal youth。
Afternoon session,Feng Xue came to the back row,I knowingly gave her the seat,Feng Xue is like a kitten lying docilely beside Thunder,The two got close together and whispered for a while。Then Feng Xue got up and left,The look is still as elegant and cold as always。I know the secret hidden under her glamorous mask,In her hot and humid cunt,Longing for thunderous big cock thrusting and humiliation。I am also eager to explore the secret of thunder,But in the search, he revealed his secret a little bit。The three of us are people with secrets,I turned my head around,Maybe everyone has their own secrets,This thought makes me suddenly feel very warm。
The last session in the afternoon is physical education,Feng Xue asked for leave and did not take part in the exercise。
"Is it something?。"Boys have always maintained a high level of excitement about such things.。
"Really? When did you come last time?"
"Fuck!I'm not her mother,how could I know! "
"Her mother doesn't necessarily know,You have to ask her uncle about this。Haha" these half-and-half boys,Is in the semi-ripe stage of life,They just got out of the immature boy,Not yet a mature man,The cock under their crotch has grown as thick and strong as their parents,The testicles in the heavy egg pouches are filled with semen。They are like all mature male animals,Be curious about all females in sight,They stared at the girl’s full breasts,Spy on the mysterious cunt between girls' legs。They are like beasts in estrus,Sniff the female estrus in the surrounding air。Once found the opportunity,Will rush up and use the male cock under the crotch to pierce the girl's vulva,Sowing desire and seeds。
But I am different! There is only thunder in my eyes。Thunder is different from them,He is a mature and perfect man,He is not an ignorant boy long ago,Not a frivolous prodigal。He is a stalwart and powerful male,He has already delimited his territory with the weapon under his crotch-with a male breath,Flowing kinky water and thick semen。Those half-mature teenagers who secretly masturbate and masturbate,Already surrendered under the thunderous crotch。Where they dream,The secret in the girl's pussy,I've already been ravaged by Thunder's dark and thick cock。
"What's coming? I don't see it—it's probably because the thunderous big dick was so dry on the weekend,The cunt is swollen and can't be moved, right。"Boss Zhao's speech drew a lewd laugh from the boys around。
Boss Zhao might be right,But I only guessed half of it。During the free activities in the second half of the physical education class,Feng Xue came out of the classroom。The boys, especially Boss Zhao, aimed at Feng Xue between his legs intentionally or unintentionally,I hope to find some clues。unfortunately,Feng Xue is wearing a skirt today。The floating skirt hides all the secrets。
I didn't pay any attention to the gaze around me,Feng Xue went straight to the basketball court-she came to see Thunder to play basketball。
"Zhou Ning,Something for me,Go play。"Feng Xue smiled at me,I took the mineral water in my hand and the thunderous towel。She is much more friendly to me than to others,Maybe in her heart between me and her because of the thunderous existence,There will be an exceptionally close relationship。I am her man's brother,She is my brother's woman。On the surface, this kind of relationship seems to have the same interests without direct entanglement.,Is the most pleasant and relaxing relationship。But in fact,From ancient times to the present, the final trend of many such relationships is full of forbearance or hatred.。Lu's Pheasant and Liu Bang's brothers in the official history,Between the Second Master Guan and the Sister-in-law of the Three Kingdoms,There are also Pan Jinlian and Wu Erlang who have left their names through the ages。
In short,in my heart,This relationship will not be too pleasant。Maybe it's just the jealousy hidden in my heart at work。But this feeling of jealousy didn't form substance,In my eyes, Feng Xue is not taking thunder into possession,She is nothing but a moth caught by thunderous dark desires,A physical imprisonment,Venting medium。I knew this fact from the first sight when she knelt down and thundered her crotch and vomiting that big dick that was soaked in water,When she was violently smashed to climax by thunder, she was completely swallowed by desire,Become a slave who was nailed to the pillar of desire by thunder with his big black cock。
I stepped aside,I don't want to disturb this woman who is immersed in erotic fantasies。Feng Xue looked affectionately at the thunder leaping across the court。That is her beloved man,Is the master of her body。
I still don't understand the rules of basketball,I think Feng Xue is the same。Basketball is a sport loved by all tall and strong men,This is a kind of "game" that emerged from the ancient primitive society and even earlier matrilineal clan society.,of course,At that time it might be a kind of sacrifice or a contest of pure desire for reproduction。The primitive man threw the captured cubs high,The males swarmed up to fight each other,No referees and no rules,Relying on a strong body and fierce and tough desires。The final winner will get the right to mate with the female。
