[BL douujin] [Fiction] The man who loves the rich-92 chapters in total

[BL douujin] [Fiction] The man who loves the rich-92 chapters in total

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  ☆、Chapter 016 Love Rival

Wenjing came down from upstairs and ran into Su Jinan’s wife,The woman was stunned when she saw him,Then that face was like a juggling,Gradually distorted。
Wen Jing hooked her lips contemptuously,This time he really went to Su Jinan。
Tonight's Royal International is obviously wrong,Wenjing can't tell what's going on,Just from that glass of wine,The appearance of Qin Mu,Zhai Yi's disappearance,These things seem to be directed at him,It doesn't seem to be,Wenjing can't distinguish。
And one more point,Wen Xiangnan asked him to associate with Su Jinan,Didn't say anything else,Means to associate,This is even stranger,Wen Xiangnan's purpose in coming to city c is clear to him,It’s just that Wenjing hasn’t figured it out yet,What does all this have to do with Su Jinan-Su Jinan is a solid businessman,Not even with Qin Mu and the Zhai family,What's special,In addition to a lot of money, it's a handsome gay。
Wenjing shook his head again,What does this have to do with him? Anyway, he is a pawn that takes people's money to do things for others。
"Xiao Jing!" Su Jinan suddenly appeared。
Wenjing laughed:"Angel,I'm looking for you。”
Su Jinan's eyes lit up:"Look for me? We've been apart for less than an hour,Have you not……"
Wen Jing sighed:"Ugh,So boring here。”
Su Jinan held his waist,The tone is quite pampering:"Just know you will be bored,go,Ang takes you to a place。”
"Why is it so mysterious?" Wen Jing pushed Su Jinan's chest,Not the kind of refusal,With a natural temptation:"...You don't mean to do something bad, do you?"
Su Jinan immediately muttered:"Xiaojing...Angel is real..."
"what,correct。"Wenjing suddenly remembered something:"Do you know Wen Xiangnan?"
Su Jinan was taken aback,Face changed:"do not know,but……"
Wenjing looked at him tightly:"But what?"
"But I know him。Su Jinan suddenly hugged Wenjing,Seems very excited:"Little King,I am sorry,I didn't check you on purpose,I'm just too curious about you..."
Wen Jing stiffened,What I think in my head is,Su Jinan doesn't know Wen Xiangnan,In other words,Su Jinan has nothing to do with this matter? But,How could it be so coincidental?
"Little King,Are you angry? "
Wen Jing shook his head。
Su Jinan touched his face,road:"I don't believe those rumors in Z City,Xiaojing,I don't ask about your past,Let me take care of you? "
Wen Jing just wanted to speak,Su Jinan suddenly said:"I know who that man was that day。”
Wenjing was shocked,What did Su Jinan find out?
But when Su Jinan snorted:"That person is President Qin, right? That figure,That tolerance,That guts,Even if he wears a mask,I can recognize him too。”
Wenjing breathed a sigh of relief,Faint explanation:"Me and him are actually nothing。”
Su Jinan held up his hand:"It's ok,Can be Qin Mu's rival in love,it's my honour,and,Xiaojing is obviously towards me,Isn't it? "
Wenjing suddenly felt boring,Does being a rival in love with Qin Mu make people feel better? But he smiled even more dazzlingly。
Two people arrived in the same room in the talking room,Su Jinan is still quite mysterious:"Little King,Close your eyes。”
"What? Surprise?" Wenjing closed his eyes in cooperation,But I wondered if Zhai Yi had been found by Qin Mu,What happened。
"All right,Can be opened。”
Wenjing stood at the door,After seeing the environment in the house,The corners of the mouth finally twitched unbearably。
I have been in contact with Su Jinan for so many days,Wenjing also found out,This person is generous,Give jewelry every time you meet,And a sports car,No wonder that Su Ci never forgets,It is indeed a cash cow。
Wenjing ignores the luxurious double bed in the room,Just fall on the candlelight dinner in the front hall,A bunch of keys hung on the iced champagne bottle in the middle,House key。
