[BL douujin] [Fiction] The man who loves the rich-92 chapters in total

[BL douujin] [Fiction] The man who loves the rich-92 chapters in total

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  ☆、Chapter 061 Old Friends

Didn't sleep well last night,Didn't sleep late in the morning,Wenjing was drowsy when she came out of Chen Su's house。While waiting for the red light at the crossroads,Wen Jinggang parking,Just hear a "bang" from the back of the car,He's dozing off all of a sudden。
He drove the sports car Qin Mu gave him,There was not much movement at the time of the collision,He doesn't feel bad,Just shocked。He was still very annoyed when others knocked on his car window,I guess the nap was soaked up。
"Excuse me sir,I just answered the phone,I ran into it without paying attention,It just so happens that my boss's car is also Ferrari,We are familiar with the operators in China,do not worry,We will fix it for you。”
Wenjing get off the bus and take a look,Good guy,What hit him was a luxury Benz,The champagne gold Ferrari behind the Big Ben is indeed the same as him.,A man sitting in the car,Looking here。
Two luxury cars on the street kiss the chrysanthemum,The traffic police on duty came over and took a look,Can't help but frown,I think it's the most annoying to deal with this kind of case,I had to bite the bullet again。
Wenjing is also annoying,Hit the car,Qin Mu probably won't feel distressed anyway,He doesn't feel bad,The key is,He is really sleepy。It's cold and windy in the street,It's so beautiful to go back to bed and get lost at this time!
The man who saw the traffic police hurried over to explain things like this,The traffic police sees this man with a good attitude.,Private is hopeful,Stretched brows,I came over to confirm some details with Wenjing,Finally, sign and draw,Wenjing's car will be handled by the other party。
Wenjing left the phone to the man in suit and leather shoes,I want to work efficiently,He can go back to sleep,Who knows that the other party won't let him go,Man sincerely:"gentlemen,We hit your car,My boss feels sorry,I want to invite you..."
Wenjing said immediately:"I've eaten,Thank you,it's OK,You just fix it。”
"……no,Our boss wants to buy you tea..."
At this moment,The man in the champagne gold Ferrari finally got out of the car,Tall,Get off,The onlookers screamed with impatience,The phone,Touch-up,Crowd is busy,Wenjing and the man hurried over to stop taking pictures。
Where is the president of Kuba dragging that popped up again? Wenjing thought,Pu'er is on par with Qin Mu and Qi Shaojie。
The president seems to be more precious than Qi Shaojie.,He didn't come to Wenjing,But to open the passenger's door,Made a "please get in the car" gesture to Wenjing。
Wenjing is not doing well,The girls around are screaming:"Go on,Come on! "
Wenjing...isn't it an ordinary rear-end collision? How can he feel that the plot is seriously crooked?
Don’t you just drink tea? Wenjing got in the president's car。
The car is a luxury car,Handsome guy,Changed Helen,I'm sure to have trouble breathing blissfully now,wrong,Is excited。
The president does not speak,Wenjing didn't speak,This feeling is weird,But Wenjing is not afraid,This person won't sell him。
Said to drink tea,The president really led him to a quaintly decorated teahouse,The welcome lady in cheongsam seems to know the president,Blessed blessed,Took the two to a tea room inside。
Wenjing discovered that there is a cave in this teahouse,It's built like the Zhai family compound,Open the lattice window,Outside is a small bridge and flowing water,A cold wind is blowing on your face,Wenjing played a clever。
"Is it cold? Do you want to close the window?" The president finally spoke,Ok,Sound good to hear,Look well-dressed,Also like a gentleman。
"not cold,Drove well,Good environment here。Wenjing took off the scarf,He wants to see what this man wants to do。
The president took the purple tea teapot from the beautiful waiter,Lightly nod your head:"I come,Go out! "
There are only two people left in the tea room,The president closed his mouth again,Start making tea,Wash cup,Soon,A scent of fragrance rushes to the face,Even the air is stained with the moisture of tea。
Wenjing watched his movements,Wonder,Who is this person?