Today's basketball game,Even the most famous has degenerated into a performance。tall and big,Dark skin,African-American players whose skeleton outlines also bear the imprints of human ancestors became stars on the court,They run call sign,The oily, sweaty skin gives the enthusiastic viewers an illusion,It seems to have returned to the original time of mankind,Running and hunting under the scorching sun、Chasing copulation、The weapon used by males to conquer the world was not money、Power and conspiracy,But the strong body and the thick phallus under the crotch。
Thunder basketball played very well! From junior high school,School team、The city team and even the provincial team have thrown an olive branch to him,The conditions set out make every boy's heart beating。Thunder refused one by one。I asked him why,Thunder said,He played basketball just to vent his excess energy,I don't really like it。Now I finally understand why。
Thunder is a real male! True king。What he obeys and longs for is the thrill of plundering and conquering from a powerful body,He wants to fuck with his big dark penis、Go to mating、Push one by one into the kinky water and the urine gushing together。How could his wild body and soul be willing to compete with a group of "actors" for a ball on the palm-sized court。
Is exactly the same,Thunder has become the invincible king on the basketball court。And in the eyes of a woman,When thunder leaped on the field,Just a naked penis,A stalwart big cock,His every move is raping their eyes,Ravage their souls。That is the primitive pulsation hidden in the blood of ancient times,Is the foundation of human reproduction,It is the female's desire for mating and the worship of males with strong fertility。
right now,Feng Xuezheng looked at thunder with worship and longing eyes。I know,In her eyes,Thunder on the field,The moment is the same as the evening in the People’s Park,The perfect body is completely naked,Tugging a big black cock,Does that energetic appearance remind her of thundering strong sexual desire,Does that ingenious dribbling technique remind her of the thrill of thunderous fingers licking tender cunts?。I jumped up --- the thick glans broke through the delicate labia and went straight to the vulva。Pitch and shoot! ————The big black cock pushes forward inch by inch,The delicate vagina is filled up a little bit,The tender meat in the nectar is squeezed and ravaged,The flesh is full of kinky fluids that cannot be ruled out。what! The goal is scored! Big cock inserted all the way,The fiery glans is directly at the mouth of the uterus。
I look from the side,Feng Xue watching the game close her legs together,Flushing,Blurred eyes。
If there is only thunder,I think,She will open her body,Use her tender cunt to pray for the luck of thundering big cock。
Jingle Bell————————The bell rang after school,competition is over。
Thunder and sweat,A black basketball shirt knot is attached to the body to outline a perfect figure,He ran over,Like a vigorous panther。
"Ningning,You go home first。"Thunderously drank a bottle of mineral water" I'll do something,You help me take my schoolbag and clothes back,Call you at night。”
After speaking, he strode out of school,Feng Xue quickly followed。
"Doing things? It's about handling people, right?。"I snickered in my heart,At this time-People's Park is very deserted。

Chapter 6 Frost Leaf Red in February Flower

I hurried back to the classroom,I took my schoolbag and clothes and drove out,Stopped a taxi outside the school gate and ran towards the People’s Park。
This time,The dancing aunts have not yet started,There are few people in the park。I followed the path last time to the small forest。At this time the sky is bright,Without the cover of the aunts' dance music,I don't dare to be as close as last time,Tiptoely find seven or eight meters away and stop moving forward,Through the gaps in the bushes,The shadow of the shadow seems to be shaking on the platform of the small forest。Listen with bated breath,In no time,The voice of thunder and Feng Xue came in my ears。
It really is here! Can't help but slander in the heart-introduce an animal called the emperor penguin in the animal world,Every year in the summer rush to a fixed location in Antarctica to mate。It is said that many animals have similar habits,Biologically this phenomenon is called rhythmic behavior。This thunderous "rhythm" is also very obvious,I have to come to this place every time I "do something",It's impossible to be wild,Keep the nature of animals in my heart。So once you mate and mate, you have to go back to this old place。Used to this open-air dating,Isn't it hard to get up when I'm on the bed?。Ha ha,I secretly snickered,I suddenly remembered the scene last Friday night,Thundering, that dark and shiny big cock is erect and beating in front of my eyes,The touch that is as hard as iron when it hits me。Can't help but move,How dare I question Thunder's sexual ability,This beast has always been in love regardless of time and place!