"Angel,What are you..."
Su Jinan pulled Wenjing in,I took the set of keys and put them in Wenjing's palm。
The smile on Wenjing's lips gradually cooled...
Luo Wei opened his arms behind Qin Mu,Speaking earnestly to the woman in front of you:"Miss Chen,We really don't know where Mr. Qi is,We are also looking for him,Please wait patiently。”
This woman is called Chen Hui,It’s the woman who made this very popular Qi Shaojie prepare to get engaged,Qin Mu has always had no good expressions on her。
Chen Hui has turned pale with anger,I don't care about the lady style:"Don't you know? Isn't he with Zhai Si? They're in this building, right?"
Luo Wei rolls his eyes,My heart says you can, but you are the man who cares about you,What's the use of shouting with us?
Chen Hui is also a fool,Knowing that he is the obstacle between Qi Shaojie and Zhai Si,I just plunged in and couldn't pull it out,It’s like there is no man in this world except Qi Shaojie,No one else can see Miss Chen's eyes。
Qin Mu checks the time from time to time,Look terrifying。
Chen Hui is still chatting:"Qin Mu,Do you know why Qi Shaojie wants to get engaged to me? that's because……"
Qin Mu suddenly turned his head:"Miss Chen,If you have a little brain,You shouldn't be pestering a bastard who is entangled with men。"After talking, turn around and leave.,Leave a sentence at the same time:"Kick me out of this woman。”
Luo Wei understands what the boss meant to worry about this woman,So you're welcome:"Miss Chen,I also advise you,You can't compete with the four youngest,Wake up early。"Then call in security,Rush people。
Zhao Fei called Qin Mu:"boss,The Fourth Young Master was carried to the sixth floor by President Qi。"Zhao Fei specially emphasized "Hug"。
Qin Mu had a meal,Qi Shaojie has a lounge on the sixth floor。
Zhao Fei continued:"The Fourth Young Master may not be drunk,The two of them were in the elevator... By the way, the boss,Wen Shao went with Su Jinan 411。”
Qin Mu:"You don't have to worry about them,What is Zhai Shaoyong doing? "
Zhao Fei:"Still drinking,He didn't even know that the Fourth Young Master was taken away by President Qi,boss,Are we..."
Qin Mu:"Find the original plan。”
Qin Mu hung up the phone and went directly into the elevator,After the elevator door was closed, the fingers hesitated at the 4 and 6 fingertips for three seconds,Finally chose 6。
Stood outside 626 for half a minute,Make sure that the crying breath and the unusually gentle comforting sound are from Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie,Qin Mu just left a person at the door,I took Luo Wei to the fourth floor。
The brother at the door looks at the sky,I was flushed with blood from the blushing heartbeat inside,Finally, I took out my headphones and listened to music,Nima,It's so exciting inside。
Wenjing hangs the key back on the wine bottle,Pretend not to understand:"Angel,Why give me a house? "
Su Jinan is particularly emotional,A man his age is naturally particularly attractive when he is emotional,Affectionate:"Little King,Let Ang take care of you。”
"You have taken good care of me,Send me jewelry,Car delivery,I just don't want to report。”
"You don't need to repay,Xiaojing,Brother Ang likes you..." Su Jinan hugged Wenjing,Just press your lips down。
Wen Jing head sideways,Reach out and gently pinch Su Jinan's pockmark,Su Jinan immediately released Wenjing。
Not waiting for Wen Jing to be lucky,Sudden pain in right arm,Then he was violently pulled,Too late to exclaim,Wen Jing fell into a embrace with a cold breath but a little familiar。
Because the feet are unstable,Wenjing’s nose hit the man’s shoulder,I almost burst into tears in pain。
Just listen to someone domineering and arrogant to Su Jinan:"This person belongs to Qin Mu,Who dares to touch! "

