[BL douujin] [Fiction] "The Memories of Childhood Slaves" Short Story-Completed

[BL douujin] [Fiction] "The Memories of Childhood Slaves" Short Story-Completed

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"Memories of Childhood Slaves"

In my childhood,Is in a small village,Not the poor one,But not very rich,Can only be said to be average。I played very well with Wu Feixiang, a boy three years younger than me,He is handsome,So I consciously let him。remember once,In his house,Just the two of us,I propose to play cards,Whoever loses will play the game of Commander Xiaobing。Of course I lost deliberately,He has the temperament of a master,Sit on the sofa,Gave me a password,"Stand at attention!" "Stop!" "Walk together!" The little master is very bad,Deliberately let me walk towards the wall,I didn't call to stop when I got to the wall,I had to bite the bullet and stick to the wall。He laughed,Said I didn't complete his order,Want to punish me。He put his legs on the coffee table,He ordered me to go under his legs,I crawl around on my knees,He won't stop,Finally I knelt in front of him tired,He has a smirk,Put your feet on my shoulders。I think at that time,The happiness of the little master is my happiness,I didn't think anything else,The little master also feels that we are not used to it because we grew up together。perhaps,This is the joy of playing in childhood,Don't worry a lot。The little master saw me rest well,Put your feet down,Let me kneel down,He said he was going to patrol on horseback。I knelt on my stomach,He straddled me,Let me carry him to the bedroom,He is riding on me,Dangling on me,So unpleasant。To the bedroom,He and I played marbles and checkers on the bed,Very few back then,We all like it,So I played for a long time。Then they ran to the ground barefoot together,Use marbles to hit glass bullets,One person takes one and plays on the ground,Pick up the marbles with your hands and aim at the opponent's marbles,A shot,See who can hit the opponent's marbles。Played for a while,I feel boring。But the little master is still very interested,Play hard。I sit on the ground,I saw the little master’s white sneakers right next to me at a glance,So I lied down deliberately,Put his head on his white sneakers,Pretending to rest,Take a look at the little master who is still playing,I buried my mouth and nose in the little master’s shoes,Kiss deeply。I don't know when,Little master standing by my side,I turned my face,I saw him with a silly smirk on his face,Say:"What are you doing?" My face flushed,Hesitatingly:"I'm tired,take a break。"The little master doesn't know this at all,He ignored,So he took me and ran outside to play together...
We grew up together,good relationship。When it's okay in winter,Their family will come to my house to play cards,But that's their adults' business。My little master and I will go to another house,Sing and yell,Put on the bed,Made a mess on the ground,Like crazy。Tired of playing,We lie down on the bed,at this time,The little master will think of the law to punish me。once,He proposed to play heroes and heroes against robbers,Needless to say,The little master is a hero,I am a robber。We two actors stood on the bed and started the show,I first pointed to the little master and said:"I planted this tree,This road is my drive。To pass by,Leave money to buy the road! "The little master yelled, "What a wicked man!" Look at me, Wu Song won't clean up you today! "Then the two of us wrestled and fought together,Said it was a fight,Actually of course I fell at his feet,I fell down,The little master stomped on my face,Not wearing shoes,So it doesn't hurt at all。of course,The little master acted more realistically for the play,He would twist his foot twice,Drink up:"Dog Thief,Say,Who sent you to harm me? "Until I begged for mercy out loud at the feet of the little master",Uncle forgive me! "He will remove his feet from my face。Then tied my hands back with rope,Escorted me to the "cell"。I kneel there,Loudly begging for mercy, "Master, let me go",The little master will have a smirk,Kick me down,And then stomped my foot on my chest,"Say who sent you? Uncle, I will spare you!" The little master told me to die rather than recruit,So I kept begging for mercy。suddenly,Little master twisted,Sit down on my face,My hands are trapped behind,Can't dodge,The little master sat down on my mouth,Just listen to a dull sound,I immediately felt stinky,It turned out that the little master put a fart in my mouth,He laughed and ran out of bed,And i'm furious,Struggling to catch him,The little master said quickly:"Haha,Not smelly or smelly,Come come,Come next,Don’t hit me" Seeing his handsome look,My anger has long since disappeared,Scared him and said:"In this way,I'm not welcome." The little master rolled a glance,said laughingly:"Good, good!" We continued the act just now。The little master said:"You are under my torture,Hahaha,Finally confessed,right now,You want to take me to your lair! "The little master found a cloth to cover my eyes,And then let me open my mouth,It's more like going on to say that I have to block my mouth,So I opened my mouth,Suddenly I felt that the stuff the little master put in my mouth had a smell,I struggled for a while,Because i can't see,Kicked down by the little master again,Step on my mouth,I stepped on what was in my mouth.,I was choked with straight tears,I only heard the little master stepping on my mouth。Haha laughing,After a long time,The little master took off the cloth from my eyes,I have a look,It turned out to be the socks on the feet of the little master。I'm so angry,Struggling off the rope,Chasing to beat the little master...