"I want to fuck you every time I finish playing!" There was a hint of cruelty in the thunderous voice。
"Hmm..." To such a rude and straightforward expression,Feng Xue said softly,Express protest。
"Fuck! I wanted to strip you off when I was on the basketball court。"I heard the sound of Xixisuoso undressing。
"I'm just being watched,Are you jealous? "Feng Xue was so shy and acting like a baby。
"Let them watch! Let them push their dick,While watching how your husband pissed you with a big cock。"Thunder lowered the volume,A deep, magnetic sound from the throat,Implied a trace of deterrence and charm。
"Hmm..." Feng Xue's protest groan sounded more like a teasing moan。
"Holding you like the last time I fucked you,Show them your little tender cunt swollen by a big cock,good or not? "The thunderous voice became deeper and deeper,There is a strange rhythm in the breath。
"Um... don't... you're bad... you..." Feng Xue's choking sound was replaced by a burst of breathlessness.。
I suppress the excitement,Cautiously approached forward again,Avoiding the shade of the lush bushes,Poking out from a hidden position,Look through the sparse branches that stand in front of you last,Clearly see the situation on the platform at the moment。
The naked Feng Xue was hugged by thunder。Like a delicate young deer caught by a black leopard。She lifted her toes and straightened her body,The snow-white neck raised up is being licked by thunder。Thundering tongue with saliva from left to right,Sliding between Feng Xue’s earlobe, neck and collarbone from right to left,It looks like a beast licking its prey,It seems that he will choke the opponent's throat with a violent mouth at any time。Feng Xue closed her eyes and looked confused,Keep panting。
Thunder suddenly straightened his back,He attached his head from a height and kissed Feng Xuewen's moving lips。
kiss? I stared wide-eyed,Do not! Kissing is more like a wild predation and a declaration of status。Feng Xue worked hard to raise her neck to take on the thunderous luck。Thunder stretched his slippery tongue to Feng Xue,Swipe Feng Xue's lips gently,Feng Xue replied, sticking out his fragrant tongue and twisting it towards the thunderous tongue,Welcome the thunderous tongue into my mouth as if welcoming,As soon as the thunderous tongue entered Feng Xue's mouth, it turned into a ferocious boa constrictor, sweeping and rolling wildly。Assault and possess with his tongue,It’s like he used a big dick in his vagina, thrusting and stirring,He is fucking Feng Xue with his tongue。Stirred for a while,The thunderous tongue slowly retracted from Feng Xue's mouth,Feng Xue humming,Stick out your fragrant tongue to stay and follow,The saliva between the tongues of the two draws a long silk thread,Thundering stares at Feng Xue, whose eyes are closed tightly,Gently press the base of the tongue,A stream of crystal saliva came out of the mouth,Flow along the tip of your tongue into Feng Xue's mouth。
"Lick me。"Leiming pushed Feng Xue away from her body,Take off the basketball shirt attached to the body,Thrown at my own feet。
Feng Xue was still immersed in that wild kiss,The eyes looking at thunder are a little confused。
"Lick my dick。"Thunder gave clear instructions,Legs spread apart,The big dick under the crotch has propped up the fat basketball pants up the tent。
Feng Xue obediently kneeled on the basketball jersey on the ground,Hands stretched towards the basketball pants,Pull hard,Big cock pops out。A drop of clear mucus has been secreted from the horse’s eyes on the purple-black glans。Feng Xue clings to her mouth obediently,Stick out your fragrant tongue and lick along the raised urethral tube on the thick black stem all the way to the glans.,I sucked hard at the horse's eye,Swallowed thunderous lewd water。
"Hmm..." Lei Ming expressed his appreciation for Feng Xue's progress in oral sex with a comfortable hum.。
Feng Xue is encouraged,Work harder,Constantly swallowing a huge glans,Even the folds of the egg bag are carefully licked。I put my head under the thunderous crotch,Use your tongue to lick the collected sweat from the thundering perineum。
When i see here,The penis beats violently,I remember that night,I used to kneel down under the thunderous crotch like this,You can see the thick cock and full scrotum as soon as you look up。If I had the courage that day, I would use my tongue to please thunder like Feng Xue,What will be the result? I thought about it,Suddenly I am a little envious of Feng Xue。
Thunder took off a sneaker and socks,Raise your legs and stretch your feet to press on Feng Xuebai's tender and tall breasts,Rubbed it twice with the sole of the foot,Prank Feng Xue's pink nipples with two toes。Feng Xue, with the glans in her mouth, hummed in protest,Thunder shook his ass,Half a big cock stuck in Feng Xue's mouth,The latter’s mouth is completely full。Can only make a vague whine。
Thunder in arms,Looking down at Feng Xue naked under his crotch with interest。Those eyes and expressions filled with excitement of playfulness。I have seen this expression countless times,Just when working hard to get through the game level with Thunder。But the expression at this moment is a bit more lewd than at that time,Looks confusing and scary。
I was shocked suddenly,That evening,Thunder bowed his head,When I saw my face that was splashed with semen from his big dick and pubic hair,Does he also have this expression? ! Will he also have lewd excitement towards me?
