NO.50MenAtPlay kneeling in front of the boss - Wanke Video

NO.50MenAtPlay kneeling in front of the boss - Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:650MB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:19Minutes and 40 seconds
Retail code:NO.50MenAtPlay
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MenAtPlay Suits Kneel Before Your Boss

actor:John Rodriguez & Nicholas Bardem

John Rodriguez is a motivated sales manager,He hopes to exceed the department's revenue target for the year。 He developed a highly defined business plan,If his boss and company owner Nicholas Bardem agree to increase his staff budget 5%,then success is almost guaranteed。

John plucked up the courage to make a request to Nicholas,but was immediately rejected。 John's ambition and determination to succeed impress boss。 continue to communicate,John kneels before his boss,Served the boss's giant roots,The boss goes crazy attacking John's backyard,The last cum reward is in John's mouth。

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