He's sure he doesn't know this person,It's impossible to provoke his wife or sister or sister-in-law,It's even more impossible to invite him to drink tea just because he hit his car。
Gradually,Wenjing feels that the smell of tea is not floating in the air,But... Wenjing pondered for a long time,I didn’t figure out anything except that it was unbelievable,Anyway, make sure,This person must be here for him。
More patience,Wenjing also has good patience,He has long cultivated the ability to meet people, talk to people, talk to ghosts,During this time he also admitted that he was a little bit lazy,Taotao is fine,He started playing with things,The mind is always empty,Even Qin Mu didn't bother to use his brain to deal with it,But that doesn’t mean he’s brainless。
Obviously it's the first time I saw you,This person gives a feeling that he has known himself a long time ago。Wenjing was also mixed up,Intuition is quite accurate。
This president,Definitely not idle。
"Should we not know each other?" Wenjing looked at each other's eyes,This man’s eyes are long and slender,The corners of the eyes and mouth are slightly upturned,Is a good-tempered look,At least on the surface。But thinking about the posture of this person asking himself to get in the car just now,Wenjing knows,Such people are generally those with strong desire for control,I like the people around me。
The president handed Wenjing a cup of steaming tea,A purple sand cup not much bigger than glutinous rice balls,The tea inside has no impurities,The feeling of white steam on the face,It seems that even the pores have opened his mouth。
"We really don't know,My name is Shen Xuan。"I took a look at Wenjing,Shen Xuan hooked his lips:"have you heard of it?"
Shen Xuan,I seem to have seen this name somewhere,But I have never heard of it,"No,Are you a local? "
"Yes it is,But a few years ago, I left C city and went outside to develop,Come back now to meet your deceased,Oh,This teahouse is mine。”
I don't know if it's an illusion,Wenjing felt that when he was saying the word "old person",There is a frightening chill。
An old friend again!
"Oh!" Wenjing "Oh" End,The tea room fell into weird silence again,It seems that this Shen Xuan is purely to invite him to drink tea,Wenjing is not particular about drinking tea,Tea is good tea,Just drink inexplicably。
Although the window is open,But the tea room heating is quite adequate,Plus cup after cup of hot tea,Wenjing is warm all over,A handsome face is even more steamed out of a faint powder,As if he wasn't drinking tea,But wine。
Wenjing simply took off his coat,Inside is a light gray sweater with a neckline,Delicate collarbone,Slender neck,Wenjing put his clothes on and turned around,It happened to hit Shen Xuan's thoughtful sight。
Calm on the face of the scene,And smiled at each other,But I started playing drums in my heart,Isn't it? Another bend? Xin said that she has changed her mind,One Qin Mu is enough,One more word,I really can't get through this day。
Shen Xuan took a sip of tea,Smiled:"You dare to get in my car without knowing who I am,Aren't you afraid that I have a plan? "
Wenjing is half-truth:"There are more people who have a plan for me,But no one has ever succeeded。”
"You are really confident!"
"Mr. Shen praised。"Wen Jing just finished speaking,The familiar bell rang again,Wenjing didn't even watch it,Hung up directly。
Wenjing drank the tea he didn't even know the name,Spent more than an hour,Shen Xuan said to send him home,Wenjing refused,And reported the address of Repulse Bay。
The two people in the car have not communicated,Wenjing playing mobile phone,Qin Mu sent several angry WeChat,There is also a voice:"How dare you not answer my call?"
Qin Mu's domineering voice broke the silence in the car,Yu Guangzhong,Shen Xuan didn't turn his head to take a look,Keep staring ahead。
Wenjing is not sure!
Shen Xuan kept sending Wenjing to the door,Left without stopping for a moment,of course,Wenjing wouldn't invite him into the house for a cup of tea。
Speaking of tea,Wenjing quickly opened the door and entered the house,There are many people sitting in the living room,Wenjing didn't have time to pay attention,Rushed directly into the bathroom。
Just finished putting water,An angry chest was pasted on the back,Someone sour:"Who sent you back?"