Thunder seems to be a little tired from standing,One side fell off the basketball pants,While sitting slowly on the ground。The cock never left Feng Xue's mouth during this process,Feng Xue had to move along with her。In the end, it became a posture of pushing up butt and crawling between thunderous crotch.。
Lei Ming's lustful spirit is still very high,He bends a leg,Raise the calf and slap Feng Xuexuebai’s big ass with the sole of the foot.。Feng Xue hummed,Shaking his big ass to express dissatisfaction。Thunder and more excitement,Just bend both legs,Put a foot in white socks and a bare foot on Feng Xue's two buttocks at the same time。
Feng Xue's waist is weighed down,The whole chest is stuck to the ground,White tits are pressed on thunderous basketball pants。Thus,Feng Xue's butt is digging up to the limit。The two white butt flaps are pulled wide to both sides,The anus is fully exposed。Look at the past from my perspective,That delicate direction is almost heading towards the sky。
Sweeping his eyes over the exposed holes,That tender labia big and small have been slightly separated because of this lewd posture,I suddenly found that something like a white cotton thread was hanging from Feng Xue’s honeycomb,Wrapped in crystal clear kinky liquid, swaying constantly between the legs。
What is it? I am a little curious,But my attention was immediately attracted by the thunder。
Thunder has a new trick again,He put one leg off Feng Xue,Then he reached in between Feng Xue's legs,Then quickly lift and close。At the same time the soles of the feet are lifted back,The whole instep will hold Feng Xue's tender cunt、The perineum and the anus are all covered。
"Ah" Feng Xue was scared by the sudden attack,Spit out dick and want to sit up,But thunder's other leg is still pressing on her body,Feng Xue stood up a bit and fell down again,The whole face climbed onto the thunderous big cock。Thunder straightened his feet and then quickly retracted。Snap-the sound of patting the tender meat on the instep and the splashing of kinky water sounded at the same time。
Feng Xue who is tender and stimulated at the same time,Shaking his butt eagerly,With a cry in his mouth, "Don't... I today... I can't do it today..."
Thunder seems to have thought of something,Put down the leg pressing on Feng Xue,Reach out to help her。Feng Xue pushed away his hand,I straightened up hard and wanted to stand up,The available force is too much and the knees are a little numb,And ended up sitting on a pier,Sit on thunderous feet when it's wrong。A tight thigh tightening,Tightly clamped thunder's foot under the crotch。Feng Xue doesn't struggle anymore,Sitting bulgingly。
"You bully others!" Feng Xue's tone was really grieving.。
"I forgot,Not intentional。"Leiming explained with a smile。
"I told you this afternoon!" Feng Xue said that he would not accept such an insincere explanation.。
"No way" Lei Ming said in a coquettish tone, "When I saw my wife's tender cunt,There is only one word left in my mind-fuck! "
"You are bad,Ignore you。"Feng Xue rolled her head away。
"Don't—" Leiming grabbed Feng Xue's arm. "Look,Your second brother saluted you and admitted his mistake."
Feng Xue turned her head,Seeing thunder with his finger under his crotch,The big dick with his own saliva is jumping。Blushing,Snorted。
Thunder drew her into his arms。Feng Xue's back is against thunder's chest,Butt sitting on thunderous belly。Put your legs on your thunderous thighs,Thundering legs for one point,Feng Xue's two legs also separated greatly。The thunderous big cock stands upright,The glans is just below the vulva,The thick stem rubs against the delicate labia,Make Feng Xue tremble,The kinky water flowing from the depths of the cunt gushes from the slightly opened cunt door,Big glans covered with thunder,Running down the thick cock。
"No,Plug it in。"Feng Xuejiao said weakly
"Got it。"Thunder answered,At the same time poking his head,Looking at Feng Xue's tender cunt soaked in water
"Really today?"