Grow up day by day,Little master should go to fifth grade,Already like a lad,Become more handsome,More sunshine! But our friendship is also deeper,Joking even more unscrupulous。One summer,We went to play in the woods along the river,The sun's radiant heat is noisy,We dragged some branches from the tree,Spread the branches on the ground,We lie on top。It's too hot,The two of us take off the vest,Took off the sneakers again,Lying on the branches and chatting about the mountains。after awhile,The little master stopped screaming,I thought he was asleep,I squinted my eyes and fell asleep。Just when I am in a daze,I suddenly felt something pressed against me,I just opened my eyes,I saw the mouth of a big sneaker pressed against my mouth and nose,Put my face in that sneaker,I struggled hard,But it's useless,The big sneaker presses tighter on my mouth,I have to gasp ,Inhale the smell of sneakers into your lungs,Accompanied by hahaha smirk,I don't know how long it has been,The big sneaker finally moved away,I took a look,It turned out that the little master stepped on the shoes with his feet,No wonder I struggled hard and couldn't get rid of it。I sat up,Scolding and fighting with him,I am stronger than the little master,But I don't want to really fight him,Deliberately let him,I was riding on him,Never move anymore (played for so long,Actually both of us are tired),The little owner took the sneakers,Pat my face gently with the bottom,Provocatively:"Can't you? You still fight or not? Haha"。I lay on the ground panting, "Stop hitting,Whirr,do not fight"。The little master rides on me and rests for a while,Said:"it is good,Then you have to listen to me"。I said weakly, "Okay,Listen to you"。The little master untied the straps of his sneakers,Then let me open my mouth,After i opened,The little master buckled his big sneaker on my mouth and nose again,As well as my eyes are blocked by sneakers, I can’t see things clearly.。then,The little master uses that shoelace,Tied the sneakers to my head firmly,Thus,Even if i stand up,The little master’s sneakers will be firmly pressed on my face。The little master stood up with a smile,Ordered me:"Now let's play the game of commander and soldier,I'm the commander,Follow my orders! Kneel down! "My face is covered by the little master's sneakers,Can't speak clearly and see clearly,Listen to him playing old games,Knelt down。"Kow to the commander!" I was stunned for a moment.,But I heard the laughter of the little master,So I kowtow to him。Little master’s big sneakers are on my face,When you kowtow on the ground,The mouth will kiss the owner's sneaker insole。The little owner is obviously very happy,"Don't stop,Knock Lao Tzu for a hundred,Ha ha! "I'm in my master's sneakers,I don't know how many knocked,Dizzy。Little master thinks it's okay,Let me stop,"The first command was done well,Below is the crotch of the drill commander,Haha,Isn't it fun? "The little master brought his other sneaker,Put on top of my head,"If you get the sneakers off your head while drilling your crotch,,It doesn't count,Haha。All right,Start,a hundred! "The little master spread his legs apart,I'm too tired to play,But when I think the little master is so interested,Can't make him happy。I carefully put on the sneakers of the little master,Drilled under his crotch。Just drilled one,The little master shouted excitedly "Haha,Dog,You are a puppy,The dog only drills his crotch,Haha,Drill now! Drill now! "I slowly crawled and turned around,Drilling around,The sneakers on the head keep dropping,Every time it drops,The little master asked me to kowtow to him,Put the sneakers on the head and start drilling。Until the little master's interest goes down,He ordered me to stop,He asked me to rest with him for a while,But I’m not allowed to remove the sneakers from my face,After the little master sat down, he laughed,ask me:"Is the smell in the sneakers?" I mumbled:"stinky,Take it down quickly" "Hahaha,It won't smell when you get used to it,In the future,This commander wants you to smell more! "I'm quitting,And took off the little master's sneakers,Throw hard,Threw his shoes far away,I put on my shoes in a hurry,Run away。I only heard the little master yelling from behind, "You run for Lao Tzu!"
now think of it,Still childhood memories are innocent!