Wenjing's calm and calm collection of trousers,The two moved to the sink to wash their hands like a Siamese baby,He looked at Qin Mu from the mirror,"How do you know someone sent me back?"
"The car didn't enter the yard,Where's your car? "
"I got a bite of my ass,Someone sent it for repair。”
Qin Mu raised his eyebrows:"You didn't tell me about the accident?"
"I'm okay,how,Love your car? Wenjing raised his chin provocatively,A pair of "knocked and hit,what do you want? ”The arrogant。
Qin Mu wants to kiss him,So I rushed to kiss him fiercely,I can't wait to swallow this person in my stomach。
Wenjing knows he can't resist,Why not enjoy it,Just hook the man's neck to deepen the kiss,At the end of the kiss, he didn't even know how to sit on the sink,The sweater on my body was also pushed to my chest,Qin Mu's dark head arched in front of his eyes,I was sorely hurt last night|The place I loved was sucked and hurt by this person again。
"Mr. Qin,Are you short of milk? "
Qin Mu muffled:"Jing'er..."
Taotao squinted at him,"roll!","roll!"。
"roll!",Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth。Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth:Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth
Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth,Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth
look in front of the mirror,look in front of the mirror。
look in front of the mirror,look in front of the mirror,look in front of the mirror:look in front of the mirror
look in front of the mirror
look in front of the mirror,look in front of the mirror,look in front of the mirror:look in front of the mirror,Did you meet someone strange? "
Did you meet someone strange? ",Did you meet someone strange? ",Did you meet someone strange? ",Did you meet someone strange? "。
Did you meet someone strange? ",Did you meet someone strange? ",Did you meet someone strange? "。
As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,Forget it,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.。
As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.。As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.,As for Shen Xuan? Wen Jing estimated the possible price of confessing and lenient.。"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long。”
"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long:"do not worry,"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long。”
"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long,"I've been in too long:"I've been in too long
"I've been in too long:"Qin Mu,"I've been in too long
Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.:Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.
Qin Mu frowned.
"Say,Qin Mu frowned.
Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.,Qin Mu frowned.,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Could it be that,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted
Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted。
Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted。Wen Jing thought it was him who was over-hearted,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.:Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.。”
Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.。
Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.。
Qin Mu pecked Wen Jing's lips.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.。
Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.。
Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.。
Zhai Yi is not in the mood to go to the store to drink.,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder。
The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder。
"Yo,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder。The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder。
"Ok,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder。The two drunkards came over shoulder-to-shoulder,drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly。
drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly:"roll!"
drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly:drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly
drunk and cowardly:"Do not,drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly
drunk and cowardly:drunk and cowardly,drunk and cowardly,you tell him to go。”
drunk and cowardly:you tell him to go,you tell him to go。”
you tell him to go,you tell him to go:you tell him to go,you tell him to go,you tell him to go,you tell him to go,you tell him to go。
you tell him to go,you tell him to go:"Fuck,you tell him to go
you tell him to go,you tell him to go,The drunkard also flew out。
The drunkard also flew out,The drunkard also flew out,The blood flowing in that stock has a violent|torrent factor。
The drunkard also flew out,The drunkard also flew out,The drunkard also flew out,The drunkard also flew out,The drunkard also flew out。
The drunkard also flew out,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist:A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist
A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist。
A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,A big hand grabbed Zhai Yi's wrist,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind。
You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind。”
You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind。
You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind。
You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind:You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind。”
You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind,You can see how long he has been blowing the cold wind:"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie
"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie。
"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie:"Qi Shaojie,"Qi Shaojie。”
Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.。
Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.。
Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.。
Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,Zhai Cheng looked at the two entangled together with a calm expression.,I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily"。

  ☆、I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily"

I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily",I don't know if I'm laughing at Qi Shaojie's inability to help or laughing at his own "involuntarily"。
Chen complains with a smile,Chen complains with a smile,Chen complains with a smile:Chen complains with a smile
Chen complains with a smile:Chen complains with a smile
Chen complains with a smile。Chen complains with a smile,Chen complains with a smile,Chen complains with a smile:Chen complains with a smile,I came here without telling him。”
I came here without telling him。”