Feng Xue nodded, "According to the date。”
"Have you come then?" Lei Ming is very interested in this question。
"I don't know-I usually should be here in the afternoon,But" Feng Xue hesitated,Then it said "there was running water in the afternoon,I can't feel that it's coming or not。”
"In the afternoon? When did you say?" Lei Ming then asked,At the same time, a hand has been stretched from the side to Feng Xue's crotch。
"That's—when you play。"Feng Xue looked at Thunder shyly after finishing talking.。。
"Fuck! You make a fuss when you watch the men play。”
"Well... how can... people only look at you, husband。Feng Xuejiao snorted。
"Hey,Did you want your husband's big cock to fuck you at that time?。Had known,I put you in the stands at that time。Just let those boys watch,See how the tender cunt of the goddess in their hearts flows,Let them see how you get orgasm by my big dick! "Thunder is very excited,The big dick under the crotch twitched twice involuntarily,The glans is sticking on Feng Xue's delicate cunt,Strike across two slippery labia and hit the clitoris。
"Don't" Feng Xue reached out and reached under her crotch,Hold the thundering glans。The big scorching glans is beating vigorously in the hand。
"Since you don't know if you are here or not" Lei Ming said as he spoke,On the one hand, the cotton thread sticking out from Feng Xue’s door has been wrapped around her finger. "Then let my husband check it for you."。”
"No" Feng Xue didn't finish her words,Thunder has already started action。Hook outward with your fingers,First, a white cylindrical head sticks out of the cunt,Next is a cotton sliver of the same thickness soaked in smooth and lewd water,Feng Xue is shy and nervous,Cunt crunch,Because I have to go through the narrow cunt door,The kinky water squeezed out from the tampon that was pulled out。Thunderous。At last,A thicker end stuck in Feng Xue's cunt。Thunder tried to pull twice,Suddenly exerted force! Feng Xue yelled "Ah"。The sliver is all pulled out of the body,Thunder picks up the sliver in front of Feng Xue,The end of the cotton sliver stuck in the cunt has become swollen due to water absorption,With red menstrual blood。
"Like the first time I fucked you" Thunder shook the tampon "When my dick was pulled out,Your virgin blood is all on the head of the dick。”
"It's not like!" Feng Xue reached out to grab the sliver,Thunder swiftly avoided。
"It's not like it! This one is too small!" Lei Ming pressed Feng Xue's hand to his big dick. "This is the big dick for you.,You can poke your whole tender cunt smoothly from the inside to the outside with just one shot。”
Feng Xue holds a thunderous big cock,Eyes closed,No sound。I don’t know if I’m thinking back to the moment when I was thundered。

Chapter 7 Red Wetness,Fight,Who knows pity

"Do you want to plug this in?。"Thunder shook the cotton sliver dripping with obscene water in his hand。
"Don't..." Feng Xue hurriedly opened her eyes,After a pause, he said in a low voice, "There is a new one in the bag。”
Thunderous smile,I glanced at the tampon in my hand and threw it out。Stretch your hands to Feng Xue's knees,Simultaneous exertion of waist and legs,Just like this and stood up holding Feng Xue。This posture is exactly the same as the posture that he used to fuck Feng Xue last time-this posture of peeing for the child to expose the tender cunt at the same time,The labia and anal meat are pulled very open。The woman alone was held like this,Is enough to create a strong sense of being violated,Besides being naked like this, being held by the same naked man,And got the big erect cock on the cunt。Feng Xue's ashamed body trembled slightly。
Lei Ming just held Feng Xue and walked to the wooden stakes aside,Feng Xue's schoolbag is hanging on it。Lei Ming's legs squatted down so that Feng Xue could reach her schoolbag,Feng Xue's face is crimson,Shyly took out a paper box from the school bag,Thunder suddenly turned around,Lean back,The strong back rests on the wooden stakes,Squat with legs flat。That posture is like zama step,The only difference is that there is still a naked girl sitting on the horse's legs with her legs separated and showing her tender follow.。Lei Ming freed his hand and took the box in Feng Xue's hand.。The words "BO Tampon" are printed on the front。Thunder turned over the box and looked at the instructions carefully,Then smiled and took out a new tampon from inside,Tear off the cellophane packaging on top,The cotton thread left over with a finger,Use two fingers to pinch the end of the tampon and stretch it under Feng Xue's crotch。