Happy days are always fleeting,The young master is going to go to school in the city,And I'm going to the town to go to middle school。During his fifth grade summer vacation,We meet again,After a year,The little master has grown a lot taller,More handsome! With the little master,I always have a feeling of surrendering under his feet。The little master looks more domineering,As soon as he saw me,So he came up and punched me,Smirk again。The little master said that he won't stay too long when he comes back,Because he is now the squad leader,Some activities during the summer vacation,He wants to go back to school early。I was in the first year of junior high school,He laughed at him and said, "You,It's best to get out early,Lest I see you hit you once! "The little master kicked it before I was finished.,I dodged,Ran away,The little master was chasing and shouting "Come here.",Come hit me! "the next day,We ran to the small river outside the village to play early,Haven't been in the water for a long time,We can't wait to take off our clothes,Plunged into the water。Swim for a while,We stayed in the water and started fighting,I am holding a short wooden stick as a bayonet,I want to rush towards the little master,The little master is standing in the water without thighs,Smirk,Pointing to my crotch and said to me "Come here,Rush here,Haha,Haven't played for a long time? "The little master spreads his legs apart,Motioned me to swim under his crotch,I also thought of a bad idea,When I swim under the crotch of the young master,I snapped,The little master will be overwhelmed by me。Make up your mind,I swam towards the crotch of the little master,When I slid my head under the crotch of my little master,When just preparing to apply force,The little master suddenly pinched his legs! Tuck my head firmly under the crotch of the little master,You know my head is in the water,I'm struggling with my life under Wu Feixiang's crotch,But the little master sat down,I twisted my body quickly,We both fell into the water,I took the opportunity to stand up quickly。See if the little master hasn't stood firm yet,I quickly climbed ashore and escaped。
Finish swimming,We both sat in the grass on the ground,Clothes and shoes are wet,Even the mud on our feet and body。I hung our clothes on the tree to dry,I took off my shoes and put them in the sun。Sitting on the grass,The little master's smirk,I know he is thinking about bad ideas again,The little master touched me with his right foot,"Hey,Didn't you see that the legs and feet of this commander were all gray? "I gave him a blank look" Huh,Deserve it,Who let you trick or treat! "The little master said coquettishly.",Clean it up for me! "Of course I would be happy,So he picked up the little master’s red scarf and wiped it up for him。Just wiped it twice,The little master yelled, "How do you use my red scarf?,I still need to use it。"I looked around,Only clothes,No other cloth。I helplessly said, "What do you use?" The little master smiled and said, "I have a way,You close your eyes,I will make it for you! "I closed my eyes obediently,The little master blindfolded my eyes again with a red scarf,I'm wondering,Suddenly I felt a fleshy thing on my mouth,The little master said, "Do you listen to the commander's orders?" I nodded vigorously。"Well,The commander gives you an order,Use your mouth to clean Laozi TIAN! Hahahahaha,quick! Or I'm angry!"I do not know why either,I'm afraid the little master will really get angry,Afraid he won't care about me。I opened my mouth,Hug the little master's feet with your right hand,TIAN is up。TIAN on my side,The little master laughed haha,And say "lightly,lighter,Itchy,Haha" The foot of the little master has been TIAN for a long time,The little master removes the red scarf from my eyes,And stretched out the other foot unceremoniously,"Haha,Come,Then give Laozi TIAN this foot! "I hurriedly stood up,Kneeling at the feet of the little master,Lower your head and give the little master TIAN up。Me at that time,I just think Wu Feixiang is my god,I only ration him TIAN feet,Serve him on your knees! And my little master is enjoying his treatment as a god!