I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him:"Wen Tao, this child is different from ordinary children.,I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him,what,I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him,I came here without telling him。”
I came here without telling him
"Ok,I came here without telling him
I came here without telling him。”
"I bought it,I came here without telling him。”
I came here without telling him,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again:Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again
Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again。Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again。
"Ha ha,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again。”
Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again:Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,Watching Wen Jing carrying a large bag of food to the kitchen, he quickly came out again,He was in a bit of a bad state at the time,He was in a bit of a bad state at the time。”
He was in a bit of a bad state at the time
He was in a bit of a bad state at the time
He was in a bit of a bad state at the time:"no,He was in a bit of a bad state at the time。He was in a bit of a bad state at the time,He was in a bit of a bad state at the time,He was in a bit of a bad state at the time。
He was in a bit of a bad state at the time。
Fallen soul, there's no one here,Fallen soul, there's no one here,Fallen soul, there's no one here,Scattered on the deck are sitting, drinking and chatting couples or suspected couples。
Fallen soul, there's no one here,Fallen soul, there's no one here,Fallen soul, there's no one here。
Fallen soul, there's no one here,Fallen soul, there's no one here
It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone。
It's no surprise that someone knows someone。
It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone,It's no surprise that someone knows someone。
"where?",Pick up the fruit knife on the coffee table and go to the bathroom to kill the mouth
Taotao squinted at him:"where?"
"where?":"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time。”
"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time
"It's really a waste of time
"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,"It's really a waste of time,I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.。
I never said that the statement was a little bad.:I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.。”
I never said that the statement was a little bad.。
I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.:I never said that the statement was a little bad.,I never said that the statement was a little bad.。”
Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum"。
Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum"。
Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum"。
Qin Mu gave a vicious "hum",That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking。
That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking。
do you want to die,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking。
That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking,That woman is Qi Shaojie fucking。Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided,Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided,Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided,Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided。
Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided,Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided
Wen Jing still remembers the first time he saw Zhai Yi's car almost collided,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?:What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?。”
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?。
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?。
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?:What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?。”
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?。"Fear,"Fear,"Fear:"Fear,"Fear,"Fear,"Fear,Do not,"Fear,"Fear,"Fear
"Fear,"Fear,"Fear,"Fear,If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family。
If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,really,If something happens to the Zhai family:If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family。If something happens to the Zhai family,If something happens to the Zhai family,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world,But he's the most important person to me in this world。”
But he's the most important person to me in this world,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.。
do you want to die,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.。”
I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.:"Do not,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.,I finally understand where Zhai Yi and Qi Shaojie are getting farther and farther.,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper:You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,go,Zhao Fei drives over。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper:You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper:You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper。”
You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,You don't think he'll think of it? you know my temper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper。
didn't turn a few pages,Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper。”
Bought Taotao's sketch paper:Bought Taotao's sketch paper
Bought Taotao's sketch paper。Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper:Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper,what,Bought Taotao's sketch paper
Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Bought Taotao's sketch paper,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing。
Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing,Zhai Yi is so greasy and crooked rubbing Wenjing
"Then you promise not to betray me。”
"Then you promise not to betray me
"Then you promise not to betray me,"Then you promise not to betray me:"Then you promise not to betray me,"Then you promise not to betray me
"Then you promise not to betray me:"Then you promise not to betray me
"Then you promise not to betray me,"Then you promise not to betray me:didn't turn a few pages,"Then you promise not to betray me,"Then you promise not to betray me,"Then you promise not to betray me,want you to go with him,want you to go with him
want you to go with him:want you to go with him,want you to go with him,want you to go with him
Nima,want you to go with him,want you to go with him:want you to go with him,want you to go with him。”
want you to go with him,like that guy would do,only,like that guy would do
like that guy would do,like that guy would do,like that guy would do,like that guy would do:like that guy would do,like that guy would do
like that guy would do,like that guy would do:like that guy would do
like that guy would do,like that guy would do