  ☆、Episode 017

Until Wenjing was dragged out of that room by Qin Mu,Drag downstairs,He has been pondering a question in his mind,Why did Qin Mu appear?
Qin Mu is angry,Wenjing is no longer afraid,This man is angry all day long,Not afraid of hurting the liver。
Wenjing suddenly missed Taotao,That kid must be waiting for him while watching TV right now。
He changed his clothes when he went out,I don't know if Taotao will wash it secretly,Should be,That kid is always disobedient。
A sudden pain in the wrist,Turn head,Qin Mu was staring at him viciously,That look seems to say,Dare to think of others in front of me?
Wenjing stared back immediately,But don't want to talk to him,Looked at the wrist that Qin Mu had been holding tightly,It hurts。
Luo Wei trot behind,He hasn't figured out what is going on yet,My eyes swept back and forth on Qin Mu and Wen Jing,But I vaguely feel,Zhao Fei's sneaky things recently,Must have something to do with this person。
Except for Zhai Yi and the father of the two families,Luo Wei has never seen Qin Mu treat someone like this,That kind of difference doesn’t need to be elaborated.。
Qin Mu dragged Wen Jing and kicked open a door,Go in,More than a dozen people in it are gathering,Wen Jing saw Zhai Shaoyong sitting in the first place at a glance。
Su Jinan actually said he didn't know Wen Xiangnan? Wenjing almost laughed,How can there be such a coincidence in this world?
Qin Mu glanced at Zhai Shaoyong,I scanned the people with different faces in the room,Without saying a word, Wenjing pulled back out again,Luo Wei stayed behind,Seems to have slapped something on the table,Bang。
This time Qin Mu left Yuhao International directly with Wenjing,When Qin Mu got into the car,Wenjing suddenly remembered Su Jin'an's shriveled face just now,Undeniable,That feels great。
Car start,Wenjing said something awkwardly:"I don't know what else he is doing。"This "he" refers to Wen Xiangnan,Regardless of whether Qin Mu can understand,Anyway, he just said something so thoughtless。
Qin Mu didn't speak,The side face is as cold as a sculpture,Just when Wenjing thought he would be silent forever,But the man spoke:"Wen Xiangnan's purpose for letting you get close to Su Jinan lies in me,If it wasn't for someone to shoot today,,Zhai Yi must be over now。”
Wen Jing turned his head,Is this person... explaining to himself?
wrong,What does he mean?
Wen Xiangnan asked him to associate with Su Jinan, what does it have to do with this person? Wenjing is at a loss。
Unexpectedly, Qin Mu said again:"These things have nothing to do with you,You don't need to understand。"It's like knowing what Wenjing is thinking。
Wenjing touches his nose,Actually he doesn't want to understand,It’s just Su Jinan...
"Stay away from that Su Jinan。"The people next to me gave a low voice,Shocked Wenjing,This person can't read minds?
Wen Jing knows that Qin Mu and Zhai Shaoyong Su Jinan are rivals,But Su Jinan is now his God of Wealth,No matter what,These three months will definitely pass。
"It won't be troublesome for President Qin to worry,I have my own way to get out。”
The car stopped on the side of the road with a "hey",Qin Mu stared at Wen Jing blankly,His expression is too scary,Wenjing looked around subconsciously,It's late now,But there are cars coming and going on the street...