Since I was a child, I have let the little master,Maybe for the little master,He thinks I listen to him so much,Should be,Of course。We talked for a long time,The little master said he was very influential in the class,The classmates admire him,The teacher also said he has leadership skills。After i listened,I adore my little master from the bottom of my heart。Unknowingly we should go home,The little master patted me on the head with his hand, "Bring the sneakers to the commander! Hahaha,To crawl over,"Come over to Lao Tzu with my mouth" I hurriedly crawled over on my knees,I took the little master's shoes with my mouth。When I crawled and put it at his feet,The little master stomped on my head and said, "Not bad,Among friends,And only you can make me do this to you。Help the commander put on the shoes! "I am very happy that the little master regards me as his best childhood friend,The little master took his feet away,I knelt at the feet of the little master,Put on shoes for the little master。After wearing,Didn't wait for me to straighten up,Little master,Ride on my neck,"Drive! Drive! Drive!" after shouting,Ran away in a hurry,I chased after scolding.

There are mountains and rivers in our village,Nice view,Especially in summer。But our village is less populated,There are no more than 20 families in total,Count children of the same age,Only the little master Wu Feixiang and I can play together。Although the scenery is beautiful,But we two little kids know how to appreciate。The little master and I have a fight all day long,There are not a few days in summer,I feel boring。That morning,We are discussing to go to Yangcun, ten miles away from our village,Looking for classmate Yang Fan from elementary school。Along the tree-lined trail,We sing and beat,Chasing and making trouble,So happy。I arrived at Yangcun without knowing it,Yang Fan is one year younger than me,Sixth grade,Just graduated from elementary school,Also very boring at home,See us here,So he took us and ran around to play in a blink of an eye。
Yangcun is obviously more lively than ours,On the small playground at the back of the school, several children are playing "fighting",Kick each other with their legs,fall,You lose if you go out of the circle or touch the ground with both legs)。The three of us join in,We have to split up again,of course,The little master and Yang Fan are prestigious,Then they started asking for someone,Rock scissors after cloth,Yang Fan starts to ask people。finally,little Master,I,Jia Chenglong,Liu Xiaochuan Group,Yang Fan,Chen Guijiang,Party ocean,Shi Yirui Group。A battle of life and death ended in cheers and constant verbal abuse.,Our group was smashed by Yang Fan and Dang Haiyang.,The young master’s knee was also bruised when he fell。The four of Yang Fan were extremely excited,Shouting "haha,we won! "Yang Fan said:"Old rules,The loser! "I looked at the little master,Very heartache,Just said to Yang Fan:"Wu Feixiang's knees are bleeding,I'll remember his person,Let me carry two of them! "Yang Fan looked at the little master's knees,Don't think it's a big deal,But also agreed to what I said。Our classmates were in the same school when they were in elementary school,Although the young master is younger than us,But very loyal,Everyone respects him,I'm used to letting him。Me and Jia Chenglong,Liu Xiaochuan squatted on the ground,Yang Fan,Chen Guijiang and Shi Yirui cross their legs separately,Riding on the necks of the three of us。The three of us picked them up and ran a circle around the playground。Yang Fan is one year younger than me,But he's taller than me,He feels like a mountain is pressed on my neck。Ran more than half,I bend down,Let Yang Fan rest on the ground for a while,My head is sweating under Yang Fan’s crotch,But my heart is very happy,Because Yang Fan is also that handsome,The big boy of the sun,Stay under his crotch for an extra minute,I think it's enjoyment。Yang Fan sees I can't run,Just say:"Or else,I'll run with you for a while." So,Yang Fan put my head in his crotch and ran slowly。My head was rubbed under Yang Fan's crotch and it was uncomfortable,But I endured and didn't say anything。Fortunately only ran one lap,finally reached。Still have to bear the party ocean,But luckily he is thin and small。The little master ran over with a smirk,"Can you do it?,Why don't I come" How can I let the little master carry someone? I immediately squatted down and said:"I'm saving strength,Humph,It’s okay to recite ten more! "Dang Haiyang climbed up my neck,Obviously it's a lot easier,I quickly finished running with him on my back。
