Nai Photobook Magazine Issue 02 BILL - Wanke Photo + Video

Nai Photobook Magazine Issue 02 BILL - Wanke Photo + Video

Resource Type:Photo+video
Resource size:580MB
Number of photo pages:251
Video duration:16Minutes and 20 seconds
Retail code:Nai Photobook Magazine Issue 02
Download software:Baidu Netdisk,google drive,OneDrive
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…first,I want to thank you for the 'Nai’ 01 feedback on questions。This part 2,I got 'BILL',Another brother who has been with me for years。
since college days,I saw the development of my brothers and sisters。I've thought about taking pictures several times。until now,I dare not make a sound。
until one day,I seriously invited him for a photo shoot,photo-tested,I understand staying healthy,Full abs require effort。I hope everyone can see his efforts。
I believe this issue is another photo album that will be loved by many people,Let's introduce each other,It will give each other a surprise!

Full hard version photo + video

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