Swallowed,Wenjing's words are very difficult:"What do you want to do?"
"Su Jinan?" Qin Muming snorted plainly.,Wenjing still didn't understand what that cold snort meant,But he soon understood,That consequence,Unimaginable。
After humming Qin Mu, start the car,Wenjing breathed a sigh of relief。
The two quickly returned to Repulse Bay,Qin Mu parked his car at the Sancha intersection,Not waiting for this person's orders,Wenjing get off the car。
Seeing Qin Mu looking at himself with that coffin face,Wenjing suddenly raised his lips:"Mr. Qin,Please ask someone to drive my car back,Thanks! "
Qin Mu's eyes narrowed,The expression seems to say,vehicle? From Su Jinan? snort!
Wenjing raises eyebrows:"No? Okay? I'll give Ang a call..."
Qin Mu gave Wen Jing a vicious look,Reversing,Ferrari back the same way。
Is this person specially sending himself back? Wen Jing looked at Qin Mu's car butt and thought in disbelief。
Qin Mu returned to Yuhao International,Chen Mo greeted from afar:"Pastoral,I saw you pulling a person..."
Qin Mu coldly sweeps Chen Mo,Got into the elevator:"Speaking of business。”
Zhao Fei, who followed, looked at the sky,I don’t know who just ran away with the beauty...
Chen Mo hurriedly followed up, "It's just a bunch of guys who are profiting only.,Zhai Shaoyong is already alone now,Elder Zhai said it was handed over to him。”
Zhao Fei added:"Let's take a draw this time,Zhai Shaoyong is estimated to be sent abroad by Mr. Zhai。”
Qin Mu let out a "um",The elevator goes straight to the sixth floor。
The brother who was guarding outside 626 has already taken the headset,It's probably gone inside。
Chen Mo just raised his hand to knock on the door,Qin Mu kicked away directly,That loud noise,I feel the floor under my feet tremble。
There are two people in the room,Zhengxiang who is sleeping in bed,One is well-dressed on the sofa sitting aside。
The well-dressed one is Qi Shaojie,Wear a silver-gray suit,Looking at the phone,If it wasn't for some kind of breath left in the room,Just looking at his face at the moment, you will never guess what he did just now.。
Seeing the door kicked open,Qi Shaojie's icy gaze shot directly over and landed on Qin Mu's face。
Qin Mu did not evade,Livid,It's like having great hatred with Qi Shaojie。
The two have one thing in common,cold。
but,Qin Mu's cold is cold,With a domineering and predatory atmosphere。
But Qi Shaojie’s cold is cold,If you have to use cold words,That's coldness,indifferent。
This person is no worse than Qin Mu,The long and narrow eyes are cold and faint,As if indifferent to everything,In Zhai Yi's words:"That bastard is cold and ruthless at first sight、Uninterested、ungrateful……"
Qin Mu doesn't talk nonsense with Qi Shaojie,I used to lift Zhai Yi's quilt。
Zhai Yi has been cleaned,In a bathrobe,Qin Mu directly hugged a princess,Took people away。
Qi Shaojie just watched Qin Mu come and go,The person in the bed is gone,He didn't say a word。
Chen Mo is still a little worried:"Pastoral,Will President Qi..."
Qin Mu gritted his teeth:"I'll beat him up sooner or later。”
A group of people just got into the elevator,The person in Qin Mu's arms opened his eyes。
Zhai Yi looked at Qin Mu pitifully:"elder brother,I knew you would come to save me! "
Qin Mu's anger:"Aren't you waiting for this day?"
Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight

  ☆、Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight

Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight。
Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight:Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight。”
Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight。
Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight。
"elder brother,Zhai Yi knew that he was embarrassed again tonight
Qin Mu glanced at Zhai Yi in the rearview mirror,That means-congratulations,Finally self-knowledge。
"He said... he made me perfect,Let me stop pestering him in the future..." Zhai Yi's voice was very low.,As if talking to himself:"Afterwards,I don't remember the previous one,Don't remember。It's too useless,I even pretended to sleep,He knows i'm pretending,Just keep playing with me..."
A hint of doubt slipped through Qin Mu's eyes,Although I didn't hear what Qi Shaojie said at the time,But that tone,Clearly to appease,It's a lover's tone...
"Tomorrow you go to work at the company,Tianyuan was created by the old man,If it's really ruined in your hands,That's a shame。”
Zhai Yi nodded indifferently:"Row,Listen to you! "
Early next morning,Wenjing took Taotao for a walk in the small park,Open the door and see a dark blue Lamborghini parked at the door,The car keys are on the roof。
Wenjing raises eyebrows,Know this car Wenjing,Qin Mu's。
"elder brother,Have you changed cars again? "Taotao has a serious face,I disagree with his brother frequently changing cars。
"From someone else。"The tone is calm,Too,From Su Jinan and from Qin Mu,Is there a difference?
It's all good cars anyway,Wenjing has no psychological burden at all。
While the sun is out,The two brothers jogged for half an hour while walking in the small park。
Had breakfast,Wenjing thinks he should call Su Jinan,Who knows that the other party's phone is turned off。
Shut down when you shut it down,Wenjing played with Taotao at home,Teach him to read,Make him delicious。
afternoon,Wenjing brushed his circle of friends before he knew that Su Jinan’s company in another place had an accident.,That person left city c last night。
Wenjing didn't take this matter to heart,A few more days,Suddenly news of Su Jinan’s divorce came out,All his properties in City C were sentenced to his wife and son by the court。
Wenjing was surprised when he heard the news,Think again,Relax again。
He received a call from a woman this day,Invite him to drink tea-Su Jinan's wife。
The woman pushed a silver card to Wenjing,Only said a word:"you deserved,without you,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully。”
I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,Qin Mu。
I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,cold eyes,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully。
I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully,I can't leave this marriage so beautifully
As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.。
"elder brother,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.。”
As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.,As usual, he leaned on Qin Mu's desk.。
Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration。Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration。
Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Zhai Yi's five-body throw in Qin Mu's admiration,Who raised a little five and a little six?,Who raised a little five and a little six?
Who raised a little five and a little six?,Snap,Who raised a little five and a little six?,Who raised a little five and a little six?,Who raised a little five and a little six?,Who raised a little five and a little six?。
Who raised a little five and a little six?,And get it without effort。
Do not,And get it without effort,And get it without effort,And get it without effort,And get it without effort,And get it without effort。
"elder brother,And get it without effort
And get it without effort,And get it without effort。
And get it without effort:The store area is relatively large,And get it without effort,And get it without effort,And get it without effort。”
Qin Mu:And get it without effort
Zhai Yi:And get it without effort,And get it without effort。”
Qin Mu:"Zhai Cheng?"
Zhai Yi:"Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?",Fuck,"Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?"
Qin Mu:"Zhai Cheng?"。”
"Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?","Zhai Cheng?":"Zhai Cheng?"
"Zhai Cheng?":"really do not know?"
"really do not know?"
"really do not know?","really do not know?","really do not know?","really do not know?":"boss,"really do not know?","really do not know?"。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,"really do not know?"。
"really do not know?","really do not know?","really do not know?","really do not know?":"really do not know?"
tell the master。”
"really do not know?",The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties。
The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties。
The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties。
The entrance and exit are generally all kinds of parties,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves。
How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves。
How many ladies and wives have fallen under his suit pants and can't extricate themselves,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date。
Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,Always remember to choose a small gift for each other before each date,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun。
There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun,There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun。
There is a kind of excitement of a girl who is being pursued by Huai Chun。
The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night。
The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night。
The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night。
The game is played until two in the middle of the night,The game is played until two in the middle of the night,Wen Jing let out a loud roar:"it is good,Wen Jing let out a loud roar。”
Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Wen Jing let out a loud roar。
Wen Jing let out a loud roar:"Shen Xuan is a good person.,Wen Jing let out a loud roar
Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Wen Jing let out a loud roar。Wen Jing let out a loud roar,Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car。
"Pastoral,Recognized Qin Mu in the car
Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car。
Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car,Recognized Qin Mu in the car。

  ☆、Recognized Qin Mu in the car

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