Second round,In order not to embarrass the little master,I did my best,Put Yang Fan on the ground,In the end our group won。The little master said happily:"The back is too tired,Let's drive the train and drill the cave! "Yang Fan and the others are also very happy,Everyone is tired after playing for a long time。I'm so thirsty,So I bought eight bottles of water。I ran back,Only see the little master,Jia Chenglong and Liu Xiaochuan stand in a row with their legs apart,And Yang Fan and the others are arching their waists and crawling under the crotch of the little master.,After drilling once,The little master squatted his crotch lower,Turning his head and smirking at Jia Chenglong,Jia Chenglong and Liu Xiaochuan also lowered their crotch,Yang Fan and the others saw that they couldn't get through with their bow waist,Kneeling over the crotch of the little master。The last time I drilled,The little master squatted down the crotch again,Yang Fan saw them,I can't get through,Stop drilling! The little master said with a smirk:"Hahaha,Why can't I get through? You are too stupid! "Speaking,The little master saw me,Point to me and say:"As long as Zhen Hongchang can get through,You have to drill! How about it? "Yang Fan and the others roared:"Okay! See if you can get through!" The little master squatted his crotch very low,I froze for a while,So he walked to the little master,Lay all limbs on the ground,Twist the body slowly,A little bit drilled under the crotch of the young master,When my head is over the little master's ass,Was pressed hard by the little master,The rubbing of the nose on the forehead is all gray,But I still got under the crotch of the young master。The little master said proudly:"Look! How about it? Drill! Drill!" Yang Fan and the others were dumbfounded.,Had to lie on the ground one after another,A little bit from under the crotch of the young master。When it comes out,One by one,Can imagine,The little master is messing up again,Sitting hard on their heads。Yang Fan jumped up,Chase the little master and fight,The playground suddenly boiled!

Noon,The little master and I ate at Yang Fan’s house,Yang Fan's parents have always been very good to us,Treat us as our own children。After the noisy meal,I told Yang Fan's parents,Let Yang Fan come to my house for a day,Yang Fan's parents agreed,But tell us not to run around。I didn't wait for Yang Fan's parents to finish,The little master and I took Yang Fan and ran away。
On the way back is the head of noon,It’s so hot that we are sweating,So I found a cool place under a big tree。I gave Yang Fan the bottle of water I left,Let him drink some water,Yang Fan raised his head and drank half of it,I gave water to the little master again,Little master sees not much water,So I only drank a little,Pass me the water bottle and say "Zhen Hongchang,I'm not thirsty,You should drink it。"I took the water bottle,Pursed your mouth,Just put the lid on。
The three of us are talking nonsense,Quarrel sometimes,Sometimes fight hands and feet,So lively。There is an agricultural vehicle parked in the distance in front of the trail,The little master suggested that we three races to run,See who gets to the farm truck first。Say better than,With the order of the little master,The three of us rushed out like wild wolves。Yang Fan is the tallest,Also run the fastest,I followed Yang Fan,But the little master fell in the end。I can't bear to watch the little master fall behind,Slowed down,Still gasping。The little master chased after a while,Run ahead of me,And make faces at me from time to time,I look at the little master,A burst of laughter "Don't be proud,Look at me chasing you! "Yang Fan arrived first,Sat on the ground and laughed "Turtle,turtle! The tortoise is behind! "I'm naturally the last,Seeing Yang Fan so arrogant,He winked at the little master,We both pressed on Yang Fan almost at the same time,Yang Fan caught off guard,I was crushed by the two of us。The little master is riding on Yang Fan's belly,Tickle him with hands,And I was riding on Yang Fan's lap,Press his legs。After a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling,The little master and I hurriedly got up and ran away!