like that guy would do,like that guy would do,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie。
and so,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,But if you go elsewhere, you will definitely be found by Qi Shaojie,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore。
Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore。
Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore。
Not going to the store anymore,Not going to the store anymore:"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.。”
"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.:"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.。”
"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.:"no need,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.。”
Wenjing raises eyebrows,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.。
"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,"The fourth brother took the medicine and fell asleep.,He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things。
He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things:He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things。”
He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things,He's not the type to settle things,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao。
A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao。
A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao。
A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,A little excited, he said "thank you" to Taotao,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.。
When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.。
When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.。
When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.。but,When Wen Jing woke up in the morning, the man was nowhere to be seen again.。
Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand。
Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand。”
Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand:Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat,It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat。
What good can Qi Shaojie's mother do to Zhai Yi?,It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat,It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat:It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat
It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat,Rush people:It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat,It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat
It took a lot of hard work to squeeze the words out of the red and swollen throat,Shouldn't go out,do not worry。”
Shouldn't go out,Shouldn't go out:Shouldn't go out
Shouldn't go out:Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,Shouldn't go out,Shouldn't go out
Shouldn't go out,Shouldn't go out。
Shouldn't go out,Zhao Fei obviously means something.。
Zhao Fei obviously means something.,Zhao Fei obviously means something.,Zhao Fei obviously means something.,Zhao Fei obviously means something.:Zhao Fei obviously means something.
Zhao Fei obviously means something.,Zhao Fei obviously means something.,Zhao Fei obviously means something.:"From Xiaojing,"From Xiaojing。”
"From Xiaojing。
"From Xiaojing,"From Xiaojing。
"From Xiaojing:"From Xiaojing
"From Xiaojing,"From Xiaojing:"From Xiaojing。”
"Yo,"From Xiaojing。"From Xiaojing,"From Xiaojing:"From Xiaojing。”
Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.。
Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.。
Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.:Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.。”
Chen Fu really wanted to say that he could just push the drip stand by himself.,someone tutted again:someone tutted again。”
someone tutted again,someone tutted again:someone tutted again
someone tutted again,someone tutted again:Chen Chen holds a mobile phone in one hand,someone tutted again,someone tutted again,someone tutted again。”
someone tutted again,someone tutted again。someone tutted again,someone tutted again,someone tutted again。

  ☆、someone tutted again

Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.。
"No,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.。Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.:Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.
Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.。
Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,Wen Jing heard that Chen Fu had a sore throat and even his voice became hoarse.,side command:side command,side command,side command。”
side command
side command,side command,side command,side command。
"How much do you have in this card?",side command。side command,side command:side command,Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? "
Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? "。Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? "。
Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ":Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? "。”
Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? "
Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ":Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Is the house surnamed Wen or Qin? ",Are you my brother?。”
Are you my brother?:Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?。”
"Hey,Are you my brother?。Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?。
Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,Are you my brother?,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants,The two mermaid lines are slanted into the pants。
The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.。
The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,The faint-hearted Young Master Wen stood at the door and looked at Qin Mu with a sweater that didn't mean to put it on his head.,Eyes as deep as wells:Eyes as deep as wells
Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells,Adhesive,Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells。
Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells,Eyes as deep as wells:"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick。”
"It's no use giving me this trick
"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick:"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick。”
"It's no use giving me this trick
"It's no use giving me this trick,"It's no use giving me this trick
"It's no use giving me this trick,If something happens to the Zhai family,"It's no use giving me this trick。”
Wen Jing blushed:Wen Jing blushed。”
Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed。”
Wen Jing blushed
Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed。
Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed。
Wen Jing blushed,Wen Jing blushed。
Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.。
Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.。Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.:Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.
Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,Qin Mu reluctantly took out the palm of his hand that went into Wen Jing's pants.,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater。
After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater
After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,After letting go of Wen Jing, go to pick up the sweater,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao。
So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao。
didn't turn a few pages,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao,So don't worry about Taotao。”
Chapter 076 IOU,So don't worry about Taotao。
like that guy would do:So don't worry about Taotao
Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi:Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi。”
Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi。Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi。
Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing looked at Zhai Yi,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.。
Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.。Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.。
Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.,Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.
Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.:Wen Jing felt that no matter what Zhai Yi did, he would not be surprised.。”
Calm on the face of the scene:"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender,Tall,"He's a bartender。”
"He's a bartender:"He's a bartender
"how,"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender。
"He's a bartender:"do not know,"He's a bartender。”
"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender
"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender,"He's a bartender,Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting。
Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting,The foreman of the VIP box on the third floor hurried over:"Shen Xuan is a good person.,303Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting
Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting,Lying down but not sitting:"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch。”
"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch。"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch,"Follow up and watch,Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair。
Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair,Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair,Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair:Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair,Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair。”
Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair,Wen Jing can't lose half of his hair,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.。
The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.,The people who come in and out are all the famous people in City C.。
Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up。
Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up。
Wen Jing, go up and pull Xiao Luo up,Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket:Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket。”
Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket:Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket。”
Take the wipes out of the pocket:Take the wipes out of the pocket。
Take the wipes out of the pocket,Take the wipes out of the pocket,cold eyes。
cold eyes,cold eyes:cold eyes,cold eyes,Not bad,cold eyes
cold eyes,cold eyes。
cold eyes,cold eyes。cold eyes,cold eyes,cold eyes。cold eyes,not yet Wen Jing Gao。
not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao。
"Boy,not yet Wen Jing Gao
not yet Wen Jing Gao:not yet Wen Jing Gao。
not yet Wen Jing Gao:not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao,not yet Wen Jing Gao。”
"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?。”
"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?
"Isn't it just a little boss?:"Shen Xuan is a good person.,"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?。”
"Isn't it just a little boss?:"Isn't it just a little boss?
"Correct,"Isn't it just a little boss?
"Isn't it just a little boss?,"Isn't it just a little boss?。”
"Isn't it just a little boss?,It's like getting used to some occasions,It's like getting used to some occasions,It's like getting used to some occasions,It's like getting used to some occasions。
It's like getting used to some occasions。”
It's like getting used to some occasions:"Okay,It's like getting used to some occasions。”
It's like getting used to some occasions,It's like getting used to some occasions。”
It's like getting used to some occasions,It's like getting used to some occasions:"Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!"
"Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!","Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!","Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!":"Boy,"Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!"。”
"Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!",at the same time,"Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!","Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!","Then let me cut a hole in your head first and then talk about other things!"。
Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback。
Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback
Wen Jing was taken aback,Wen Jing was taken aback,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock。
Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock:Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock。”
Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock。Turn head,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock。
Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock:Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock。”
Ma Peng looked at the person behind Wen Jing in shock,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen:However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen
However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen。
However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,However, it can also be seen,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me:I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me。”
I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,correct,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,I can only let go of the deliciousness in front of me,He didn't tell him his name。
He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,He didn't tell him his name,Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article
Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article:Turn over today's article。
Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article,Turn over today's article,it's here,it's here,it's here。
it's here。it's here:it's here,it's here,it's here,it's here。”
it's here,it's here,it's here:it's here,it's here,it's here,How about this,Both give me a face,Both give me a face,Both give me a face,Both give me a face
Both give me a face,Both give me a face,Both give me a face,Both give me a face,Both give me a face。
of course,Both give me a face。
"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling。
"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling:"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling。”
"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling。
"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling,"Mr. Shen..." Ma Peng seemed unwilling。
a minute,a minute,a minute,a minute:a minute。”
a minute,a minute:a minute,a minute,a minute
a minute:a minute。”
a minute,a minute,Everyone's stretched,Everyone's stretched,Everyone's stretched,Everyone's stretched,Everyone's stretched:Everyone's stretched,Everyone's stretched

  ☆、Everyone's stretched

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