"Pick the cunt away。"Leiming whispered in Feng Xue's ear。
Feng Xue shyly stretched her hand under her crotch,Separate the big and small labia to the sides,Expose the pink cunt hole inside,Thunder plunged the thin end of the tapered sliver in。
"Too dry" tampon scrapes the tender cunt meat,The dry and rough texture makes Feng Xue's very sensitive tender meat very uncomfortable.。
Thunder smiled,Roll the sliver on his big cock,Infiltrate the cotton sliver with Feng Xue's kinky water and the mucus secreted by her big dick。Then insert the tampon into Feng Xue's honey hole again。Effortless this time,The tampon slowly slipped into Feng Xue's vagina,Only one end is left between the labia minora。
"Go deeper。"Feng Xue wants Lei Ming to push it again by hand。So good to close the cunt。
"Okay!" Lei Ming agreed,Usable is not hands,But the big black cock。Black and purple oily big glans cracked labia,Straight into the vagina。
"Ah! To the end... To the end..." Just got in half a dick,Feng Xue yelled,Reach out and grab the cock outside the cunt,Don't let it in anymore。Thunder stopped inserting,Butt sinking slowly,Under Feng Xue's small hands, he twitched the wet big cock down from the tender cunt。Until the glans with the big egg gets stuck in the cunt door,The thunder stopped and continued to twitch,The feeling of fullness with the glans blocking the cunt door,Let Feng Xuejiao hum。After a while,Thunder controlled his strength and continued to slowly pull the cock,Feng Xue's cunt was caught by the glans and pulled down and pulled up a small bag,The labia majora is stretched into a smooth circle,Tightly wrapped around the huge glans。Thunder continued hard,Half of the glans pulled out,Bring out a circle of pink cunt meat。The kinky water also drips down with the patter。at this time,Thunder suddenly thrust his butt upwards fiercely。
"Ah" in Feng Xue's cry,The big dick is inserted again。Blocked by Feng Xue's hand,Still only half way in。that's all,Thunderous half cock keeps pumping and inserting,Faster and faster,Feng Xue can't hold the slippery big cock full of lewd water.。
It didn't take three minutes,Feng Xue suddenly shouted in confusion, "Ahhhhhh! I want to pee...ahh...you want to pee...you want to pee",Feng Xue was fucked by a thunderous half cock to climax! Shaking whole body like sieve chaff,Straight legs。The little cunt with the big dick twitches like a spasm,The exposed little also breathes one piece and one piece。
A moment later,Thunder violently pulls the big dick from the tender cunt,With a bang-like a sparkling wine bottle opened。Feng Xue snorted,A stream of transparent and thick lewd liquid lased from the cunt。It’s like a man urinating with a big dick。
"Ahhhhh" with Feng Xue's wailing cry,Actually sprayed out five or six streams of obscene liquid one after another。In the end, even the tampon inserted into the vagina was flushed out halfway,Stuck at the cunt。
Feng Xue was limp in thunderous arms like mud,Constantly making a gasp mixed with sobbing。After a long time,Just recovered from the impact of the climax。I found that Lei Ming was trying to stuff the cotton sliver that he rushed out into his tender cunt。Feng Xue broke free from the thunderous embrace and jumped down。Watching thunder as if watching a poisonous snake and a beast。
that moment,I thought Feng Xue would be angry next moment,Turn face,Angrily scolded and thundered。
"You forgive me,People are going to be fucked by your big dick。"Feng Xue actually used lewd words to act like a baby,Begging for mercy。
"I just want to help you stuff it in。"Thunder also looked a little surprised。Can then,The familiar lewd smile appeared on his face,"Wife,You just sprayed water。Unhappy? "
"Humph,You a bad thing,Not telling you。Feng Xuejiao snorted。
"Don't tell me? If you don't tell me, I will pee you with a big dick!" Thunder stood up,Big cock full of lustful water jumps up and down。
"what,I was wrong" Feng Xue shyly hid aside,Blushing and whispered, "Cool..."
"Speak louder!" Leiming took a step closer with his big dick dripping with obscene water. "Tell her husband how cool it is。”
"It's" Feng Xue blushed to avoid the thunder"... the head of the dick just hit there,I used to only occasionally encounter that,People want to pee as soon as they meet there。This time, every time I hit it,I feel like it's going to burst,In the end, people really thought they would pee%8

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