After tossing all the way,I don’t know where I left my water bottle。Okay,I'm home in front of you,The three of us ran to the grass at the head of the village,Plunge in it,Lie in。The little master gave a smirk, "Finally back to our turf,Haha,I'm still commander,You're still a soldier。Yep,Yang Fan, what are you? "Yang Fan raised his head:"Humph,You are the commander,Of course I am a military teacher。It's Zhuge Liang。"The little master's eyes lit up" Okay,You are a military teacher,Give advice to Lao Tzu! "Yang Fan glanced at me,Smirked, "I said the commander,What will your little soldier do? "The little master didn't wait for me to speak,Rushed to say "more useful,Look,Lao Tzu practice it for you,But you have to do it with him! "Yang Fan is very excited,Busy nodding to stand up。Yang Fan and I stood straight in front of the little master,The little master began to issue an order "Yang Fan,To the left! Zhen Hongchang,turn right! "We are both very standard,Ha ha,At least i think so。At this moment, Yang Fan and I are standing face to face,Then the little master said, "Go together!" Yang Fan and I were taken aback.,But they all obeyed the little master's orders,We ran into each other face to face,Doing a step-by-step movement。"Hahahahaha!" The little master couldn't help laughing. "You two fools!" The little master smiled and stood up and then ordered "Face me up! Kneel on the ground! Kow to the commander!" Although Yang Fan was playing before I did it when I lost the game,But at this moment I am embarrassed。He saw I was kneeling at Wu Feixiang's feet and kowtow,I smiled and said to Yang Fan, "Just for fun,You are serious! Ah,You are stupid" let me say this,Yang Fan also thinks it's just for fun,What's more, I have been punished like this when I lost the game before。Yang Fan knelt at Wu Feixiang's feet,Kowtow hard。The little master winked at me,Extend your right thumb,Praise me for doing well。The little master laughed hahaha "Okay,The commander is going to fight on horseback。Lead Malay! "Yang Fan stood with his hips crossed and his legs crossed.,I bend over,Put your head under Yang Fan's crotch from behind,The little owner is very satisfied,Crossed legs,Ride on my back,Holding Yang Fan's ears with two hands,Yelling "Charge! Kill!" I didn't know how long I ran on the grass,My waist is about to break。suddenly,Yang Fan staggered and couldn't stand still,fall down,And my head is under Yang Fan’s crotch,He put my head on the grass all at once,And the little master fell on me too。Yelling,After crying and scolding mother,The little master winked with me,Let's press on Yang Fan together,It's another bloody storm。。。
After some tossing,The three of us were tired and lay flat on the grass。After a while,The little master stretched a foot over and put it on my head,Say "Take off Lao Tzu's sneakers,Covered to death。"I wanted to push away,But I think the little master has been tired for a day,He bit the sole of the little master's sneakers with his mouth,The little master pulls his leg,The sneakers fell on my head。The little master put another foot on Yang Fan's head,Yang Fan quickly turned his head and said, "Oh,stinky,Have you washed your feet? "The little master blinked and said, "No.,Impossible to smell,"No, you can taste it.",Yang Fan can't,Squeeze your eyes,Biting sneakers with your mouth,Help the little master take off the shoes。The little master took a look at Yang Fan,Hahaha laughed "I'm smelling like my feet,Can't you see! "Speaking,The little master stretched his feet to my mouth,I immediately understood what the little master meant,Hugging the feet of the little master with both hands and kicking the feet of the little master TIAN。The little master kept shaking his feet "Ha,what,itch,itch! "Yang Fan winked at the little master,While i'm not paying attention,Pick up one of the sneakers of the little master,Pressed hard on my face,Ride on me at the same time,Use both hands to firmly press the sneakers on my face,Yelling "It smells so good,Ha ha,Let you be TIAN enough! "The little master also yelled aside, "Don't let go,Don't let go,Let Xiaobing clean all the inside of Laozi's sneakers! "I struggled hard,But I can't get rid of it,Hear the command of the little master,I won't struggle anymore,TIAN sticking out his tongue and struggling with the sneakers of the young master。The inside of the little master’s sneakers has long been soaked with sweat from the little master’s feet,TIAN up my tongue,Can even squeeze out water。I felt very happy at that time,It’s like I was born for the little master Tian’s feet,I am a sneaker of the little master,Forever being stepped under the feet of the little master。The young master and Yang Fan have been in high spirits,Ha ha ha keep laughing,Later I found it boring,The little master asked Yang Fan to let me go,I chased Yang Fan for another violent fight

Watching the sunset,It's time for the little master and us to go home,Yang Fan and I go back to my house,Because our two families seem to have some distant relatives,But what is the specific relationship,I don't remember it now。Had dinner hastily,it's getting dark。We helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks,Went to sleep。Yang Fan and I lay in a blanket,Keep playing。Yang Fan suddenly said with a smirk:"I want to ride a horse too!" I gave him a blank look. "Huh,I only listen to the commander,You are not the commander! "Yang Fan is eyeing:"I'm a strategist,Of course you have to listen to the strategist! "I stabbed into the bed,Shouted at him, "Go to your dog-headed sergeant,I won't listen to you! Haha" Yang Fan is desperate,Press my head with both hands and press down hard,At the same time Yang Fan spread his legs,Put my head in his crotch,I tried to break free,It's impossible,The more you struggle, the tighter Yang Fan's legs are clamped。Yang Fan smiled triumphantly and said, "The more I don't let Laozi ride,The more I have to ride,Haha" My mouth just hits Yang Fan's @@上,But Yang Fan didn't pay attention,He just shook his body vigorously,Like riding a horse under the crotch。My head is tucked in Yang Fan’s crotch,A burst of boy @@独有的masculinity,Filled my nose and throat,That feels very happy! After a while,Yang Fan stopped,I begged him to let me go,Yang Fan pretended to be angry and said, "I want you to convince me,Just listen to me。Sleep like this tonight。Haha。"that's it,We ridicule a lot,I'll talk about the love letters that the girls in the previous class wrote to others,Later, I will talk about how the little master is meaningful enough to talk about loyalty and help fight together。I don't know how long it has been,Yang Fan is asleep。My head has been tucked in Yang Fan’s crotch,feeling bad,I wanted to move Yang Fan's legs away,Who knew I moved Yang Fan's leg,He clamped his legs tighter。I didn't move anymore。Yang Fan's @@ is on my mouth,I carefully peeled off Yang Fan's underwear,I'm curious,I want to see if the @@ of another boy is the same as mine,Haha,It was so silly at that time! Who knows that you can't see clearly after you open it,I just think one @@ fell out,I suddenly have a strong urge to take a bite,I can't bear it,But I was afraid that Yang Fan would wake up suddenly,In the end I just used the tip of my tongue to gently TIAN a few times,Feels weird,But it’s the excitement that makes me boil,in my heart,Yang Fan has also become a god! With infinite happiness,I also gradually entered my dream。。。Midday,I'm old and tall that day,I just woke up in a daze,Open your eyes,Yang Fan got up long ago and didn't know where to go。Ugh,This kid has a lot of energy,I ate leftovers on the table in a hurry,Ran to Wu Feixiang's house,I know Yang Fan must be there。as predicted,The two are playing game consoles with handles,The concentration of concentration,I didn't even notice when I walked behind them。Soon,Yang Fan died,He is not good at playing Contra。I grabbed Yang Fan's handle and shouted, "Go go,You go,Look at Lao Tzu's。"Yang Fan was robbed of the handle by me,I was so angry that my eyes stared "Ugh~Little B,When is it your turn? "I ignored him,Just watch the little master play the game alone,Passed two more levels,The little master also hung up。Yang Fan was so anxious that he wanted to grab the handle of the little master,But he feels embarrassed,I had to say, "Substitution if you lose! Don't let yourself go!" My little master and I often play,So it works well,after a long time,We are still going on,Yang Fan can't sit still,Move my head for a while,Touch the little master's arm for a while,Or just walk past us on purpose。Under such harassment,The little master and I have hung up the lottery。Yang Fan called and ran out, "Oh~ dead! Dead!" The little master gave me a pair of eyes,Rushed out of the house and chased him。The little master chased and scolded "I will catch you,You feel good! "Yang Fan is tall and slender with two legs,Ran out of the village like a puff of smoke。The little master and I were out of breath and didn't catch up,Just keep cursing!
The breath of the country is always so simple and fresh,Even people’s personalities are like this,Don't look at the three of us full of foul words,That's just talking between us,Really go back to their respective schools,Hum,Guaranteed to be gentle。Rough,But we are definitely that kind of silly,Simple mind,Not bad at all,This is where I have always missed my childhood,There will always be the depths of my happiest heart。

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